"While many questions regarding the human brain still remain, its origin cannot be explained by current evolutionary theory. The ability of the human brain to interact with the human mind clearly points to an Almighty Creator."
Toshi said:uh, narlus' QED was OUTSIDE the quote. his own sarcastic commentary, if you will.
Reactor said:How about this:
While many questions regarding the thermonuclear weapon still remain, its origin is not enumerated in current biblical translations. The ability of the theromnuclear weapon human to interact with humanity and destroy it in the blink of a eye clearly disproves the existance of God. What sane, rational and all knowing being would give it's children the ability to destroy all of creation.
Great editorial! To quote the last paragraph:$tinkle said:
i wonder if they pronouce it NEW-KYOO-LERReactor said:How about this:
While many questions regarding the thermonuclear weapon still remain, its origin is not enumerated in current biblical translations. The ability of the theromnuclear weapon human to interact with humanity and destroy it in the blink of a eye clearly disproves the existance of God. What sane, rational and all knowing being would give it's children the ability to destroy all of creation.
are you straddling the fence now, or did you fall off it?$tinkle said:
when silver wrote "Intelligent design is not a scientific theory. There is no way to test it.", i took issue w/ that, as my translation of ID is not equal to creationism (which inserts god in the gaps), but rather an approach scrubbed of all religious references; end result invites investigation into the possibility of a designer & purposeful sentient being with his hand influencing events.narlus said:are you straddling the fence now, or did you fall off it?
$tinkle said:i merely was asserting that ID - like evolution - can be tested (using the scientific method).
didja read the next sentence, corky?H8R said:How?
Wouldn't testing for ID mean that you are basically dismissing science while using science to test for something that dis-proves science?
No. I hen-pecked your post - did you say anything cool?$tinkle said:didja read the next sentence, corky?
I am glad you admit this is the case.$tinkle said:when silver wrote "Intelligent design is not a scientific theory. There is no way to test it.", i took issue w/ that, as my translation of ID is not equal to creationism (which inserts god in the gaps), but rather an approach scrubbed of all religious references; end result invites investigation into the possibility of a designer & purposeful sentient being with his hand influencing events.
the problem i have with "gap theory" (i think it's called that), is the claim that anything not known or agreeably explained has to be relegated to god, but not what is known. seems blithely dismissive & conflicting to me.
as i first posted, evolution is worthy of testing; i never dismissed it nor offered to replace it w/ ID. i merely was asserting that ID - like evolution - can be tested (using the scientific method). unfortunately, this is currently unsupported by the facts.
comes down to a-priori vs. a-posteriori knowledge & observability/repeatability.
quoting john kerry: "you win some, you lose some"
How? It isn't falsifiable. You show counter evidence to an ID claim, and they can always fall back on the God card.$tinkle said:i merely was asserting that ID - like evolution - can be tested (using the scientific method).
Anyone wanna guess that he's getting in trouble.The Vatican's chief astronomer said Friday that "intelligent design" isn't science and doesn't belong in science classrooms, becoming the latest high-ranking Roman Catholic official to enter the evolution debate in the United States.
Last week, Pope Benedict XVI waded indirectly into the evolution debate by saying the universe was made by an "intelligent project" and criticizing those who in the name of science say its creation was without direction or order.
Questions about the Vatican's position on evolution were raised in July by Austrian Cardinal Christoph Schoenborn.
In a New York Times column, Schoenborn seemed to back intelligent design and dismissed a 1996 statement by Pope John Paul II that evolution was "more than just a hypothesis." Schoenborn said the late pope's statement was "rather vague and unimportant."
[TAPPING FOOT]Waiting for Opie to answer.... [/TAPPING FOOT]Silver said:Remind me why I should care what the Nazi pope says about science again?
Oh, right...sorry.$tinkle said:not so fast, whitey.
diversity applies only to color of skin over content of character; 10% of pkg spots at the gym must be handicap accessible; multi-culturalism means all cultures are equal (except for christianity); whenever you go to get heart surgery, make sure your doctor isn't from india (where the skilled ones come from), give someone of color an "opportunity" to blossom. did you think it was about you???
never does it ever mean a diversity of ideas to be tested. especially christian ideas; these must stay in the closet!
why can't you be like those good-ole jewboys & keep your ideas in your synagogue where we don't have to be disgusted by your differences
Actually bro, their is more scientific fact backing the Intelligent design "theory" than evolution. It should be allowed at least to be disputed just as evolution is. Allowed is different than ignored or even supported. It just means that we would be able to make up our own mind and not have them made up for us...isn't that the American way? Isn't that what freedom means? to be free to make our own decisions and learn with all of the choices put in front of us? Or should we just oppress the poor Christians and their "foolish beliefs" like loving thier neighbors and loving their enemies. Keep them in the closet. it's safer. Talk about Hypocrisy. Double standards and all that.Silver said:Intelligent design is not a scientific theory. There is no way to test it.
The Shadow proves the Sunshine. When will you heathens get it right? God loves, Satan destroys. So silly.kidwoo said:Now you've got it.
And the folks in hospitals with staph infections now impervious to previous antibiotics are only being punished for being gay.........or hating freedom...or having an abortion.....gawd punishes all of them equally.
No kidding! Proponents of ID have even stated that God put dinosaur bones in the earth to fool the unfaithful.Heath Sherratt said:Actually bro, their is more scientific fact backing the Intelligent design "theory" than evolution.
How is pushing non-religion any different?Reactor said:Isn't it interesting how the some people all are about pushing religion, when it happens to be their flavor?
Bet it wouldn't be so great if they had a science class teaching the Hindu theory of creation, they'd scream bloody murder. How about a pledge of allegience that had "One nation, sunservient to out lord Satan", would they want their child saying that. I wouldn't. I'm a Buddhist, and I don't want my child to go to a school that forces her to acknowledge a God, I don't believe exists. Many people feel the same way, either out of personal or religious reasons.
I don't want her to have a religious theory presented as science in science class. I don't care if it's my religion or yours, religion has no place in the science class or school. The one possible exception would be in a class that gives equal treatment to all religions, even the ones you and I may not agree with, to expose children to a larger world, and perhaps give them the empathy their parents are so often sorely lacking of.
According to the last census only 52.7% of Americans are members of a Christian-ish church. The rest are non-practicing, agnostic, athiest, or of another religion such as Buddhist, Hindu, Jew, Muslim.
America is changing, it's getting more diverse, ans as Americans we have have to take off the blinders, look and learn about the people around us, not harrass them.
Crickets are any excellent idea! They have over a trillion cells, yet they just happened to form into a living form that is far more complicated than the watch on your wrist. Take your watch and take it apart then put all the pieces into a box. Shake it up and let me know when it evolves into a watch...H8R said:No kidding! Proponents of ID have even stated that God put dinosaur bones in the earth to fool the unfaithful.
That proves it!
Seriously, give us ONE solid scientific fact that proves ANYTHING about ID.
I'll cue up the crickets.
So...my watch not putting itself back together = God exists.Heath Sherratt said:Crickets are any excellent idea! They have over a trillion cells, yet they just happened to form into a living form that is far more complicated than the watch on your wrist. Take your watch and take it apart then put all the pieces into a box. Shake it up and let me know when it evolves into a watch...
Cue crickets again.
Maybe it will evolve into another you... only smaller. like mini-me...GumbaFish said:As a man of science a piece of me may have just died.
Actually you use something in science called deductive reasoning.H8R said:So...my watch not putting itself back together = God exists.
Where?Heath Sherratt said:Actually bro, their is more scientific fact backing the Intelligent design "theory" than evolution.
I asked for your Scientific facts, that you claimed, that's not it.Heath Sherratt said:Reasons.org
The Holy Bible
Your soul
Science is observation and experimentation. If I can observe the Bible and experiment and find it is one hundred percent acurate historicaly, geographically, Factualy. Then it would concur, scientifically that it is a fact. By experimentation and by observation.DRB said:An essay isn't scientific fact either.