
Building a Dirt Jumper....

NJ Dave

Mar 18, 2002
hate to put this here, I think you were interested in my cheeta last summer when I was selling it on MTBR. Im pretty sure I have to sell my Planet X which I barely rode, figured Id see if you were interested.

Big John

Originally posted by NJ Dave
hate to put this here, I think you were interested in my cheeta last summer when I was selling it on MTBR. Im pretty sure I have to sell my Planet X which I barely rode, figured Id see if you were interested.
Oh yea! I remember the Cheeta DS you had. I do have a frame, but what are you asking for your Planet X??

Ian F

Turbo Monkey
Sep 8, 2001
Philadelphia area
Originally posted by Big John
Does anyone use "V"s anymore ???
sometimes, when on a budget... I'm building my Nashbar frame with Avid V's. For straight dirt jumping, V;s would be fine for you, but if you plan to do any HT-DH'ing on it, you'll need discs...

When Hulk gets his Bommer together... eventually... you'll have to give it a ride... might be a tad small for you... but it'll give you an idea... It'll have a DJ1, 36 spoke wheels, XT discs, Profile cranks... it'll be sweet... he and I just have to get to the same state at the same time...

have you ridden Rich's Surly Instigator? big bike... pretty burly... Hulk has a more recent BMX background (still owns one), so he can ride a smaller bike.

Knowing you, there are a couple things I would suggest you NOT skimp on: cranks and fork. get a DJ1 (20mm thru axle model) and get Profile or other chromoly cranks. If you plan to do any jumping at all, you will bend or break anything else.

How far are you from Winchester BMX track? Great place to hone your skills...

Big John

I'm really kind of afraid of breaking that frame to be honest. It may wind up being peewee's frame . I'm thinking either a Balfa or one of thise .243 frames. What info do we have on thse frames?
I'm not sure where that BMX track is but I'm only minutes away from White Marsh BMX tract and maybe 45 minutes from Bumps and Burms in York.

NJ Dave

Mar 18, 2002
Originally posted by Big John

Oh yea! I remember the Cheeta DS you had. I do have a frame, but what are you asking for your Planet X??
Its a full bike, Team Slalom RAD Frame, brand new Marz z3 qr20+, profiles, etc, etc. Id like to get 900 for the whole thing, Its literally brand new.

Big John

Originally posted by NJ Dave

Its a full bike, Team Slalom RAD Frame, brand new Marz z3 qr20+, profiles, etc, etc. Id like to get 900 for the whole thing, Its literally brand new.
Sounds sweet but out of my range. You know the deal too many bikes now and the wife is about to kill me anyway. I figure if I build one a little at a time maybe she won;t notice! hehe:thumb:


The Fresno Kid
Nov 26, 2001
Originally posted by bcd

my trek

14.5 , i love it. light strong cool smoke black finishothers
This has probably been asked, but how did you get the pegs on there? Especially on the fork?


Turbo Monkey
Sep 8, 2001
Originally posted by soulrider
Hmmm...pegs and disc brakes. Not a good combo:rolleyes:
yeh they are off now. if i had some gaurds
they work fine. it is getting on the rail that
is hard.

the fork mount requared grinding the dropout
flat, the cutting the peg to fit the narrow dropout.
back went right on.


Apr 7, 2002
Get the .243racing frame I have one it is sooo nice, I cant say enough about it. PS Eric Fox is the coolest guy to:D


Turbo Monkey
Mar 19, 2002
buy a kona scab, and put a 4 inch fork on it thats what i did and im lovin it! perfect for dj, urban, and anything else besides down hill, i really suggest that :D :cool:


Sep 9, 2001
cambridge, ma
Originally posted by axel
i like my specialized p3.
i second that. stock except:
beefier tires/tubes
rear disc only, instead of f&r v's
avid rollamajig
a-frame pedals

pretty sweet!

one thing that i find to be pretty important in a DJ bike is weight in the wheels... if you can get away with running an XC tube up front with a lighter casing tire, definitely do it! all that rotating mass does add up when you're however many feet off the ground trying to get over the top of the landing


Here are my 2 bikes. The P.3 is actually out of service now but I jumped that bad boy for 2 solid years. A really decent bike and you can find them for cheap $$ now. It served me well learning to dirtjump all the way up to Large dirtjumps.

Since I've switched to the Imperial thou and jump mostly Larger level dirtjumps I can tell the diff. The Imp has definately helped my jumping and given me more confidence. It currently is built up lil different than that pic. Has a ALEX wheel on the front with no brake and a 2002 Marzocchi MXC 100 or something fork (4"). Also has Profiles now and a 2002 E13 guide.

My advice on a DJ bike is make sure you have Cro-mo cranks and a fork that is 4" or 3". 5"s is pretty pointless for DJ'ing and just makes pushing transitions that much harder IMO.