
Bush Admin targets Greenpeace


The Fresno Kid
Nov 26, 2001
Courtesy of a poster named "hot_sauce" over at PowderMag:

In April 2002, several miles off the coast of Florida, two Greenpeace activists boarded a ship carrying wood illegally exported from the Brazilian Amazon. The activists carried out a peaceful protest, but instead of intercepting the contraband and prosecuting the smugglers, the US government has decided to prosecute Greenpeace, making this the first time in history that the US government has prosecuted an entire organization for free speech related activities, and they are trying to do it without a jury trial.

Full Story:


unemployed bum
Oct 24, 2002
Watchin' you. Writing it all down.
Originally posted by ummbikes

You can't break the law, even to catch law breakers. Or something. They should have just sunk the damn ship...:)
They would have had to call the "peaceful" French to do that. Oh wait the "peaceful" French would have sunk their boat. I get so confused sometimes.


Brevity R Us
Aug 16, 2001
Lynnwood, WA
Are these teh same Green Peace people that run freighters into other ships out at sea? :rolleyes:

Peacefull? I guess that is up to interpritation. I doubt they were received peacefully, and I bet that they were just passive while scaling the ship and tresspassing on someone elses boat out at sea......:angry: with GP's history I would have tossed the "peacefull" protestors in the drink.

Green Peaces tactics (the published ones it seams) are way out of line and deserve to have them arrested. It does'nt win me over that is for sure.

Sorry peacefull and Green Peace don't normally show up in the same sentence with me.....I must take a moment............OK better now. :)

PS- the illegal wood should have been confiscated too.


The Fresno Kid
Nov 26, 2001
Originally posted by BurlySurly
who cares? greenpeace sucks anyways.
Without greenpeace, a lot of those whales and porpoises you find so attractive (eck) wouldn't exist today.

Not that I condone boarding a ship. That was just stirring the pot.


Rex Grossman Will Rise Again
Jul 4, 2002
Originally posted by ohio
Without greenpeace, a lot of those whales and porpoises you find so attractive (eck) wouldn't exist today.
That's garbage.

The same whales and porpoises would only be more refined and lady-like if it werent for the floating hippies tryin' to get-back-to-nature.
Greenpeace makes me want to litter.


Brevity R Us
Aug 16, 2001
Lynnwood, WA
Originally posted by ohio
Without greenpeace, a lot of those whales and porpoises you find so attractive (eck) wouldn't exist today.

Not that I condone boarding a ship. That was just stirring the pot.
Messege delivered incorrectly.

Ramming ships.........VERY bad :angry: I would kill everyone on that boat if I was the ship being rammed. It would be them or me. .........well I also have an intense fear of drowning. :D

Getting laws passed withthe massive power they have..........Better. Kinda of like using your powers for good. :) If it is in international waters....and US law can't reach them there sould still has to be some better answer than ramming one ship into another and then tape it and show the world.

It is like if you were smoking in a building where it wasn't aloud and I came up and decked you to put out the cigarette. Overbaord? yes. Getting my point across? yes. Was there a better way to convey my messege? Most definately.


Rex Grossman Will Rise Again
Jul 4, 2002
Originally posted by MMike
Stupid whales....always crapping in the ocean.... I can't imagine what whale crap must be like....
We had some whales wash ashore in Hawaii, and we were keeping them alive in some big tanks we got on the base there. Well, the whales ate squid, so their poop was all purple and inky.


valve bouncer

Master Dildoist
Feb 11, 2002
Originally posted by BurlySurly
We had some whales wash ashore in Hawaii, and we were keeping them alive in some big tanks we got on the base there. Well, the whales ate squid, so their poop was all purple and inky.

You hippy Shirley, saving the whales like that;) :D
Here in Japan when whales wash ashore the ones that they can't put back in the water they eat. Half the people come with buckets and shovels to help the whales, the other half come with chopsticks and meat cleavers:rolleyes: ;) :D


find me a tampon
Jul 20, 2002
Orange County, CA
Hmm....interesting topic.

First off, the two idiots who boarded the ship are lucky they didn't get shot. If I was the captain of that ship, I would have made sure they never got on board, Greenpeace banner or not. You DO NOT board ships on the ocean without being asked to come aboard. You're asking for trouble. First Amendment rights do not extend to boarding a ship to put a banner on it.

However, those idiots were sentenced to time served. If Ashcroft was going after the Catholic Church using RICO (for their involvement in the molestation cases) I'd say he was being logically consistent.

A man who puts a curtain over the stone titty of the statue of justice is hardly logical, however. They cynical side of me thinks that maybe Ashcroft is going after Greenpeace because they've been critical of the Bush government.


Monkey Turbo
Sep 8, 2001
Feeling the lag
Originally posted by RhinofromWA
Are these teh same Green Peace people that run freighters into other ships out at sea? :rolleyes:

Do you have a link to that? I've done a brief seach but haven't found anything about it.


Brevity R Us
Aug 16, 2001
Lynnwood, WA
Originally posted by fluff
Do you have a link to that? I've done a brief seach but haven't found anything about it.
I saw it on TV........

You couldn't find it? Hmmmm. I am sure it was quite awhile ago. I am suprises there was no reference to it. I don't know the best way to search for that either.......

I know they were buzzing indian tribal guys in a canoe chasing a whale out in the ocean up here in WA state last year.

But GP had/has an old frieghter that they used to ram big processing boats in international water where any US law protecting anything doens;t mena squat. They would hit them at an angle to graze them, not a T-bone or anything. But it seriously messes the boat up.


Monkey Turbo
Sep 8, 2001
Feeling the lag
Originally posted by RhinofromWA

I found this.....

Try searching under "Sea Shepard"

link to some stuff.....not the best info.

He seams to be one of the founding members....but is now astranged.
Cheers. The only mention of Greenpeace, however, is that the guy was expelled in 1979 for this kind of behaviour, so it's not actually Greenpeace..

The only results I had for Greenpeace was for a dinghy 'ramming' the French Americas Cup yacht (which action appears to be contrary to Greenpeace's aims/ideals). Not good nevertheless.

Now I'm not a member of Greenpeace and I would not condone their ramming of any ships but it looks like two organisations are being confused here.


Brevity R Us
Aug 16, 2001
Lynnwood, WA
Originally posted by fluff
Cheers. The only mention of Greenpeace, however, is that the guy was expelled in 1979 for this kind of behaviour, so it's not actually Greenpeace..

The only results I had for Greenpeace was for a dinghy 'ramming' the French Americas Cup yacht (which action appears to be contrary to Greenpeace's aims/ideals). Not good nevertheless.

Now I'm not a memeber of Greenpeace and I would not condone their ramming of any ships but it looks like two organisations are being confused here.
Yeah he seems to be estranged. (sp?)

I guess I can look harder. I should have been more general in my "ecological protectors" description. My bad.

I know GP can't be held responsible for his doings, but I am sure events have occured without GP's "stamp of approval" that they are more than happy about.

GP and ecological defenders have done more in the last 20-30 years to save the land than anyone. They just happend to step over anyone that is in there way. They are not interested in compramise.....only what ever it takes to "save" nature.

I am sure the massive wild fires all over western US are do in a large part to unhealthy "protected" land that environmentalist helped "save" over the last 3 decades.

but I guess this is off subject.

My beef is with boarding of ships at sea, or attempted sinking, AND my intense fear of drowning. :D


Brevity R Us
Aug 16, 2001
Lynnwood, WA
Greenpeace no different, says Paul Watson


«How can Greenpeace continue to damn Sea Shepherd for damaging property when they damaged a harpoon, but in damaging a harpoon they indeed earned some respect from us», writes whaling terrorist, former Greenpeace member nr 007 and founder of the «green» terrorist organisation Sea Shepherd. What he is refering to is Greenpeace two years ago cutting the harpoon line of a dying whale harpooned by the Norwegian whaling vessel «Senet» in the North Sea.
«They actually went further than they have done in recent years,» comments Watson. Watson was expelled from Greenpeace after throwing a few seal pelts into the sea in protest against the Canadian seal hunt back in the late nineties. No wonder it's difficult for him to understand why it is OK for Greenpeace to discard a whole whale. Since leaving Greenpeace Watson has specialised in scuttling whale boats.



Brevity R Us
Aug 16, 2001
Lynnwood, WA
JUNE 30, 2000
7:16 AM

Japan Seeks To Expel Greenpeace From International Forum On Whales

The Japanese factory ship, the 'Nisshin Maru' rammed the Greenpeace vessel 'Arctic Sunrise' in December 1999, whilst Greenpeace was protecting whales from illegal Japanese whaling in the Antarctic Southern Ocean whale sanctuary. Japan, however, is accusing Greenpeace, a non-violent organisation, of aggressive and violent actions and of ramming its ship.


Edit- Definately sounds nasty out on the open sea.....:eek:


Jun 17, 2002
Arent these guys the same ones who tried to keep the mcau from harpooning a whale from a canoe and ran over the whale with thier prop? haha


Out of my element
Aug 30, 2002
Deep in the Jungles of Oklahoma
Originally posted by RhinofromWA
JUNE 30, 2000
7:16 AM

Japan Seeks To Expel Greenpeace From International Forum On Whales

The Japanese factory ship, the 'Nisshin Maru' rammed the Greenpeace vessel 'Arctic Sunrise' in December 1999, whilst Greenpeace was protecting whales from illegal Japanese whaling in the Antarctic Southern Ocean whale sanctuary. Japan, however, is accusing Greenpeace, a non-violent organisation, of aggressive and violent actions and of ramming its ship.


Edit- Definately sounds nasty out on the open sea.....:eek:
Whale terrorists! Someone call Bush so he can deliver shock and awe to some whaling ships :monkey:


The Fresno Kid
Nov 26, 2001
Originally posted by narlus
but it was a dirty, filthy titty!
I'm sorry to divert the thread, but every time I open this page and see this post, I lose my sh!t. Funniest thing I've read (repeatedly) in weeks.