
BV is now teh old.


Fear my banana
Apr 5, 2004
So Cal
Dang! Now that you're old your ears are going to get hairy and your eyebrows will get all thick and... uhh... umm... HAPPY BIRTHDAY! :biggrin:

Hope you have a great day and get some sweet presents.

Happy Birthday and many happy returns!

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
I apologize for my lack of responsiveness, I unfortunately spent my entire birthday morning on a plane. I'm in Mass. right now at my dad's house and am headed up to Maine tomorrow to see my sister graduate.

I appreciate all the birthday wishes, "graphics" and.. um.. product keys (gee, you guys are just the best :D)!

Everyone has been telling me I'm old... I don't really feel like this is a landmark birthday, though :p.