
Burping boxxer lowers (compression/rebound side) question


Nov 4, 2004
if I have to burp the air out of the lowers of the boxer compression/rebound side, it seems to stick down after i burp it. I'm wondering is this how its suppost to be done and then just pull it up in the crowns or should i leave it extended when putting the bottom bolt on without burping the air out?
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RM Chief Ornithologist
Mar 14, 2005
You do realise you only burp half the air in the lowers right, not all of it.. with the rods pushed into the fork (to allow air to escape), compress the lowers halfway (102mm should do the trick, I just measure that amount at full extension and use a marker to make a mark at where I have to compress them to)... and then do up the footbolts.

It will sit into its travel a bit even at that stage, but once you pump it up (WC), or reinstall spring and topcap (Team/Race) it should go back to normal, without the excessive ramp-up you get if you don't burp them.