Um ok so you don't believe in adaptive changes that eventually lead to new species. What about viruses, they propogate at a high enough rate that we are able to observe their changes. Back to dinosaurs let me get this clear, you believe that untill the age of noah there was no rainfall on the earth...lizards grew without limit in size, and lived unusually long times because the sun did not penetrate the thick atmostphere, is that correct it was a little hard to sort out because I skimmed over it. First question, if the sun did not penetrate the earths thick atmosphere how did plants survive, or did only partial light penetrate. Second the suns rays are not a sole determinant of death, althouth I will not deny that ultraviolet rays can play a part in aging. Cells have a life. Especially noticed in the heart, liver tissues etc where there is generally little cell reproduction. As you age the cells age, atrophy, and eventually cease to function...Then you die. Also I am curious what you think on neanderthals and our other hominid ancestors, how do you explain them?