
Buy A Bike In California, Pay A $7 Disposal Fee?


beer and bikes
Feb 6, 2003
Portland, OR

Buy A Bike In California, Pay A $7 Disposal Fee?

FEBRUARY 24, 2005 -- SACRAMENTO, CA (BRAIN)--Under a bill recently introduced in California, anyone who buys a new bike should pay the state $7 for the machine's eventual disposal. Assembly Bill No. 1103 would establish the Bicycle Recycling and Disposal Program.

Betty Karnette, a Democrat from Long Beach who introduced the bill, would exempt used bicycle sales from the charge. The bill points out that California has an escalating number of bicycles slated for disposal. More 250,000 bicycles are disposed of in the state annually. Fewer than 3,000 of them are recycled.

The scarcity of bicycle reuse, recycling and disposal centers, and the charges imposed on consumers for landfilling used bicycles create economic disincentives for recycling that could be addressed through a recycling incentive program.

An additional $7 on a high-end road bike would not be significant, but on $25 mass market bike it would add significantly to consumer cost and potentially impact sales.


Turbo Monkey till the fat lady sings
Aug 14, 2002
what if you mailorder it?

most of the bikes in landfills are crappy bikes, not quality ones you might find at an LBS, I would think. doesn't matter to me anyways, I don't live in, nor will I ever live in, california. :oink:


Fear my banana
Apr 5, 2004
So Cal
N8 said:
yet another reason why Cali _______s!
Yet another reason for me to get the hell outta here. I was born and raised here and every day more and more I say it too... Cali Sucks.


I'm sooo teenie weenie!!!
Sep 8, 2001
North of Oz
why didn't they make it a deposit system - like in Canada with beer? You buy a bike, you deposit $7 - you recycle it properly, you get $7 back (or $5 back so the money grubbin folks in the government still keep some)...

It would probably generate an interesting surge in poor people rummaging for abandoned bikes to get the deposit back...


crooked smile
Jul 10, 2002
Slacking at work
I like this idea. People buy those $25 bikes from Costco and just throw them away, not recycling, creating tons of waste, it's total waste of resources.

This will not affect "real" bikes and real riders in any way at all.