
Busted for riding

Woggle Bear

May 8, 2002
Northcentral Louisiana
Just got back from a great session tonight! We were riding on a local campus all night and then right when we were about to quit for the night these two cop(campus cops) cars come tearing thru the quadrangle where we were. It is fairly dark in spots and there are students walking all over there and these "super crime fighters" are tearing thru with no lights on (like we did not notice two 3500 pound white cars driving towards us).
Fat boy gets out and starts yelling at us to get off our bikes and keep our hands where he can see them(ok, officer safety, no problem) then he walks right to me (gun side to me) and is focused on my buddy. He starts going on about criminal mischef and other BS. (I could have disarmed him taken him down and handcuffed him).
I finally ask him what the deal is to shut him up. Apparently they have placed cameras all over campus and had been watching us ride all night. Well right before they showed up one of the guys riding with us had manualed down a wall, bunny hopped over a shrub and into a EMPTY flower bed. That was what they were waiting all night for!! tire tracks in a bed of dirt!!! HIGH CRIME
So he starts asking for IDs and stuff, like a dumba$$ I left mine in my truck. So he is all over me, asking my DOB and SSN bla, bla, bla then he realizes I am 7 years older than him. So he leaves me alone? Only two of us were students. And one of them was the "offender". The officer tells them that he is writing it up, and they are going to have to go before a student review board!! and be punished??? What ever.

yea, Dude was wrong for landing in the flower bed, empty or not. But the cop cars did more damage to the quad than the four of us could have riding all day and night. Sillyness.

Oh well, at least no one went to jail, and we did have a great night! I love my new bike!!!


Woggle Bear

May 8, 2002
Northcentral Louisiana
It was Louisiana TECH in Ruston.
We had the AMBC finals here Sunday so I was working on bikes all weekend.
Man I really want to give Oak Mt a try, I'd like to hook up with you guys but I have too much to do here right now. I am closing my shop at the end of the year and am in the middle of a clearance sale.

Thanks for the offer:) sorry I could not go:(



May 20, 2008
Urban campus riding rules! I used to ride around University of Minnesota campus back in the day. Good times! 10 story parking garages with spiral exit ramps. Oh those were the days!


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
oh man. gotta love rent-a-cops. When I was in the 585 there was one campus we would go to, and we would just make a game out of the campus cops chasing us. We would split up, ride around, cross paths, all sorts of stuff and they RAC's just kept getting more and more irritated. It was like an episode of Benny Hill.


Nov 2, 2004
The Bay
Got to learn to keep moving...
Indeed. I've had to ditch alot of stanford cops and they usually aren't too hard to get away from, especially if you hop over stuff and whatnot. They also probably didn't have any cameras, they just say that to scare you and try to get you to confess. Cops have tried that one on me a couple times. don't believe it til you see the video.


Turbo Monkey
Jun 27, 2006
Chapel Thrill
lol @ strauss.

old thread dig up for sure. bet the 26/24" wheel combo with gazza 3.0's and a super t strapped to the front was slowing them down. riding choppers can be an unpleasant experience ;]