
But I want to be drunk in public...



I saw on Today that they are arresting people for being drunk in a bar here in TX. You can watch the video on the Today site, but it made me use IE to do so, so I won't link it. They specifically targeted people before they could drive drunk, which I am ok with, but they did so in a hotel bar for this story. Since most people in a hotel bar are staying in the hotel, it seemed stupid. This is the best, although not horribly credible, that I could find.


Brian HCM#1

Sep 7, 2001
Bay Area, California
loco said:
but they did so in a hotel bar for this story. Since most people in a hotel bar are staying in the hotel, it seemed stupid.
I'll let you in on a little secret, my fine feathered friend. A lot of people who party in hotel bars do not necessarily sat at the hotels.


Aug 11, 2005
I thought that was ridiculous!!!! I like how the cop told her she was a danger to society and she asked how could she be when all she was doing was taking an elevator to her room, but still got arrested!!!

Oh, and your fork is on the way.


kizzi77 said:
I thought that was ridiculous!!!! I like how the cop told her she was a danger to society and she asked how could she be when all she was doing was taking an elevator to her room, but still got arrested!!!

Oh, and your fork is on the way.
I have to say that if they were taking me to jail anyway, I would show them "danger". I would, at a minimum, piss all over myself in their van or car. :thumb:

Cool on the fork. I'm not sure when my frame is coming, but bad ass on the fork. Did Burly like the Z150???


Brian HCM#1 said:
I'll let you in on a little secret, my fine feathered friend. A lot of people who party in hotel bars do not necessarily sat at the hotels.
OK - a lot of people actually stay in the hotels too. It's funny like that.


Aug 11, 2005
loco said:
I have to say that if they were taking me to jail anyway, I would show them "danger". I would, at a minimum, piss all over myself in their van or car. :thumb:

Cool on the fork. I'm not sure when my frame is coming, but bad ass on the fork. Did Burly like the Z150???
Yes!!! We are still recovering from the move but will be out on the trails tomorrow. It is exactly what he wanted/needed! Hope you like the pike!


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
I was at this bar one time with this chick. She was pretty drunk and the cops were hanging around outside the bar. She went out to have a cig and they said "hey come here" as soon as she put her foot off the porch and onto the sidewalk they arrested her.


jingoistic xenophobe
Aug 10, 2005
trust me.

this won't last long.
there's going to be high priced defense lawyers falling all over themselves to get these cases in court.

talk about a waste of police time. and taxpayer $$$.
bust em in the parking lot as they pull out.


unemployed bum
Oct 24, 2002
Watchin' you. Writing it all down.
As long as they keep the hell out of my office, I'm okay.

I would mind them sitting in the parking lot and stopping people as they started to drive BUT otherwise too big brother for me. There is a bar here that when you get a drink they sharpie your hand. Then the bartenders can keep up with how many you got.


DRB said:
As long as they keep the hell out of my office, I'm okay.

I would mind them sitting in the parking lot and stopping people as they started to drive BUT otherwise too big brother for me. There is a bar here that when you get a drink they sharpie your hand. Then the bartenders can keep up with how many you got.
They'd get to mark one hand and then their next option would be my 2 middle fingers.


jingoistic xenophobe
Aug 10, 2005
the big brother mentality really scares the hell out of most of us.

but not as much as people who take advantage of the the ease of getting behind the wheel of a car, while fvcked up.

how many here have lost a wife and kids to a drunk driver ?


Oct 17, 2002
That story was PHUKING OFFENSIVE. A bunch of various people were getting arrested, but the five people in the hotel bar where they were staying PLUS the bartender got arrested. That’s just wrong.

V for Vendetta.


dhbuilder said:
the big brother mentality really scares the hell out of most of us.

but not as much as people who take advantage of the the ease of getting behind the wheel of a car, while fvcked up.

how many here have lost a wife and kids to a drunk driver ?
I couldn't agree more, but there are less invasive ways to go about it. Hell put gates on the parking lots and don't let people leave that are drunk, but keeping folks from going to their rooms is maddening. I have lost friends to drunk driving, and it's horrible, but so is living as a caged animal.

I really liked in the second clip about how checkpoints are intrusive, while apparently hiding in plain clothes in a bar and arresting people for doing what bars intend for people to do is ok.

Hell - let's just ban bars again.


jingoistic xenophobe
Aug 10, 2005
it is wrong.

this past new years, there was a fireworks show east of here in one of the tourist trap towns.
as the show was ending and folks were leaving.
as soon as they set foot off the site where the show took place, they were busting em left and right for drunk in public.

total b.s.

like i said. as soon as they turn the key, nail em.
but until then let em be. unless they're posing a threat. which is rarely the case with the average social drinker.


unemployed bum
Oct 24, 2002
Watchin' you. Writing it all down.
loco said:
I really liked in the second clip about how checkpoints are intrusive, while apparently hiding in plain clothes in a bar and arresting people for doing what bars intend for people to do is ok.

Hell - let's just ban bars again.
This might end up in the PD but I personally don't have a problem with checkpoints. They are pain but if they stop even one drunk driver I can deal with the bother.


I agree, DRB. I never killed anyone, or even harmed them, by bumping into them walking through the lobby. Hell - if I am falling down drunk, I am really likely to only hurt myself. I can do that same thing smoking, so why keep me from drinking myself into a stupor???

I have only been through 2 check points. One was them looking for someone in TX and the other was them looking for drunks at the state line in Tahoe. Neither of them made my day turn out any differently than it would have. I would rather them catch drunks, so I am ok with it.

It's ridiculous. Period. It's not meant to be a political thread, but I am sure it's viewed that way. It's more of an infraction on society that I am not ok with.


SkaredShtles said:
What in God's name possessed you to watch "Today"? :think:
Julie has it on in the mornings, and it just caught my attention as I put my shoes on. I'm sure ALL of your TV viewing is desirable, eh???


narlus said:
if this sort of legislation migrates to arizona, stinkyboy might have to emigrate.
The good news is, like me, he won't have a problem pissing himself in their van or car. :think:


SkaredShtles said:
I watched "Layer Cake" on...... hmmmmmm......... maybe Monday night? :)
I couldn't have LESS desire to know what you are actually talking about.


Ciaran said:
Texas sucks. Loco, you need to move out to So Cal.
I don't really have an oppurtunity right now, but actually might see what they have in store at a place operating in Mexico. The corp offices are in, or around, LA, so I might potentially see. I am pretty tired of being here.


Fear my banana
Apr 5, 2004
So Cal
loco said:
I don't really have an oppurtunity right now, but actually might see what they have in store at a place operating in Mexico. The corp offices are in, or around, LA, so I might potentially see. I am pretty tired of being here.
And not all of So Cal is populated with the hollywood types. Out where I am about to move it's pretty cool. Smells like cows but the people are nice. Hell, it's "HorseTown USA", you'll love it! :D

You should come on out. We'll road trip up north to drink Partsbara's beer. :rofl:


Ciaran said:
And not all of So Cal is populated with the hollywood types. Out where I am about to move it's pretty cool. Smells like cows but the people are nice. Hell, it's "HorseTown USA", you'll love it! :D

You should come on out. We'll road trip up north to drink Partsbara's beer. :rofl:
I couldn't do that. As hot as he looks in his pics, I might find out that I am ghey. :D

Edit - call me a hick, but I love the smell of cow poop.


Fear my banana
Apr 5, 2004
So Cal
loco said:
I couldn't do that. As hot as he looks in his pics, I might find out that I am ghey. :D

Edit - call me a hick, but I love the smell of cow poop.
You only love the smell of cow poop cause it leads you to the 'shrooms. Freakin hippy!


unemployed bum
Oct 24, 2002
Watchin' you. Writing it all down.
loco said:
I couldn't do that. As hot as he looks in his pics, I might find out that I am ghey. :D

Edit - call me a hick, but I love the smell of cow poop.
Next thing you are going to be telling us you like roll around in and rub it all over your body. Freakin' sicko.


Nope - I don't want to bathe in it, and never had shrooms, but loathe the food, so I can't imagine that. Hell - I don't dig on any drugs, so I am out on mushrooms all together.


Turbo Monkey
Nov 16, 2001
getting Xtreme !
Ciaran said:
You should come on out. We'll road trip up north to drink Partsbara's beer. :rofl:
i ll battle to the bitter end to defend my stash of piss...

i found some hefe weizen at the supermarket down the road... 33 euro cents per plastic bottle... i ll bring some of that for you bastids :)

loco... i am easily the best lookin person on RM... sure, you d prolly fall for me but you wouldn t be the first... :oink: :redhot:


back alley ripper
Feb 3, 2004
NORCAL is the hizzle
Maybe the legislature is just trying to help prevent the regrettable hookups that always happen to the legislators when they stay at hotels with bars...


Fear my banana
Apr 5, 2004
So Cal
PonySoldier said:
So do ya think they go into bars frequented by cops and bust drunken cops??
I believe they call it "professional courtesy". Of course being that they are the ones charged with enforcing the law they should be the ones held to it the most. Somehow it never seems to work out that way. :think: