which comes back to the issue of context. Have you put a swastika on your kid's birthday cake because it can be a positive symbol?Are you serious? The Swastika is a 3000+ year old religious symbol spanning ancient egyptian, indian and even chinese cultures. I'd hazzard a guess to say that it has been used as a positive symbol a whole hell of a lot more than it has been as a negative symbol since it was taken hostage by the 3rd Reich.
As an aside, it has been used both clockwise and counter clockwise over history, and was almost always used as a positive symbol. The whole one way means one thing and the other way means another is a recent idea, and not historically accurate.
Funny you guys(I'm assuming you and Samirol are different entities) are all up in arms trying to argue the academic issue of the swastika's history while completely ignoring the cotnext that putting a swastika on a kid's birthday cake is not the smarted thing to do for people who don't want to be interpreted as being racist.
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