I wonder if a stern talking to by some secret service lookin' mofos can bring on a case of Alzheimers?Originally posted by N8
The New York Post | 15 Feb 04 | DEBORAH ORIN
February 15, 2004 -- Serious doubts have been raised about the stories of two key Alabama National Guard figures who questioned whether President Bush showed up for weekend duty there in the early 1970s. Retired Brig. Gen. William Turnipseed, the 187th's Tactical Reconnaissance Group's former commander, recanted his statement that he couldn't remember if Bush reported for duty, now saying his memory is faulty because he's in the beginning stages of Alzheimer's disease.
Not that I'm into conspiracy theories. But seriously, what Army officer would make outrageous public claims against the PotUS unless he believed them. If it was just a case of faulty memory, he would've said something along the lines of "lots of men served under me, you expect me to remember them all?"