
Bush and Faith: or When you're certain and wrong


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001

The Delaware senator was, in fact, hearing what Bush's top deputies -- from cabinet members like Paul O'Neill, Christine Todd Whitman and Colin Powell to generals fighting in Iraq -- have been told for years when they requested explanations for many of the president's decisions, policies that often seemed to collide with accepted facts. The president would say that he relied on his ''gut'' or his ''instinct'' to guide the ship of state, and then he ''prayed over it.'' The old pro Bartlett, a deliberative, fact-based wonk, is finally hearing a tune that has been hummed quietly by evangelicals (so as not to trouble the secular) for years as they gazed upon President George W. Bush. This evangelical group -- the core of the energetic ''base'' that may well usher Bush to victory -- believes that their leader is a messenger from God. And in the first presidential debate, many Americans heard the discursive John Kerry succinctly raise, for the first time, the issue of Bush's certainty -- the issue being, as Kerry put it, that ''you can be certain and be wrong.''
this approach of bush, bordering on irrationality when he picks and chooses the facts (as he has done in science, and in the decisions leading to the invasion of iraq), is one of the things about his administration that bugs me the most.


Turbo Monkey
Apr 4, 2003
The Natural State
So according to this "energetic base" GWB is a prophet? (that's what a messenger from God is) Don't get me wrong I'm pro-Duba (I know that surprises some of you) but these folks may have been watching too much Trinity Broadcasting Network (or as I like to call it "1-800-Bighair").

I'm glad Duba is a Christian and all, but I think some of these folks are verging on making him an idol........he is only a man, he can't walk on water or anything like that.


Attention K Mart Shoppers
Jul 19, 2002
New England
I wonder how far we are from burning heretics at the stake again...


Park Service Sticks With Biblical Explanation For Grand Canyon
Promised Legal Review on Creationist Book Is Shelved
By: Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility (PEER)
Published: Oct 14, 2004

The Bush Administration has decided that it will stand by its approval for a book claiming the Grand Canyon was created by Noah’s flood rather than by geologic forces, according to internal documents released today by Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility (PEER).

Despite telling members of Congress and the public that the legality and appropriateness of the National Park Service offering a creationist book for sale at Grand Canyon museums and bookstores was “under review at the national level by several offices,” no such review took place, according to materials obtained by PEER under the Freedom of Information Act. Instead, the real agency position was expressed by NPS spokesperson Elaine Sevy as quoted in the Baptist Press News:

“Now that the book has become quite popular, we don’t want to remove it.”