


Turbo Monkey
Feb 26, 2003
There is a very good article/cover story in the Jan. 05 issue of National Geographic about caffene. How many people here hate caffeine? I cant stand it, unless im biking, otherwise it makes me feel like ****.

The article talks about Red Bull. Why does every one love this drink so much? Its mainly a placebo affect, as it take about a hour for the drug to start working.


Red Bull: 80mg-> 5 or 8 dollars depending
Brewed Coffee 12 oz: 200mg -> one dollar
Mountain Dew Big gulp. 64 oz: 294mg-> 3 dollars.

So by all accounts coffee is the best option, so i cant understand why people shell out big bucks for red bull!


Turbo Monkey
Jul 3, 2004
Vashon, WA
Dude, I can't do caffeine. When I drink it,

I can't play music with any mental clarity, I just get lost.

I can't sleep for at least 12 hrs.

My sleep cycle gets thrown off for two days, and I get really hyper.

I had a .lot of red bull this weekend, it was a bad idea.


Fear my banana
Apr 5, 2004
So Cal
I am a daily coffee drinker. I just like the way coffee tastes. The caffiene I can do without except fo the fact that I am now addicted. If I go without caffiene I get a headache,though I only drink a cup or two in the morning so it's not an addiction I am too concerned about.

I have never understood why people like "speedy' drugs. Life moves fast enough as it is, why on earth would I want to speed it up? Occasionally I do find that coffee can be a pick me up, but I tend to crash later.

I think that the Red Bull thing is just a fad (like so many other things). Marketing have led the sheeple to the red bull trough. I have drank it and I actually like the flavor. It's like a tangy soda. I didn't notice any measurable burst of energy though and at 2 bucks a pop (or more) I don't buy it. The Monster energy drink however had enough caffiene in it to get my heart moving a bit too fast. I rarely drink those things... too much caffiene!

Buck Fever

Jul 12, 2004
Hipsterville USA
I love my caffeine, but I'm not sure how to spell it. I typically only take mine in coffee form and don't have any problems as long as I drink it before 10AM. I can't drink it any later than that or it exacerbates my sleep problems.

Caffeine + Allegra D = a shakey and edgy Buck, so I've been avoiding the combe since I figured it out.

I'm sure any potential positive performance effect of the stuff is lost on me due to my habitual daily use. I can say with utmost certainty that if I'm in need of my morning dooce, all it takes is a few ounces of coffee and I'm loose as a (fill in lewd reference here)


Dec 6, 2004
I like Red Bull but I dont drink my stuff with caffine. I havent had a mountain dew in like 5 years. Usually I will drink a Red Bull every once in a while during the morning. I could never sleep if I had caffine before bed. Some people cant live with out the stuff. I read somewhere where there was this chick that had about 100oz of Coke Cola EVERYDAY. That is stupid. She like couldnt live with out having here Coke.


Turbo Monkey
Nov 12, 2003
Sorry, I'm Canadian ..sorry...
Our Mountain Dew has no caffeine, all clear soft drinks in Canada can not have caffeine. I had an extra large coffee this morning and washed it down with a Red bull. Mainly because I like the taste of both. The caffeine is a bonus. I've been hitting the de-caf tea hard at work to try and dring less coffee during the day, I used to dring coffee all day, from morning to 9:30 at night.


Turbo Monkey
Dec 17, 2003
Colorado Springs
I'm a pepsi addict and otherwise any form of caffeine addict pretty much. Recently I haven't had as much as I'm trying to get into shape for the dh season, but that's not to say I haven't had urges from time to time. :p

Although my favorite caffeinated drink ever is.... Guarana. Unfortunately I can't seem to find it anywhere.
Jan 7, 2004
D.C. area
mack said:
...so i cant understand why people shell out big bucks for red bull!
Another thing... coffee is hot, and no one wants that as a pick-me-up out in the summer heat. A big soda fills ya up and bloats ya, so for a bit more money, you can get a Red Bull and beat the bloat. I love both coffee and Red Bull. Red Bull has much more of a kick, though, for me. I dare not have more than half a can before a race or I'll be ssssshakin' all over.


Hey baby, want a hot dog?
Jul 9, 2002
Jimtown, CO
straight up coffee junkie here. I love coffee for the caffeine, coffee culture, making it, the taste & the ritual. I also love espresso. I love it when it makes my brain vibrate at a high frequency. Coffee before a ride is essential. Black only.

Red Bull has way too much sugar & is a weird color that is not found in nature.
Jan 7, 2004
D.C. area
TN said:
straight up coffee junkie here. I love coffee for the caffeine, coffee culture, making it, the taste & the ritual. [\QUOTE]
Oh, God, the ritual--it's just so good. It's the first thing I do in the morning. I don't know why I'd bother getting up if I couldn't have a nice cup of joe in the mornings!


Hey baby, want a hot dog?
Jul 9, 2002
Jimtown, CO
Capt. Jack Sparrow said:
TN said:
straight up coffee junkie here. I love coffee for the caffeine, coffee culture, making it, the taste & the ritual. [\QUOTE]
Oh, God, the ritual--it's just so good. It's the first thing I do in the morning. I don't know why I'd bother getting up if I couldn't have a nice cup of joe in the mornings!
I cant walk to the kitchen in the morning without tripping & bumping into every wall on the way, not knowing where I am or even my name, but I can grind some beans & make a mean cup of coffee. its amazing. :D


Feb 5, 2003
The Blackstone Valley
I'm with TN. I love coffee. I have a cup on the way to work and 2 more in the AM at work. Maybe a mid afternoon one, if I'm tired. I'm not a morning person, and need the caffiene. mmmmmmmm. Green Mountain. :drool:


Turbo Monkey
Feb 18, 2002
mack said:
There is a very good article/cover story in the Jan. 05 issue of National Geographic about caffene. How many people here hate caffeine? I cant stand it, unless im biking, otherwise it makes me feel like ****.

The article talks about Red Bull. Why does every one love this drink so much? Its mainly a placebo affect, as it take about a hour for the drug to start working.


Red Bull: 80mg-> 5 or 8 dollars depending
Brewed Coffee 12 oz: 200mg -> one dollar
Mountain Dew Big gulp. 64 oz: 294mg-> 3 dollars.

So by all accounts coffee is the best option, so i cant understand why people shell out big bucks for red bull!
I read that article to..but listen here. When you start going to College or Uni you can;t live without it. Also if you're the type of person who likes to go to clubs till 4am, red bull is awesome.


Oct 8, 2003
Seattle, WA
Last spring, I was working on a project at a friend's house. She noticed I was pretty tired (this was a little after midnight), and offered me a Red Bull. I had never had one before and didn't realize their...uh...strength, so I had two, within about ten minutes of each other. Normally, I never consume caffeine except for the occasional Pepsi, so I was not remotely accustomed to it, if that indeed makes a difference.

I always thought it was a popular myth that excessive caffeine would make you shake, but when I was lying in bed a couple hours later, I realized that's actually true. The funny part is that even with three hours of sleep, I wasn't especially tired until late the following evening.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 26, 2003
The drug has a very long halflife in the body. The article says that if you smoke you can get the buzz at twice the rate.

It also talks about why people get headaches from caffeine when they stop taking it. And red bull here is like 4 dollars... i thought it was super $$$ in Canada as well. And a good alternative is 2 Nodos in gatorade. The only time i take caffeine is when i pay 20 bucks for a DH pass and plan to get my 20 dollars out of it. 9-4 :thumb:


Turbo Monkey
Feb 18, 2002
mack said:
The drug has a very long halflife in the body. The article says that if you smoke you can get the buzz at twice the rate.

It also talks about why people get headaches from caffeine when they stop taking it. And red bull here is like 4 dollars... i thought it was super $$$ in Canada as well. And a good alternative is 2 Nodos in gatorade. The only time i take caffeine is when i pay 20 bucks for a DH pass and plan to get my 20 dollars out of it. 9-4 :thumb:

We have something called Bawls I think it's actaully made in Montreal, it's what kept me awake on an overnight trip to europe. I don't like the taste of red bull much and yeah about smoking. Alot of ppl smoke when drinking (only) cause it also makes you drunk faster. I think it's just cause there's not as much O2 going to your head...no that doesn't make any sense does it. ok I;m rambeling I';ll shut up...


Turbo Monkey
Dec 17, 2003
Colorado Springs
JMAC said:
We have something called Bawls I think it's actaully made in Montreal, it's what kept me awake on an overnight trip to europe. I don't like the taste of red bull much and yeah about smoking. Alot of ppl smoke when drinking (only) cause it also makes you drunk faster. I think it's just cause there's not as much O2 going to your head...no that doesn't make any sense does it. ok I;m rambeling I';ll shut up...
We have Bawls here at some stores. It'sl something like $18 for a case of it though. It's got guarana in it too. I rarely get it cuz I'm so cheap but its pretty damn good.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 23, 2004
I can drink about 4 cans of Red Bull in a row without getting any effect... :confused: Just about anything else with caffene dosen't have much of an effect either, its really odd.

The only time I drink them is at Red Bull sponsered events when their free, not worth 2 dollars


Turbo Monkey
Feb 18, 2002
COmtbiker12 said:
We have Bawls here at some stores. It'sl something like $18 for a case of it though. It's got guarana in it too. I rarely get it cuz I'm so cheap but its pretty damn good.
That is expensive I would never pay that much, either way I rarely buy and type of energy drink. Not very good for you..


Jan 15, 2005
at my own freeride trail
Ahh, here's a shout out to my coffee-lovin' brethren! HEY!>>>

I work rotating shifts..days, eves, mids, changing every 2 weeks....forever. I will not live without caffeine. My favorite energy drink is actually Monster, tasting like Redbull but a little bit sweeter. You have to remember that while energy drinks don't have that much caffeine in them, they have other stimulants. I can process my average cup of java in about 2 hours but my occasional "chemical shake" (energy drink) as I like to call it seems to keep me going longer.

And overdoing the caffeine down right sucks. Never again.


Turbo Monkey
Sep 1, 2004
big hot cup of dark italian or french roast, with just a small bit of cream. mmmmmmmmmm.

freshly ground; done up in the french press if it's just myself, in the percolator if the girlyfriend is partaking.

part ritual, part love of the flavour, part addiction.

if i could inject it, i would.


Turbo Monkey
I don't what in Red Bull does it, but if I even have 1/2 a can, it's guaranteed upset tummy. This makes those Liquid Viagra shots really hard to order, but they taste soooo damn good! :D
I came from a 2 liter a day for 2 years Mt Dew habit to cold turkey-ing caffeine in one day after a visit to a holistic MD's office. I used it for skiing, along w/ 800mg of ibuprofen before and after. My grades went from A- and B+ to Cs because of caffeine. Trying to study on 2L of MD was like watching ants marching on a book. Now, if I touch anything w/ caffeine, I can't sleep for hours, even if it's in the morning and I try to sleep some 12 - 14 hours later.

Edit: I did coffee too, jet black and muddy! My fix was a double Mocha Espresso; fly baby fly! 2 of these and I'd have uncontrollable shakes for hours when I was doing caffeine, but I skied like the devil was in my pants :D


Nov 12, 2003
San Luis Obispo, CA
I'd have to say that after beer and water, coffee has to be my beverage of choice. I usually drink about a pot a morning, crap my brains out, and then get the shakes. It's great.


Turbo Monkey
Apr 24, 2003
Left hand path
My veins run full of coffee. I've reached a level where the caffeine doesn't really do anything for me. If I go without, I won't have headaches, and if I have allot, I don't get twitchy. Every once in a while (like once a year) I need to take a week or so off for my stomach's sake. I just love the smell & taste. It's not a caffeine thing.


talks too much
Mar 19, 2002
Claremont, CA
I like coffee pretty much any time of the day. Here at school, I drink it sometimes in the morning if I have early classes; it makes it go sooooo much easier sometimes. I also like coffee later at night. Not just for the caff. (I drink it at home when I have no "reason" to as well), but because it's (ironically) kind of relaxing for me.

I like redbull too but it's a bit too expensive for me. Tried it before a race once...don't think I'll do that again.

I don't drink soda that much but I like it. I had to drive accross the country this summer and on the return trip, I think I just had water, pretzels, a big ass sandwich (lasted an entire day) and Mountain Dew. God bless the Dew.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 18, 2002
While I was in Miami last year I managed to pretty well stay awake for one week on caffein. I slept on avg 2 hours a day. It was crazy but the week after, the withdrawal was terribel..


Turbo Monkey till the fat lady sings
Aug 14, 2002
a double espress can come in more then one size. the amount of caffine is the same despite having more cup size......a larger cup usually just means more milk (if it's a mocha or latte).

as for Redbull, the main 'upper' isn't caffine. it's Taurine. 1,000 mg of it per can.

so comparing redbull to coffee isn't really the same.

also, how many of the posters in this thread are over the age of 30?

if you've only been drinking caffine for a few years I think it's different then those that have been drinking coffee on a daily basis for longer.

for myself, I drink two cups of normal coffee in the morning. maybe a tad more on the weekends if I'm not leaving the house super early.

a redbull I will drink on special occasions. I keep one in my backpack for longer rides just incase I run out of steam 12 miles from the trail head.