
Caffeine banned?


Der hund ist laut und braun
Aug 22, 2001
Bend, Oregon
from Velonews:

Caffeine to be restricted again?
The World Anti-Doping Agency is considering returning caffeine to sport's list of restricted performance-enhancing substances. The move comes after a storm of publicity in Australia around national rugby team captain George Gregan, who has said he uses caffeine tablets to give him a boost during games.

But WADA president Dick Pound says that the negative publicity around the use of caffeine in Australian sport is not why it's considering restricting caffeine use.

"The interesting thing in this debate is not that a lot of Australian players and athletes have come out saying they have taken caffeine," he told the Sydney Morning Herald, "but that the [Australian Institute of Sport] says it is performance enhancing." Pound added that the AIS has research to back up its claims and has published literature on how to use it most effectively.

"Having heard this, [we] will take another look at it."

However, caffeine has always been considered to be a performance-enhancing substance, and when WADA decided to remove caffeine and the stimulant pseudoephedrine from the banned list at the end of 2003 many coaches and sports scientists were disturbed. Kevin Tabotta, now Cycling Australia High Performance Manager, said at the time, "I can't see why they've done it. It would have been better to maintain the drugs at the current levels. As a coach of young riders I can say that in spite of whatever a doping body thinks or says, these products are banned because they're performance-enhancing - end of story."

WADA takes into account three things when deciding to restrict use of a substance or method by sportspeople: whether it is performance-enhancing, whether it represents a risk to the health of the athlete and whether it is against the spirit of sport. Two of those criteria must be met for a substance to be banned. Realistically, it seems that a banned substance must be both performance-enhancing and a health risk if WADA is not to get into undergraduate philosophical arguments about what constitutes "the spirit of sport".

Caffeine, of course, is the stimulant contained in coffee, tea and soft drinks such as Coca-Cola. As such it's one of the world's most used drugs, and until the beginning of 2004 its use was restricted in cycling, as in most sports. A moderate quantity - the equivalent of drinking a few cups of coffee - was permitted, but beyond a certain limit riders were considered to be doping. Sanctions, however, were typically light, not least because athletes would invariably claim they'd had one dopia espresso too many before the race.

When caffeine was removed from the banned list WADA published no explanation for the decision on its website, despite a comment in the minutes of a June 18 2002 meeting of its HMR Committee that explanation of decisions about removing substances from the list was essential.

Dick Pound is now implying that caffeine was removed from the banned list because it was not thought to be performance-enhancing. But in late 2003, Dr Dave Martin, a senior sport physiologist with the Australian Institute of Sport told Cyclingnews that a Dutch study had indicated that caffeine and pseudoephedrine could enhance performance.

The AIS' guidelines to caffeine use were published in 2004, and it seems unbelievable that it was not aware of research referred to by the AIS when WADA decided to lift the restrictions on caffeine in late 2003.

The AIS guidelines suggest use of relatively small amounts of caffeine, 70-150mg, rather than the traditional larger doses, and advise that there is no evidence of increasing dose causing increased performance benefits. That's the amount of caffeine in a cup of coffee (40-110mg for brewed coffee) or a 600ml bottle of Coca-Cola (78mg). "Evidence of specific health problems is equivocal," says the AIS, but "long-term intake of large amounts of caffeine (>500 mg per day) are generally discouraged by health authorities."

Since January 1 2004, caffeine has been on a list of substances whose use WADA is "monitoring" - apparently by reading the newspapers. The current lack of restriction on caffeine will be reviewed in September and the earliest a change would come into force would be January 2006.


Jul 9, 2004
San Jose, CA
As far as health risks go, it is an addictive substance, so it makes sence that it would be banned. From my understanding, you had to have a lot of caffine in your system to test above the limit, like 3-4 cups right before being tested. If they ban it again, it wont bother me, theres no way I could have that much coffee right before riding.


Der hund ist laut und braun
Aug 22, 2001
Bend, Oregon
well, I'm sure lots of people drink 5 or so in the morning before a race - I guess that would wear off though. What about out of competition testing though!

I don't drink coffee so I'm cool.


Turbo Monkey
Nov 19, 2001
Kenmore, WA
They said it was banned until 2003 anyway. They just took it off the banned list. I don't think people will really care if it goes back on. Like any other performance enhancing drug, the athlete would have to test above a certain level for it to be considered doping.


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
I hope they leave pseudophed off the list. I don't use it for the speedy effects but my sinuses go into overdrive when I am breathing hard. Withoug Pseudophed I leave a trail like a slug.


Cranky Pants
Nov 10, 2004

I was just joking yesterday with my buddy here that after the altitude tent raid they'll be busting down hotel doors looking for Coca Cola.



makes avatars better
Dec 25, 2003
Six Shooter Junction
Trent Wilson (Colombia-Selle Italia)

"Today, my plan is to have a few coffees in the village so I can get over that first one. Once we get over the first one, I reckon it'll come back together. I'm more worried about tomorrow. I've got a bit more confidence after yesterday. But you never know in these grand tours. One day you're feeling good, one day you can hardly feel your legs."


Turbo Monkey
Feb 26, 2003
If there going to test for weed I shouldnt see why they wouldnt test for caffeine? Although, it seems to be in everything. Still, if weed is performance enhancing then caffeine is just as bad as blood transfusions...