this whole campaign has been farcical. (you're right, marc, d'oh)
it's been a series of pointless mudslinging exercises. the whole swift boat/medals issue was far overblown (due to groups, as it turned out, on the payroll of the republican party). guilty, too, have been the democrats, with their withering strategy of being just different enough from bush to attract votes, as opposed to taking a fundamentally different stand from the gop on significant issues, not to mention this latest 60 minutes mess.
my perception as a nonpartisan, or at least unaffiliated, observer has been that the incumbents have been much more prone than the democrats to distorting of the truth and outright lying. this has been the case ever since 9/11, with bush's insane and ultimately successful attempt to fleece the sheep of america by implanting the idea that saddam hussein was somehow responsible for flying planes into the WTC. the 9/11-iraq issue has been duly covered by the media, the daily show in particular so i'll cut this short.
apparently, getting to the point of this post, bush's lack of honesty is total. not only are there the abovementioned issues of iraq and the swifties where bush has mostly been implicated only in parroting half truths, but he himself has gotten into the act, directly lying while on the campaign trail.
straight from the oval office (right click and save, the mime types are screwy on this server):
it's been a series of pointless mudslinging exercises. the whole swift boat/medals issue was far overblown (due to groups, as it turned out, on the payroll of the republican party). guilty, too, have been the democrats, with their withering strategy of being just different enough from bush to attract votes, as opposed to taking a fundamentally different stand from the gop on significant issues, not to mention this latest 60 minutes mess.
my perception as a nonpartisan, or at least unaffiliated, observer has been that the incumbents have been much more prone than the democrats to distorting of the truth and outright lying. this has been the case ever since 9/11, with bush's insane and ultimately successful attempt to fleece the sheep of america by implanting the idea that saddam hussein was somehow responsible for flying planes into the WTC. the 9/11-iraq issue has been duly covered by the media, the daily show in particular so i'll cut this short.
apparently, getting to the point of this post, bush's lack of honesty is total. not only are there the abovementioned issues of iraq and the swifties where bush has mostly been implicated only in parroting half truths, but he himself has gotten into the act, directly lying while on the campaign trail.
straight from the oval office (right click and save, the mime types are screwy on this server):