
Bush team accused of covering up for Saudis


Paranoid Member
Jan 9, 2004

Associated Press
September 8, 2004

WASHINGTON -- Former Senate Intelligence Committee Chairman Bob Graham accused the White House on Tuesday of covering up evidence that might have linked Saudi Arabia to the Sept. 11 hijackers.

Graham's charges, made in a new book and at a news conference arranged by the John Kerry campaign, were rejected by Republicans as "bizarre." The Saudis said Graham's claims were unsubstantiated and reckless.

Kerry has called for an independent investigation into the charges made by Graham, a former rival for the Democratic presidential nomination.

Graham's statements support Kerry's claims that Bush is too close to the Saudi royal family and unwilling to pressure it to crack down on the financing of terrorists. But the two Democrats are at odds with the findings of the independent Sept. 11 commission, which Kerry has strongly supported. The commission said it found no evidence that the Saudi government funded al-Qaida.

The senator from Florida co-chaired the joint congressional inquiry into the Sept. 11 attacks that preceded the broader commission's investigation.

The cover-up charge stems from the FBI's refusal to allow the congressional inquiry staff to interview an informant, Abdussattar Shaikh, who had been the landlord in San Diego of two of the Sept 11 hijackers.

In his book, "Intelligence Matters," Graham said an FBI official wrote in 2002 that "the administration would not sanction a staff interview with the source."
I especially like the first bit, about Republicans calling a link to Saudi 'bizarre' when most of the 'Hijackers' were (alledgedly) Saudi. But then again, they're the same people who attacked Iraq to stop terrorism... And why would the Feds stop the commision interviewing people? Shady...


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
good for kerry:

Kerry has called for an independent investigation into the charges made by Graham, a former rival for the Democratic presidential nomination.

N8 v2.0

Not the sharpest tool in the shed
Oct 18, 2002
The Cleft of Venus
Good try Changleen but...

It seems Graham is really blaming Clinton. Bush was in office less than 8 months when 9/11 happened. Graham was the head honcho for years on the Senate Intel Committee, yet he now he bares no responsibility for 9/11?

Puuulleezzzz ...


N8 v2.0

Not the sharpest tool in the shed
Oct 18, 2002
The Cleft of Venus
The missing 21 pages outlines how Bob Graham and the democrats failed the US people during the Clinton administration.