
Bush's negative campaign?


Brevity R Us
Aug 16, 2001
Lynnwood, WA
Read this today at lunch....interesting. I also read an article a couple days ago talking about how the Dems don't have much going for them except a "get Bush" battle cry....\

How is Bush doing in relation to the Dem's smear campaign?

Anyway, in the time tested N8 tradition....here's da NEWZZZZZZ!


Charles Krauthammer / Syndicated columnist
Who's smearing whom?


WASHINGTON — As the Democrats enter the final stages of their primary race, the emerging story is how the Republicans are preparing to go negative in the general election with a campaign of singular viciousness against John Kerry. Kerry's spokespeople have already sounded the alarm, warning darkly that "the right-wing smear machine" is gearing up, and declaring amusingly that "it's time for George W. Bush to call off his right-wing slime machine."

When exactly was it called on? No matter. A CNN anchor dutifully picks up the theme, noting "how ugly this is turning so early on."

Republicans turning ugly?

You are an average citizen following the election campaign so far. What have you gleaned from the wall-to-wall cable news coverage of the candidates' debates, rallies and victory/concession speeches?

First, that President Bush has "deceived" (Al Sharpton), "misled" (John Kerry, Howard Dean), indeed, outright "lied" (Kucinich) us into a pointless and ruinous war that, as Kerry's chief campaign surrogate, Edward Kennedy, thunders, was "made up in Texas" for pure political advantage. Hence, Bush's hands are dripping with the blood of 500 brave soldiers who died for a lying president seeking better poll numbers.

Second, that his own personal military service was dishonorable: AWOL from the Air National Guard, declares Democratic National Committee Chairman Terry McAuliffe; perhaps even a "deserter," the charge that Wesley Clark repeatedly refused to repudiate.

And these are just Bush's depredations abroad. At home, as John Edwards tells it at every campaign stop, there are little girls from the "other America" crying into the night because their dads, now with the blank stare of hopelessness on their faces, have lost their jobs. Why? So that "Ken Lay and his boys" (Dean) and other friends of this president could make obscene profits for their outsourcing "Benedict Arnold companies" (Kerry). And that's while Bush was at the same time despoiling the water, polluting the air and, by God, trying to kill the Arctic caribou to please his parasitic oil industry pals and to fatten up Halliburton.

Vote him out? Given all that, shouldn't the man be drawn and quartered? Rarely has there been a political assault more concentrated, more unrelenting, more unrebutted — all occurring not as political advertising but on free media as campaign "coverage."

Part of this is serendipity. After Dean and Richard Gephardt destroyed each other with mutually negative ads in Iowa, the other candidates became terrified of saying anything even mildly negative about their opponents. They directed all of their fire not inside the corral, as is usual in a primary battle, but outside — at the president. As the intra-Democratic campaign turned kid gloves, the main competition among the candidates consisted of who could be more hyperbolic in delineating the crimes of George W. Bush.

Part of this, too, is the candidates' exploitation of media conventions. The cable channels all covered the Tuesday night victory/concession speeches, which the candidates invariably turned into opportunities to deliver their stump speeches to a national cable audience. Dean's Iowa scream is the counterexample that makes the case. The rule is: Forget the crowd, face the camera and denounce the president.

And now, after six weeks of carpet-bombing Bush, the Democrats are shocked — shocked! — that the Republicans might answer back with "negativity."

What, in fact, have the Republicans mustered? A single Internet ad about Kerry, the Senate's king of special-interest money, denouncing special interests. And one speech by the Republican National Committee chairman on Kerry's conventional liberal (i.e. budget-cutting) positions on defense and intelligence.

The Republicans have yet to go after Kerry on his most critical vulnerability, his breathtaking penchant for reversing course for political convenience:

• Votes against the Gulf War, which he now says he favored.

• Votes for the Iraq war, which he now says he opposed.

• Votes against the $87 billion for troop support and Iraqi reconstruction, while saying that he favors troop support and Iraqi reconstruction.

• Votes for No Child Left Behind, which he now attacks incessantly.

• Votes for NAFTA; now rails against the unfairness of free trade.

• Votes for the Patriot Act; now decries the assault on civil liberties.

Which is why Kerry prefers to pre-empt any examination of his record by warning in advance of a coming Republican "smear campaign."

It would be a clever attempt at political insulation were it not so transparent. Instead, coming after weeks of unrelenting anti-Bush calumny, it is an impressive display of chutzpah. Kerry may or may not win the presidency, but he has already won the 2004 Captain Renault award.

Charles Krauthammer's e-mail address is letters@charleskrauthammer.com

Copyright 2004, The Washington Post Writers Group


Brevity R Us
Aug 16, 2001
Lynnwood, WA
Found that other article in the letters to editor in the opinion section....


Anti matter erodes platform

As a nonpartisan voter, I want to say congratulations to Sen. John Kerry, as he continues to roll on to his party's nomination. Pity it will be for naught. I think the Democrats are going to fail. They have no actual vision for America beyond "Beating Bush."

While once the Democrats may have appealed to the working class or in some way had an identity of their own, they became the anti-Republican party during the Clinton years, and since the 2000 election they modified that to the anti-Bush party. If your whole party's focus has no vision for the future of the country, if it has no soul of its own outside being the negative counterpart to the other side, and if your actual agenda is "we need to beat Bush, because anyone is better then Bush" (quoted from Howard Dean recently), then your party will have a meaningless and empty platform.

If your candidate is not the best for the job, but is better than Bush because anyone is better than Bush, then that isn't saying much for your candidate's actual abilities, is it?

And there are quite a few people who would be worse than Bush.

Karl Swenson, Issaquah


Turbo Monkey
Jul 17, 2003
G-County, NC
It was a boring read..... :p

I think Bush is playing it smart.......why let all the dirt out of the bag when most American's have the memory span of a retarded goldfish. He's just waiting till we get much closer to election day and then he's gonna unload. That's what I'm guessing anyhow

N8 v2.0

Not the sharpest tool in the shed
Oct 18, 2002
The Cleft of Venus
Nah... Kerry's record will defeat him no matter how much he and the DNC try to spin it. Seems to me his only claim to fame is his Vietnam era record which is of no use to the US population today.

N8 v2.0

Not the sharpest tool in the shed
Oct 18, 2002
The Cleft of Venus
Originally posted by N8
Nah... Kerry's record will defeat him no matter how much he and the DNC try to spin it. Seems to me his only claim to fame is his Vietnam era record which is of no use to the US population today.
In his first major plunge into election-year politics, Bush told Republican governors, "Our opponents have not offered much in the way of strategies to win the war, or policies to expand our economy" and said his administration was taking on the big issues "with strength and resolve and determination."

"So far, all we hear (from Democrats) is a lot of old bitterness and partisan anger," he said."


Brevity R Us
Aug 16, 2001
Lynnwood, WA
Originally posted by zod
It was a boring read..... :p

I think Bush is playing it smart.......why let all the dirt out of the bag when most American's have the memory span of a retarded goldfish. He's just waiting till we get much closer to election day and then he's gonna unload. That's what I'm guessing anyhow

Dem don't have sh!t going for them except a beat bush banner....to hell with everything else? Thought that might spark the Liberals a rolling.....

All the bashing that Bush has been getting by the candidates and little retaliation.....b'ah-astard Dem's...:angry: :rolleyes: lol.

I figured people had more poop in them today....

lazy bunch of liberals...:eek: lol that was mega trolling. :D


The Fresno Kid
Nov 26, 2001
There's not much to argue. Bush hasn't even started campaigning yet. The only people already going negative are the overzealous (N8) not directly connected to Bush. The Dems have unquestionably been campaigning on an "Anti-Bush" platform. That's what "won" Kerry the primaries. It's not like it's a secret.

Yes, I think it's pathetic. On the other hand, the assertion that Democrats have no platform or plans is wrong. They just don't know how to campaign on it, so they're choosing the easy route. It's not like Kerry's going to walk into the presidency and then say "****, now that Bush is gone, I don't know what the hell to do."

N8 v2.0

Not the sharpest tool in the shed
Oct 18, 2002
The Cleft of Venus
Originally posted by ohio
There's not much to argue. Bush hasn't even started campaigning yet. The only people already going negative are the overzealous (N8) not directly connected to Bush. The Dems have unquestionably been campaigning on an "Anti-Bush" platform. That's what "won" Kerry the primaries. It's not like it's a secret.

Yes, I think it's pathetic. On the other hand, the assertion that Democrats have no platform or plans is wrong. They just don't know how to campaign on it, so they're choosing the easy route. It's not like Kerry's going to walk into the presidency and then say "****, now that Bush is gone, I don't know what the hell to do."
Hell, negativity is the ONLY thing Kerry has behind him... alas, the "Vote for me cuz I ain't Bush" tatic isn't gonna get him in the White House. I certainlly do not see any ground swell of support for his ideas or past record.


I'm sooo teenie weenie!!!
Sep 8, 2001
North of Oz
I thought the reason smear campaigns were so popular is because they work....

While y'all are quite smart and like to try and see through the smoke and mirrors of the politicians, I'd say most people don't give a rats ass about the issues, or if they do it's about one issue, and the rest of their vote is based around whether or not they personally like the guy. It's like Highschool politics for student body president on a much grander scale. :) Only a small percentage of the voters will really look at the issues at hand and make their decision a practical one, another, larger percentage only vote the way of their party and sit around gabbing to convince themselves that their party is right or good or whatever.

Me personally? as usual, I don't like any of the options ...

N8 v2.0

Not the sharpest tool in the shed
Oct 18, 2002
The Cleft of Venus
Originally posted by fluff
Really? All the news over here on opinion polls over there has Shrub trailing the dems.
Not too surprising since Kerry has been campaigning for months now and Pres Bush hasn't. Just wait... its fixin' to start.

I Are Baboon

Vagina man
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
Cripes, deciding who to vote for in this election is going to take a while. :rolleyes:

At least choosing who NOT to vote for in the Connecticut gubernatorial election will be easy. :)


Don't mess with the Santas
Apr 16, 2002
Napavine, Warshington
You know it's funny, I remember El Rushbo railing about the Democrats and their talking points and now we have our N8 lock step with, and parroting everything I hear on Fox news.

My point is, well I have none, but I'll take a swipe at N8 any chance I get.

The public claims to hate a dirty campaigns but in reality they are effective.

The Kennedy School of Gub'ment at Harvard has some excellent case studies on the Jesse Helms and Harvey Gannt campaigns.

Basicly good ole boy Helms, knew Gannt would have a shot at winning the election. Helms and his handlers then played their ace card, race. They had another ace, the homosexual card. When the race heated up, Gannts color (he is black) was played aginst the rural voters, plus he was basicly called a fag lover because of his suppport for the N.E.A. Helms knew his people and had the sack to play hard to win.

We know Bush has the sack, the question is, does who ever the democrats run have a bigger sack.

People love dirty politics. This race will likely be the dirtiest of our lifetimes. Good times.



Brevity R Us
Aug 16, 2001
Lynnwood, WA
Originally posted by ohio
There's not much to argue. Bush hasn't even started campaigning yet. The only people already going negative are the overzealous (N8) not directly connected to Bush. The Dems have unquestionably been campaigning on an "Anti-Bush" platform. That's what "won" Kerry the primaries. It's not like it's a secret.

Yes, I think it's pathetic. On the other hand, the assertion that Democrats have no platform or plans is wrong. They just don't know how to campaign on it, so they're choosing the easy route. It's not like Kerry's going to walk into the presidency and then say "****, now that Bush is gone, I don't know what the hell to do."
Update: Bush limp wristed Kerry last night about his waffling in the past.....:rolleyes:

So the fact that the issues aren't relevant to them enough to talk about it and they jsut spent months kick'n bush in the shins doesn't alter your views on them? You must be OK on them debating why one hates Bush over another.....

Who knows (we don't from his campaigning) what Kerry will do once he hits office? That the point. Given the chance to occupy the office, he hasn't campaigned with his plans. He (and most every other candidate) have been beating the beat Bush drum.

Maybe the Dem's plan of beat bush at all cost be damned any real plan is OK with everyone. I find it interesting.

The following months will be more interesting, I fear.


Brevity R Us
Aug 16, 2001
Lynnwood, WA
Originally posted by ummbikes
We know Bush has the sack, the question is, does who ever the democrats run have a bigger sack.

People love dirty politics. This race will likely be the dirtiest of our lifetimes. Good times.

All true.

This will give more ammo to the rest of the world too.....:rolleyes:

Is this a case of the reality show generation politics we will see into the future? Thanks MTV.....:)

N8 v2.0

Not the sharpest tool in the shed
Oct 18, 2002
The Cleft of Venus
From Zogby Poll:

Voters gave Bush a decided edge when asked who would do a better job of dealing with Al Qaeda, Saddam Hussein, Moammar Gaddafi, North Korea and Iran. Bush was the clear choice among Red State voters (53%) and Blue State votes (47%). Only 31% of Red State voters and 35% of Blue State voters felt Kerry would do a better job in dealing with rogue states and leaders.
I think that in the end this will be Kerry's undoing.

Ask yourself this question; "If I were Osama or a Terrorist Nation et al who would I want to be President of the US... Bush or Kerry?


Monkey Turbo
Sep 8, 2001
Feeling the lag
Originally posted by N8
From Zogby Poll:

I think that in the end this will be Kerry's undoing.

Ask yourself this question; "If I were Osama or a Terrorist Nation et al who would I want to be President of the US... Bush or Kerry?
Ask yourself this question; "What is a Terrorist Nation?"


Dec 12, 2003
washington dc
Originally posted by N8
Berkley CA....
HAHAHA :thumb:

i have to agree with what was said earlier, poll numbers at this point don't ammount to a hill of beans later... you know karl rove and mary matalin and kathleen harris are licking their chops... they're just letting the dems beat each other in to the ground now...


Monkey Turbo
Sep 8, 2001
Feeling the lag
Originally posted by N8
Iran, N Korea, Berkley CA....
LOL - Berkley CA

However Iran & N Korea Terrorist states?

Rogue states in the view of the US administration but surely a terrorist organisation cannot be a state? If it's a state it's an enemy.

States can support, endorse and even sponsor terrorism but if they can commit it the UK and US are right in the thick if it...


The Fresno Kid
Nov 26, 2001
Kerry will have no choice but to make his platform and beliefs outside of Anti-Bushism known. Concentrating on Bush was a (very effective) tactic for winning the primaries... where the goal is to impress already democrat voters. The issues weren't that as important as beating Bush. The presidential campaigns will be targeting the swing voters, tactics will change significantly.

Not saying his platform is good, but I'm saying it's early to criticize him for not having a very well known one, just like it's early to point to Bush's drop in popularity since he hasn't started truly campaigning yet. We've got 8 months left to go folks...


Expert on blowing
Feb 12, 2003
PI w/ bill maher had some goodies, too.
if anyone has 'em linked, it would be a good chuckle.