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Leader and Demogogue of the Ridemonkey Satinists
Oct 26, 2001
chez moi
Is this thread an online dog-pile of people with no connection to the issue, possibly venting personal frustrations on a situation completely unrelated to their lives?


Does she deserve it, along with any legal action SpeedDH might take? Should her reputation as a person, athlete, and potential employee suffer for it?


Hopefully, if nothing else, once she applies for a job anywhere in the country, the HR rep googles her name and finds this thread along with any other negative info out there.

The Internet giveth [stuff] and taketh away [integrity].

SDH Racing

Apr 5, 2006
The Boiling Point

Well today was quite a line of events, where to begin.

Eairler this evening I received a call from her father and it was one of the most dumbfounded conversations I have EVER had in my life and it went like this...

It lasted about five minutes and the WHOLE conversation is him shifting the burden of proof on us. In other words he was saying its OUR FAULT for having her on the team and we should have "researched her more before letting her join" WHAT!?
SHE came to US after we put out our ad looking for a top female rider to sponsore for the ENTIRE 2008 season. (See calling out top mud hunnies)
On top of that I never got one word in because every time I would try to explain he cut me off with more yelling and accusations.
He did seem to have a genuine question mark about her racing this year and I could tell he was only getting about half the story and half the truth. Then he tried to claim we're "harassing them" when the truth is I spoke to his wife twice in a calm manner to try to get in touch with Chrissie, which by the way when I asked her for Chrissie's new contact info so I wouldn't have to talk to them... she refused to give it to me.
He also doubted that it was the teams money with the sponsorships to get her the free stuff even after explaining this to him. And his answer for her actions "well hey man thats racing and thats how it goes ya gotta just hope for the best". :rolleyes:
If he would have let me explain perhaps he wouldn't have worked himself into such a fit.

Then later I receive an e mail from her with the same story that it was basically the teams responsibility for her actions except for a few she explained and that she refuses to pay since they were "free and given to her". And making false claims that the parents made that calls to get in touch with her about the issues was threating and forceful.
Absolutely unbelievable and the MOST unprofessional, lying story twisting people we have EVER dealt with in our eight year history. This is like a bank robber saying "Well I wouldn't have robbed the bank if the economy was alot better so you see judge, it's really the economies fault not mine".

So whats next? The devil made her do it? :nopity:
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i have been dealing with that family for years now, individually Her father george is a good guy, but when its family matter (as this case is) he and the rest of the family are very close minded shallow individuals. Chrissie has no capabilities of taking responsibility for herself or showing respect for other individuals, Constantly using people and meagerly repaying those who have helped her.

What happened to TeamSpeedDH is not an uncommon thing for her to nor do i even expect her to ever fully apologize for her actions. she does what an elementary school child does. when things don't go her way, she will turn her back and shut off all communication and hope for things to blow over. She just hasn't realized yet that she cant do this in the real world with out real world consequences.

I say drop the hammer, she needs a serious wake up call! :bonk:


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout

Do you have HER SIGNATURE on a CONTRACT binding her to race for YOUR TEAM and it's SPONSORS for the 2008 season? If yes, I will gladly donate the $30 for you to file claims against this retard. And please do so ASAP.

~Jon Kranked

SDH Racing

Apr 5, 2006

Do you have HER SIGNATURE on a CONTRACT binding her to race for YOUR TEAM and it's SPONSORS for the 2008 season? If yes, I will gladly donate the $30 for you to file claims against this retard. And please do so ASAP.

~Jon Kranked
Thats the tricky but still doable part. We have both a team contract and individual sponsor ones like Azonic, Sun/Hayes ect.
After talking with her on original good terms the plan was to get her the gear because she said she had some events and races so she wanted to represent the team at them. So the items were sent with the plan to send the contract out for her to sign but thats when the whole communication thing started and so on. Yes looking back on it, a bad move on my part and thats what I get for being too trusting.

However I did go over the terms with her in detail and she agreed to them in order to receive hr items. In other words until we reviewed the terms and she agreed I would not have sent anything. At the moment she's insisting she send the items back but they're used at this point and were custom made for her so they're useless otherwise. I called the court there and can still take out a claim because I have all the documentation of items sent and what everything cost.
Once the papers are sent to her address she has to appear but someone would have to go on my behalf. And word on the street is she's planning to move out soon so I'll have to spring into action fast. Anyone that would like to help is more then welcome.


boob hater
Jan 24, 2004
Thats the tricky but still doable part. We have both a team contract and individual sponsor ones like Azonic, Sun/Hayes ect.
After talking with her on original good terms the plan was to get her the gear because she said she had some events and races so she wanted to represent the team at them. So the items were sent with the plan to send the contract out for her to sign but thats when the whole communication thing started and so on. Yes looking back on it, a bad move on my part and thats what I get for being too trusting.

However I did go over the terms with her in detail and she agreed to them in order to receive hr items. In other words until we reviewed the terms and she agreed I would not have sent anything. At the moment she's insisting she send the items back but they're used at this point and were custom made for her so they're useless otherwise. I called the court there and can still take out a claim because I have all the documentation of items sent and what everything cost.
Once the papers are sent to her address she has to appear but someone would have to go on my behalf. And word on the street is she's planning to move out soon so I'll have to spring into action fast. Anyone that would like to help is more then welcome.
I'm in to help, I don't know if I can file for you, but I can show up and argue for you (WC is slightly far from me). I've tussled in small claims before...Do you have documentation of her agreeing to the conditions, IE emails and such? That's usually enough for small claims. As long as you have written proof of her corroborating your side of the story, you're in the clear.

Figure I should pay back karma for a riding buddy helping me out in small claims ;)


Apr 4, 2008
Virginia, USA
Is this thread an online dog-pile of people with no connection to the issue, possibly venting personal frustrations on a situation completely unrelated to their lives?

You know I'm very much against the internet dog-pile in theory. But in this case, where she had time to log in to Myspace yesterday but hasn't had time to give Team SDH a detailed explanation since, oh, March or something... I'm all for it.

Hopefully, if nothing else, once she applies for a job anywhere in the country, the HR rep googles her name and finds this thread along with any other negative info out there.
Interestingly enough, this thread is the second hit on Google after her SponsorHouse page.

Mission accomplished.


Oct 1, 2006
west asheville
Team SpeeDH - when thinking about what to do in this situation, please don't forget what your time and efforts are worth compared to what you will gain from taking her to court (not to mention what Blue's time is worth for driving down there for you). It is absolutely terrible that anyone would be so unethical but fortunately for you it's only $400.

Last year, I had an unscrupulous ex-business partner rip me off (in the course of only 5 months) for more than most lower end luxury cars are worth. My situation is similar in that he is far away geographically speaking and after spending many thousands of dollars in legal fees, I decided to leave it alone. I am much better off putting that time, effort and money into building my business than I would be to go thru the stress and ridiculous amount of time to collect.

My feeling is that if you spend the time and effort that you would use to take her to court and put it into growing and expanding your team, the benefits will greatly exceed $400.

I understand the PRINCIPLES of this situation but IMO it's just not practical to go chasing someone across the country over this. Just my .02.


<b>WAY</b> Dumber than N8 (to the power of ten alm
Feb 21, 2008
Team SpeeDH - when thinking about what to do in this situation, please don't forget what your time and efforts are worth compared to what you will gain from taking her to court (not to mention what Blue's time is worth for driving down there for you). It is absolutely terrible that anyone would be so unethical but fortunately for you it's only $400.

My feeling is that if you spend the time and effort that you would use to take her to court and put it into growing and expanding your team, the benefits will greatly exceed $400.

I understand the PRINCIPLES of this situation but IMO it's just not practical to go chasing someone across the country over this. Just my .02.
There's a concept that was instilled in us as children in Nevada, you don't let people steal from you. It creates a "Shark pit" mentality, people start feeding off of those too weak to stand their ground.

Sometimes its the principal alone that makes it worthwhile. While in this case by the time its all said and done it will be more like $1300 ($400 for the gear * 3 by California state law, + court costs) it is still worth the effort and the time to make sure she understands that this is not acceptable.

What blows me out more then anything else is her family on this. Even now at almost 31 if my dad were to get a call like this, he would be up my ass with a red hot poker, or just in the mood to hand out some "nevada parenting."

Chrissie and her family are thieves, liars and frauds. I don't care if they are close minded, inbred mormon swine, you don't act like this. If you do, there are consequences. Its too bad she isn't in Nevada, I could have all of this solved in a quick second. Lots of holes in the desert, lots of problems been solved in those holes, if you know what I am saying...


Turbo Monkey
Oct 16, 2005
I don't know what's worse

-an 18 year old chick that doesn't honor a verbal agreement
-a grown man that doesn't know how to do a business deal
-or all the monkeys who want revenge on fellow 18 year old downhiller

I think being a semi-grown man myself, although short and immature, I know better than to do business with an 18 year old, or anyone near philly quite frankley, w/out documentation. You gave her the stuff.

You say you don't want revenge, but you know posts like this become part of history, no matter how distorted. Did you warn her that you were going to slam her on RM and the net before doing so?? I'm sure you already cost her much more than $450 in potential jobs and such.

Why do you state her name and her dad's but don't list yours in your post??

IN life there is Justice and Mercy. I've been on RM enough to know many that do the actually posting are all justice (I would disagree w/opie on that sh1t all the time). BUt the chick is 18 and 3000 miles away, no excuses or apologies for her, but a grown man running a team should have known better.

There is a cost for vengence. If you're gonna get revenge, better dig two graves- neither one of you will win.

I know, i know, i know, here it comes- 18 years old is an adult and she should pay for this the rest of her life and I'm an idiot.

Nat Bartholomew


Oct 1, 2006
west asheville
IThere is a cost for vengence. If you're gonna get revenge, better dig two graves- neither one of you will win.
Amen, Nat...Amen. I couldn't agree with you more. Sometimes you just have to swallow your pride and focus your energy elsewhere as I said about 6-7 posts up ^^.

I think Team SpeeDH has learned his lesson and it won't happen again which in itself is worth $400.

SDH Racing

Apr 5, 2006
Thank you for those of you willing to help. Now I've noticed the word "vengeance" come up quite a few times alog with some other accusations, so I will explain this... once again.
First, this has NOTHING to do with &#8220;vengeance&#8221;; the thread was created after MANY attempts over a period of months to contact her. Had I left it alone she would have simply walked without so much as a peep. Second, THIS is the breaking point as we've had this kind of thing happen a few times before and I (we) will NOT tolerate it anymore. Race teams are hard enough to keep alive without things like this happening.

Could I let it go? Sure but what good does that do? She thinks she gets away with it and perhaps she latches onto another team and pulls the same stunts...not on my watch.
As I stated before she had absolutely no trouble contacting us for gear, then shortly after she received it...nothing. Now in her defense if you will, she did hit a few bumps in making it to certain races and that&#8217;s fine. But to disappear off radar since early March and ignore countless messages is questionable and unacceptable simply put.
And for the last time... research all of TEAM SPEEDH's posts about the matter THERE IS NO BASHING. This is purely and informational/warning thread to others since when it was created when I had not been in contact with her. And the only way to get her to actually e mail us is by forcing the issue enough that the parents make her otherwise I get nothing.
Yes I did somewhat choose to make an example out of this but for good reason and because I don&#8217;t want people thinking they can do things like this and walk away.

And again:

I don&#8217;t blame people for their mistakes, I just ask that they pay for them.

SDH Racing

Apr 5, 2006
I don't know what's worse

-a grown man that doesn't know how to do a business deal
Trust me, others and myself affiliated with the team know PLENTY how to do business, that&#8217;s not even the issue at hand here.

Her selection was based on her previous profile stats which were very impressive and included a full page article in Decline. On that stand point, had this been on honored agreement it would have been an excellent investment.

And don&#8217;t be fooled by this either, I'm not stressing out or groveling angrily over any of this. I do hope a resolution can be reach and at the very least she learns that you can&#8217;t do actions like this and expect everyone to forget it. Riding for a sponsored team is a fun but serious thing, we've given her ample opportunity to make things right over the past months and she chose to ignore it, so then it comes to this.
Believe me when I say this whole thing takes up very little of my time and to me was worth the effort not so much as to go after her but to use the whole situation to prove a point of honoring what you say and working to live up to it&#8217;s fulfillment.
Team SDH


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
Amen, Nat...Amen. I couldn't agree with you more. Sometimes you just have to swallow your pride and focus your energy elsewhere as I said about 6-7 posts up ^^.

I think Team SpeeDH has learned his lesson and it won't happen again which in itself is worth $400.
So if I scammed/stole $400 from YOU, then you would just sit by idly while I get away with it, and just chalk it up to a lesson learned? I think not.

This isn't about vengeance, its about accountability.


Turbo Monkey
Oct 16, 2005
If I was naive enough to mail you $400 with no receipt or contract and you didn't pay me back, yes, I would look at it as a lesson learned and the equivelant of one college credit (in terms of 400/credit). If you came to my house and took it from me- well that's what the gun forum is for.

I've lost some deals because I was too green or lazy to take the right precautions. Our truck was robbed because we parked in the shade and left our bags in plain view- not right that we were robbed, but my fault for being stupid about it (that was a 2 credit course for me).

It's one thing to warn potential sponsors and another thing to bash a chick and her whole family.

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
Yeah, that's a fantastic idea. Let's just allow people to be douchebags with no accountability. It was probably my fault my house got robbed a few months ago, after all, I didn't have an alarm system. The guys were young and just wanted some cash, no big deal. Let 'em walk.

If you deliberately screw someone, you should fully expect them to do something about it. She was not owed a "warning" about coming public with this. She consciously and deliberately f**ked someone and should be held accountable for her actions.

Half the posts here are joking, and another chunk are unreasonably vengeful... but SpeeDH doesn't owe her any kind of silence or consideration in the matter, nor does he owe the world his contact information. He has a team and if you cared to look it up, he is certainly traceable. All he did was post the facts of a bad transaction and that's what this forum is for. If that costs her jobs, that's on her own head and is not an unreasonable consequence.

I'd be pretty miffed if someone was screwing other Ridemonkey members, and then I got screwed only to find out nobody bothered to actually label the guy as a scammer. 18 is plenty old enough to know there are consequences for your actions.
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Turbo Monkey
Oct 16, 2005
Yeah, that's a fantastic idea. Let's just allow people to be douchebags with no accountability.

If you deliberately screw someone, you should fully expect them to do something about it. She was not owed a "warning" about coming public with this. She consciously and deliberately f**ked someone and should be held accountable for her actions.

Half the posts here are joking, and another chunk are unreasonably vengeful... but SpeeDH doesn't owe her any kind of silence or consideration in the matter, nor does he owe the world his contact information. He has a team and if you cared to look it up, he is certainly traceable. All he did was post the facts of a bad transaction and that's what this forum is for. If that costs her jobs, that's on her own head and is not an unreasonable consequence.

I'd be pretty miffed if someone was screwing other Ridemonkey members, and then I got screwed only to find out nobody bothered to actually label the guy as a scammer. 18 is plenty old enough to know there are consequences for your actions.

That's you. You enjoy your black and white digital world where you control the information and others who can not be present to defend themselves just get splattered on the internet highway. And their dads, and such. Hope she doesn't have any little brothers that read this like the little kid on her myspace.

Maybe she had every intention racing and already used the stuff and then went out and got a boyfriend- like an 18 year old girl. BIg suprise there.

As an administrator you let people get blasted on your site using their full names without the name of the person accusing?? Better hope you don't have a little sister. If she was 17 and I was her father I would make some money off RM.

Do you buy things on ebay 3000 miles away without paypal and expect the person to send you the item?? How about from a teenager?? Maybe you can start Sponsorpal:)

Secret Squirrel

There is no Justice!
Dec 21, 2004
Up sh*t creek, without a paddle
That's you. You enjoy your black and white digital world where you control the information and others who can not be present to defend themselves just get splattered on the internet highway. And their dads, and such. Hope she doesn't have any little brothers that read this like the little kid on her myspace.

Maybe she had every intention racing and already used the stuff and then went out and got a boyfriend- like an 18 year old girl. BIg suprise there.

As an administrator you let people get blasted on your site using their full names without the name of the person accusing?? Better hope you don't have a little sister. If she was 17 and I was her father I would make some money off RM.

Do you buy things on ebay 3000 miles away without paypal and expect the person to send you the item?? How about from a teenager?? Maybe you can start Sponsorpal:)

Are you high?
Intentionally delusional perhaps?
Cognitively dissonent?

From the outset this thread (it has taken a few detours and had it's detractors) has been about someone that has not lived up to their end of an agreement. When you do that, prepare to reap the whirlwind.

I have a wife, a child, a home, a car, some bikes, a job, etc....and if I get too busy/sidetracked/etc. I contact the people I have an agreement with and explain the situation and resolve it like an adult. I don't just cut communcation and hope it blows over.

Your posts are getting more and more convoluted to the point of not relating to anything going on with this thread. I appreciate the "devil's advocate" stance as well as anyone...but please...at least try to keep some sort of cohesiveness about it....

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
That's you. You enjoy your black and white digital world where you control the information and others who can not be present to defend themselves just get splattered on the internet highway. And their dads, and such.
It's a public forum and she is registered here. She got the job from here. She can defend herself if she wants.

Maybe she had every intention racing and already used the stuff and then went out and got a boyfriend- like an 18 year old girl. BIg suprise there.
Yeah, imagine that. Maybe I'll tell my boss that I wanted to go fishing and drink beer, like a 27 year old guy. Or tell my mortgage company I don't have any money, like a college student. I am both of those things.

Sorry, it doesn't fly. IF that were the case, which it could well be, she needs to step up and fix it. Starting with reasonable communication with the team she promised to ride with, and ending with some kind of compromise.

As an administrator you let people get blasted on your site using their full names without the name of the person accusing?? Better hope you don't have a little sister. If she was 17 and I was her father I would make some money off RM.
I'm sorry, did you want me to delete what has every single sign of a legitimate complaint from a long standing member in a forum that is designed specifically to ensure others don't suffer the same problems? Besides the fact that the injured party HAS A TEAM which means his name is easily obtainable, especially by clicking that neat little link in his signature, what good, exactly, does his name do?

Incidentally, there have been a few cases brought before court where a ridiculed party has sued a message board and so far they haven't held up. IF she was a minor, I would have been more inclined to watch more carefully, but she's not. She has her full name posted here, posted on her sponsor house account, and posted on her MySpace. I'm not sure why you seem to be focusing so much on this, considering how public her full name is.

Do you buy things on ebay 3000 miles away without paypal and expect the person to send you the item??
Yes. I have made purchases using money orders before. Lots of people do. If someone screwed me, and there were an appropriate venue to air my grievance, I would do so.
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<b>WAY</b> Dumber than N8 (to the power of ten alm
Feb 21, 2008
What ever happened to accountability in this country?

I run a team as well. If someone by virtue of fraud lifted $400 off of me, and then tried to hide behind their folks and their "reputation" I would be a lot less polite and a hell of a lot less cool then TeamSpeedh.

I put it to you:

What would Big Worm do? Playing with my money is like playing with my emotions.

DMG; I appreciate your thoughts on the matter, but let's keep it a little more civil than that.
My apologies. I hear about good people getting ripped off by someone who takes advantage and then runs away, and I get in a mood.

If I was naive enough to mail you $400 with no receipt or contract and you didn't pay me back, yes, I would look at it as a lesson learned and the equivelant of one college credit (in terms of 400/credit). If you came to my house and took it from me- well that's what the gun forum is for.

I've lost some deals because I was too green or lazy to take the right precautions. Our truck was robbed because we parked in the shade and left our bags in plain view- not right that we were robbed, but my fault for being stupid about it (that was a 2 credit course for me).

It's one thing to warn potential sponsors and another thing to bash a chick and her whole family.
Where to start...

1. You're good with her taking money, but you're going to go so far as to say that if someone like me were to show up and demand my money or my goods you'd pull a gun? Wow, hope you're ready to die for something that you yourself seem to think trite.

2. So because you've decided to take the route of the ostrich this somehow justifies your view that someone else should take it in the shorts because of the age of the person he dealt with?

3. He's not bashing anyone. He's relaying the events as they've taken place. If Chrissie wasn't acting like such a cooze and her folks weren't attempting to stone wall this guy, this wouldn't have ever come to RM. However, they think that they can ball up and cock block this guy from what is rightfully his. Hate to tell you, but the law and the common man don't see it that way.

Like they said in Mad Max; Beyond Thunderdome "Break a deal, face the wheel."

If only it was that simple. Put her and her family in the ring, put the entire TeamSpeedDh group on the other side, let it all work out.
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Turbo Monkey
Oct 16, 2005
Where to start...

1. You're good with her taking money, but you're going to go so far as to say that if someone like me were to show up and demand my money or my goods you'd pull a gun? Wow, hope you're ready to die for something that you yourself seem to think trite.


YOu didn't read the previous post. THe comparison was if someone took 400$ from me would I let it go. The answer was yes if I gave it too them willingly through the mail w/no documentation.....especially if they are 18. The answer was no if they showed up at my house and tried to take money from me (obviously just breaking into my house would get one shot). It has nothing to do with repayment of debt, but the ways of taking the initial stolen sum.


Turbo Monkey
Oct 16, 2005
I have a wife, a child, a home, a car, some bikes, a job, etc....and if I get too busy/sidetracked/etc. I contact the people I have an agreement with and explain the situation and resolve it like an adult. I don't just cut communcation and hope it blows over.

So you wouldn't handle it like an immature 18 year old girl???

So to tie into my arguement, WOULD YOU do business and trust the promises of an 18 year old 3000 miles away??


<b>WAY</b> Dumber than N8 (to the power of ten alm
Feb 21, 2008
If you came to my house and took it from me- well that's what the gun forum is for.
The way I read this is that if I came to your house and demanded my money you'd be showing me your gun. You're willing to die over $400, but yet you think that going to the point of posting something is wrong.

I know my values are off the standard path, but damn, I think you have me beat on this.


Oct 1, 2006
west asheville
I agree that he should be pissed about the situation but I think all of you guys are de-valuing your TIME spent dealing with such matters. How much time and wasted energy has he put in this so far? Over $400?

If he were to direct that time, energy, and little bits of money into his team and further their reputation, I firmly believe that would far exceed $400. You guys are suggesting that he coordinate a small claims lawsuit from 3000 miles away and have an internet stranger who he's never met show up in court for him.

I understand wanting to make sure this doesn't happen to anyone else but how much of your resources do you want to waste in the process? I just think your time could be better spent elsewhere - but I'm just going on recent real life experiences from something I've been dealing with for the past year and a half.

Not trying to be a hippie but the world has a funny way of bringing justice to people who do things like this.

Secret Squirrel

There is no Justice!
Dec 21, 2004
Up sh*t creek, without a paddle
So you wouldn't handle it like an immature 18 year old girl???

So to tie into my arguement, WOULD YOU do business and trust the promises of an 18 year old 3000 miles away??
Ugh....the relevance of ad hoc adjectives and the person's sex have nothing to do with personal responsibility and accountibility. Period. End of story. Finis.

If someone enters into a verbal, signed, whatever agreement with me, then yes, I would trust that their word, signature, whatever was good. And if it went bad (this is the case here) I would make sure that I called them on it regardless of circumstances.

Why are you so eager to give people passes for being irresponsible? Seriously...
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<b>WAY</b> Dumber than N8 (to the power of ten alm
Feb 21, 2008
I think its time for the velvet glove to come off the iron fist.

File papers, ask for extra damages. As soon as you secure the judgment, go put a lien on anything of value she has. Go full metal jacket, make an example of her.

I'm real happy she's a girl, and she wears pink, and that she's a good rider, but this does not excuse her behavior. She needs to be held accountable. I don't believe in Karma, it doesn't do the job. I almost believe in the justice system, as the OP is just trying to get whole again.

She's a liar and a thief, her family advocates her actions, and some of you don't think its alright to take action against that. I weep for the future.


Turbo Monkey
Oct 16, 2005
She got the job from here. She can defend herself if she wants.
Good point, you got me there.

I'm sorry, did you want me to delete what has every single sign of a legitimate complaint from a long standing member in a forum that is designed specifically to ensure others don't suffer the same problems? ..
This part has become an issue due to the impact it has on a young person's life: Perhaps there is a classier way that it won't be the second found item during an internet search. Keep only the names of the parties involved in the initial deal- why bring family in?? Especially if you're going the "she's and adult" route. You can't have it both ways, she's and adult but I"m going after her family because she's a kid??

IF she was a minor, I would have been more inclined to watch more carefully, but she's not. She has her full name posted here, posted on her sponsor house account, and posted on her MySpace. I'm not sure why you seem to be focusing so much on this, considering how public her full name is.

Yes. I have made purchases using money orders before. Lots of people do. If someone screwed me, and there were an appropriate venue to air my grievance, I would do so.

Was she a minor at the time of the post??

HOw many money orders have you mailed to teenagers??


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
This part has become an issue due to the impact it has on a young person's life: Perhaps there is a classier way...
#1) Yes, it's going to have an impact on her life. There are things called "actions", and there are things called "consequences". When you choose to act in a deceitful way and when some of your actions are theft, there are going to be negative consequences.

#2) TeamSpeed DH did try to do things in a classy way. He contacted her in an attempt to get the items back, as she was not holding up her end of the bargain. She verbally agreed to this, but failed to follow through. Again, an action that is going to have negative consequences.

Bottom line is, she was given the opportunity to correct her actions and avoid negative consequences. She failed to do so, and is going to have to suffer the negative consequences. Some people just don't get it, and have to learn the hard way.


Turbo Monkey
Oct 16, 2005
Why are you so eager to give people passes for being irresponsible? Seriously...
- I have learned to give free passes when I should have known better.

- I really don't like how this thread is the second thing to show up during an internet search of her name. Do you guys really think it's just???

- Bringing her family into this nasty thread is not appropriate. Poor guy is raising a teenage daughter- don't you think he has paid enough:)

We'll have to agree to disagree. I hope the two parties come to some sort of agreement.


Leader and Demogogue of the Ridemonkey Satinists
Oct 26, 2001
chez moi
Good point, you got me there.

This part has become an issue due to the impact it has on a young person's life: Perhaps there is a classier way that it won't be the second found item during an internet search. Keep only the names of the parties involved in the initial deal- why bring family in?? Especially if you're going the "she's and adult" route. You can't have it both ways, she's and adult but I"m going after her family because she's a kid??

Was she a minor at the time of the post??

HOw many money orders have you mailed to teenagers??
Yeah, yeah, caveat emptor and all. But maybe it should be caveat thief, too.

I thought ultra-libertarians were all about personal responsibility and all that, on both parts. Are you suggesting it's out of the range of reasonable behavior for the team to seek redress for the wrong she seems to have done? That's especially ridiculous paired with a justification of "well, she's young and this might not be pleasant for her."

To bring "class" into it on her behalf is laughable. Any class shown here has been shown by SpeedDH.

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
This part has become an issue due to the impact it has on a young person's life: Perhaps there is a classier way that it won't be the second found item during an internet search. Keep only the names of the parties involved in the initial deal- why bring family in?? Especially if you're going the "she's and adult" route. You can't have it both ways, she's and adult but I"m going after her family because she's a kid??
When daddy starts fighting her fights, you have it both ways. She's an adult, so she needs to take responsibility for her actions. When dad decides his little girl is above taking responsibility for her actions, though, I don't see where it's a problem that he's simply stating what happened.

Was she a minor at the time of the post??

It was only a month ago, dude. I checked at the time.

HOw many money orders have you mailed to teenagers??
I presume several, since I have bought off mountain biking websites which are chalk full of teenagers. Interestingly, though, I don't really ask their ages, since I would hold a teenager or a 40 year old equally responsible for stealing from me.
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Apr 4, 2008
Virginia, USA
This part has become an issue due to the impact it has on a young person's life
When I was Chrissie's age I did something similar, although on a much larger scale. I got caught, I almost went to jail, and I burned alot of bridges and had to leave behind what would've been a promising career. The impact it had then, and to an extent the impact it still has on my life is my penance for doing wrong. I was young, imature, and stupid. I still knew right from wrong, and I chose wrong.

How exactly is this "immature young person" going to become mature if someone doesn't make her learn a lesson from her actions? A lesson her parents should have taught her.
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Sep 6, 2004
Pacific Northwest
When I was Chrissie's age I did something similar, although on a much larger scale. I got caught, I almost went to jail, and I burned alot of bridges and had to leave behind what would've been a promising career. The impact it had then, and to an extent the impact it still has on my life is my penance for doing wrong. I was young, imature, and stupid. I still knew right from wrong, and I chose wrong.

How exactly is this "immature young person" going to become mature if someone doesn't make her learn a lesson from her actions? A lesson her parents should have taught her.
One thing for sure, is you're not the one to "make" her or anyone else learn:bonk:how long have you been seeing cross-eyed. Try not to take what i said the wrong way:biggrin:it's been a rough day.

She's not a dog or a lab rat, in spite of what many people think, there is way more to learning than classical conditioning. ufffff, I can't believe people are still going on about this issue. Perhaps a question to the mods, might be When Is Enough, Enough. Don't you have anything better to do than rank on this lady and take issue with her family; why is this pushing so many buttons. What's really going on?

There are a lot of other things happening that are worthy of concern, but you're not speaking out about them the way you are about Chrissy; why does this issue hit close to home for so many people on this website? And why are so many of you so freaking mean spirited?

If you're worried about tarnishing the sport or giving racers a bad name, step back and look in the mirror; what you see is what you have to work with. Talk about giving the sport or racers a bad name, listen to some of the crap some of you are dishing out here; stop talking trash and being so disrespectful.

I totally agree with whoever said that it's crude to bring the family down-what is all this ranting and raving really about? Did I miss the big picture again?

Early in this thread, the woman from the racing team said she didn't intend for this thread to cause Chrissy any harm; I like what she wrote because I think it''s a good example of sportsmanship. or is it Sportswomanship?

Unfortunately, the talk of beating Chrissy up and / or hurting her in some other way is attracting the sharks. If I was rich, I'd send the team the money and sign her name and hope it would end your misery :rant:. I promise not to open this thread again.
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SDH Racing

Apr 5, 2006

I'm only going to address your line of posts once, because all of your "defenses&#8221; have already been answered in my other posts. Not that it makes that much difference but upon totaling amounts owed it's closer to 500 rather then 400.
In any case like I've said before, SHE contacted US to ride for the ENTIRE 2008 season. I went over the contractual agreements in a 45 minute phone conversation and mentioned that I had a contract to send out to her along with her order she received. The reason I had waited on sending our contract is for the simple fact she became unreachable by both phone an e mail and read but never responded to them. I sent her a message over myspace as well, when she received it showed she read it and deleted it along with our "friend" connection on there. For the obvious reason of elusive purposes. She's had FOUR MONTHS to make this right and still nothing. Then has the nerve to blame everything on us and not take responsibility after being FORCED to contact us again via persistence on my part.
We have every right to post about this and let other teams/companies know about what happened. And also the right to recover what was lost in $$$ format since the items were custom for her. And all she had to do was contact us with a plan to keep her career going and we would have been more then happy to work something else, instead she chose this road.
And to finally put these acusations to rest, here is a quote from an e mail she sent us.

"I don't want to give you a sob story of why I havent been able to ride and race"

Blaming this on us is like a bank robber blaming his robbery on the bad econmy.
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SDH Racing

Apr 5, 2006
Attention anyone who mentioned they'd like to help in someway, please PM me and we can talk further.
Thank you.

And for all those defending her... feel free to put your money where your mouth is and send me a check for $470+ to cover the lost amount and I'll be happy to call this off.

Thats what thought ...
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