


May 6, 2003
Caffeine, nicotine, ephedrine. . . these are the good friends who helped me through both undergrad and grad school. Fortunately I have dropped all but the caffeine. Morning coffee or soda is mandatory. I've quit for months at a time, but always come back.

I love vodka Red Bull, but I have to measure it so I don't get hurt. 3 shots vodka to a can of the Bull, and I'm good for happy conversation and/or recreation for at least a few hours. If I go past that, I COMPLETEY FORGET how to stop. The night will end very badly, and the next day will hurt like hell.

I found "Full Throttle" for about $1.59 per 16oz can, so yes, it costs less than HALF what Red Bull costs. It has ginseng too, and tastes yummy. Not sure what I'm gonna do w/all that go-juice after I've mixed half of it w/my vodka ration tho ;)