
Building in the Quarry


Aug 18, 2004
Santa cruz
So the g-parents are here and i decided that it would be a good time to get some work done on so gaps i have been look at for awhile in the quarry behind my house. Its been hard going so far because i am working with some very sandy soil, but i think it'll work. The landings on the last two arnt done yet. The first one is the smallest of the three but because my camera sucks and shows no depth so it looks like the biggest. The first one has already been done so it gives me hope that the other will hold up.


Sep 26, 2004
Santa Cruz Mountains
how big our those eric?? and ill help you bulid at your house if you help me bulid at mine, time to time. i forgot to get you some pics of what im buliding, but ill try to get some to you soon even though i mostly bulid trails


Aug 18, 2004
Santa cruz
the second two are way bigger than the first one. If you need a refrence look in the bottom left hand corner of the 2nd one and theres a rake...its really hard to see. But as far as help sure pm me(some one with sandy working expencience). Imight go take some measurements today mabye. I you want a conparison the 1st has a bigger drop than the dc gap but the gap its self is alittle smaller. Jim this weekend we';ll finsh them and then hitum up. Oh there in Ben Lomond in a big quarry behind my house. Once there done (and ive hit them) i would be happy to give out some more information other riders


Aug 18, 2004
Santa cruz
i measure them and the first one is about 12ft height x16ft long at the min.(long trany). The other two are about the same at 16ft heightx 23ft long. the main difference is that the third one is a hip. 2 and 3 can be linked together also which is cool.