
Calexico @ The Roxy, gig report and pics


Eastcoast Softcore
Staff member
Nov 7, 2001
behind the viewfinder

another jpg onslaught...dial-up users, prepare...

caught calexico @ the Roxy last night, which was a pretty great place to see them, and i got in early enough to stake my claim @ the front of the stage, just right of joey. still, that didn't seem to deter the drunk and obnoxious girl behind me from doing her damnedest to barge past, and when that failed, periodically hitting me from her drunken dancing antics. if i didn't really care about the band, didn't have my camera gear, and had no compunctions about being thrown out, it could have gotten interesting between her, her boyfriend, and me. as it was, a woman behind me to the left of me tapped me on the shoulder, asked if that was my girlfriend, and when i replied no, then asked if it was ok if she hit the dumb bitch over the head w/ her own beer bottle. so it wasn't just me.

anyway, onto the show report, enough about assholes. jason collett obviously has been listening to bob zimmerman for a while, and had the vocal stylings (w/o being quite so nasally) down pretty well, and was a decent songwriter to boot. he had Paso Mino as his backing band, apparently all are from Ontario. hadn't heard his stuff before but it wasn't so bad, and had a couple of sparkers.

calexico's new record _Garden Ruin_ didn't really catch me that much; it sounded to me like he'd spent too much time in the presence of sam beam and gotten way too MOR...however, there are enough interesting songs on the new record to salvage it (the tour/web only _The Book and the Canal_ is probably a stronger release), esp considering "Deep Down" and "All Systems Red". the last one in particular, closing the initial set, was a goddamn scorcher, really one of those moments you hope for when you see live music, a band united in creating and trying to tame a writhing beast of a song. emotionally this was very close to the same impact that Mogwai delivered when they unleashed "Glasgow Mega Snake" at their recent show. had either band opted to not do an encore afterwards, it would have been a fine decision w/ me.

i didn't get a setlist, but they didn't really pull out too many surprises...got the usual "jesus and tequila", "even stevie nicks", "the black heart", "stray", "alone again or" (which is such a great song, and a really great choice for calexico to play...you can tell the band totally loves to play this one), and "picador". i probably missed 3-5 in there. anyway, here are the pictures:

Jason and bass player:


onto the main event.


full band shot:


multi-instrumentalist martin:

pedal steel player paul, here playing regular guitar:

big jam at the end, playing Dylan's "Gotta Serve Somebody":

unfortunately i didn't get any decent shots of John, who remains one of my all-time favorite drummers to watch and listen to. he was tucked in between joey and paul, and usually obscured by a mic stand or crash cymbal. also, jacob was on the far side of the stage to me, and i screwed up the focus on a lot of nick luca shots. i hope you find these enjoyable anyways.

can someone get joey's ear and tell him to add "glowing heart of the world" or "service and repair" into the setlist? please?


Eastcoast Softcore
Staff member
Nov 7, 2001
behind the viewfinder
nah, i don't play any musical instruments (well, i played a tiny bit of piano and violin when i was young, and a bit of acoustic guitar after college). he's just got such a great sound and visual style. check 'em out if you get the chance; i really haven't heard of a single person being disappointed w/ a calexico show.


Tool Time!
Feb 17, 2002
Nowhere Man!
narlus said:
nah, i don't play any musical instruments (well, i played a tiny bit of piano and violin when i was young, and a bit of acoustic guitar after college). he's just got such a great sound and visual style. check 'em out if you get the chance; i really haven't heard of a single person being disappointed w/ a calexico show.
Sadly they don't come anywhere near here...


Eastcoast Softcore
Staff member
Nov 7, 2001
behind the viewfinder
well i guess you are not outside the norm...they seem to play a ton more european shows than US shows. the pay and treatment is probably better.


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
huh, so "scorcher" is the boston equivalent of the whistler "pinner", and i imagine "wicked" equals the norcal "hella"... :think: nice pics, all the ones you posted look quite sharp! were you more critical when culling/editing or did your front row place just allow you that much more time to focus?


The human raccoon
Jan 31, 2003
I'd like to seem 'em again, but I suspect that trips to this part of the midwest will be few and far between.


Tool Time!
Feb 17, 2002
Nowhere Man!
Toshi said:
huh, so "scorcher" is the boston equivalent of the whistler "pinner", and i imagine "wicked" equals the norcal "hella"... :think: nice pics, all the ones you posted look quite sharp! were you more critical when culling/editing or did your front row place just allow you that much more time to focus?
Wicked or pisser (pronounced pissah) have no equal in New England. Scorcher means hot everywhere doesn't it?


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
narlus said:
the last one in particular, closing the initial set, was a goddamn scorcher, really one of those moments you hope for when you see live music, a band united in creating and trying to tame a writhing beast of a song.
narlus said:
anyway, here's a scorcher from their new Synoptikon record.
:think: not a hot day, no? heh. oh, just that the song is hot. i guess. until narlus' recent double usage (such a faux pas! :D) i hadn't seen it used widely.


Eastcoast Softcore
Staff member
Nov 7, 2001
behind the viewfinder
recent double usage? that major stars refererence (off synoptikon) is definitely a few weeks old. :D

'writing about music is like dancing about architecture'

credited to either thelonious monk or elvis costello.

toshi, i've been using the CFn 4-3 custom function to lock focus separately from exposure, and i'm not sure if that's helped or not. the environment between this show and the MONO show couldn't have been different, but i did get some pretty usuable pics from that one as well. this show was so bright at times i got to actually use my kit lens.


Turbo Monkey
Jun 6, 2002
Sweet! Great concert report as usual! :thumb:

I saw Jason Collett and Calexico on Monday at the 930 Club in DC. I'd not seen Calexico live before and was really taken by their performance. They opened with Roka and played a smattering from their last three albums. They opened their encore with all members of Calexico and Jason Collett's band doing a great cover of Bob Dylan's Gotta Serve Somebody.