So if W was really concerned about Homeland Security, wouldn't he want this money spent at home instead of being sent to the other side of the planet to support a pointless and illegal war?Bush: Gimme More Iraq War $$, Or I'll Starve Domestic Anti-Terror Programs
The Bush administration intends to slash counterterrorism funding for police, firefighters and rescue departments across the country by more than half next year -- even as the president increases his pressure on congressional Democrats to approve new money to fund the war in Iraq "without strings and without delay" before leaving for the Christmas holidays -- according to budget documents obtained by The Associated Press.
The Homeland Security Department has given $23 billion to states and local communities to fight terrorism since the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks in New York and Washington, but the administration is not convinced that the money has been well spent and thinks the nations highest-risk cities have largely satisfied their security needs.
The department wanted to provide $3.2 billion to help states and cities protect against terrorist attacks in 2009, but the White House said it would ask Congress for less than half $1.4 billion, according to a November26 document.