My high school was filled with summer school sessions making up my religion class requirements so I could fit in the frivolous AP courses during the regular school calendar.
Which is why my fear/distaste of those freaks runs deeper than yours.
Can't speak for the hebes here, but I'm suspicious. They killed our lord.
Actually, while I may be a Hebee, I grew up in an area of rural Ohio where the predominant sect was Nazarene (makes Footloose look heathen... long skirts, long hair, no dancing), Pentacostals (see the Apostle) were fairly common, and people were comfortable with the Church of the Bleeding Hand (12 foot wooden hand with Stigmata in their front yard) but thought Catholics weren't Christians.
Folks thoughts Jews were a myth, like the Yeti or the female orgasm.
I haven't been able to find anything on this topic on Should I be surprised? The only thing on the front page is "Bush Peace Mission." Go figure.
of course, if you or i were to go backbacking there, it would be every bit as dangerous as the south for blacks 50 yrs ago. (surely you can relate, almost being 50)
Actually in the Pakistani Punjab I wouldn't have too many problems going there, although I'd like to have some Pakistani friends to show me around. I've specifically asked my Pakistani friends about this and they reckon you'd mostly be OK, Commonwealth whities moreso than Septics but nevertheless. Karachi and Peshawar, northern areas are more dodgy.
ISI. It was a bar mitzvah present for his nephew, what??
The problem with speaking of "the Pakistani government" is that it encompasses a large and diverse number of actors, all moving to their own ends and sending their own messages...and possibly not in control of what they claim to control.
I haven't been able to find anything on this topic on Should I be surprised? The only thing on the front page is "Bush Peace Mission." Go figure.
ISI. It was a bar mitzvah present for his nephew, what??
The problem with speaking of "the Pakistani government" is that it encompasses a large and diverse number of actors, all moving to their own ends and sending their own messages...and possibly not in control of what they claim to control.
Really? American embassies are considered soverign US territory. Any countries embassy in our country is considered soverign territory of that country. Military installations abroad are considered soverign US territory.
Example: If you were born to diplomatic parents stationed in Moscow, you ain't Russian.
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