The country is in horrible shape by any standard one could possibly measure:maybe , time will tell, that is why a Bunch of the polls , did not rate Dubya, Clinton or George the first, not enough time has past to be able to really determine how bad he messed up the country. hence also making that declaration right now kind of makes you look like a dumbass.
who knows 20 years from now he might be credited for bring peace to the middle east ( really really really doubtful) , or more likely be credited with starting up the crusades again.
We are in a financial crisis which is going to get worse.
We fighting two wars with no foreseeable conclusion.
Our diplomatic position, both with our closest allies and worst enemies, is pathetically weak.
There is a looming criminal investigation of government-ordered torture.
In review of the previous seven years, Bush might have prevented 9/11, he started a war based most likely on lies or at best stupidity, appointed incompetent toadies like Gonzalez and Browne to critical positions, and his own handling of Katrina; are all epic failures. And this does not include the post analysis of Cheney and Rove (especially when their "secret documents" are released), which won't make him look better.
I am not an expert in Presidential achievements, so this is a learning experience for me to read about the failures of Fillmore, Buchanan, and the other bad Presidents which Bush will be compared.
But I lived through Bush I and Clinton, and both had their ups and downs but the country was not in as this sad of a state when their time was up.
Frankly, I mention the polls just in support of my own opinion. Bush is the worst president in my lifetime, and unless you feel like you can refute any of the points I just made, post all the non-negative polling of Bush's Presidency you like.