
California State Park Park closures


Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
That's all of our local parks. Including where I will be backpacking in a few weekends. Yippie!


Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
I thought you were for less government spending? Or is that only when it doesn't cut services/amenities that you actually use?
I am. The local parks where I ride, climb, backpack, etc are for the most part maintained by local cyclists, hikers and climbers. You will not notice that these parks are affected.

My greater concern is that some of these parks will become havens for homeless people if there are no regular patrols to keep them out. Homeless people + parks = crime in local areas, human excrement and garbage.

The greatest concern is that some in the legislature in CA have talked about selling the parks to fill gaps in the budget. This is on par with selling government buildings (that are paid for) just to lease them, so that the immediate cash can be had for the same reasons.

There are a lot of services that I can do without which are public services. There are many public services that are not offered that should be, because the cut down on other more expensive services.

Perfect example in Bay Area are the mental institutions that were shut down by Regan. They were a safe place for people with mental illnesses that made them a danger to themselves and the public. We now have violent, borderline sociopaths wandering the streets of SF. These individuals in turn often sell their prescription drugs, which fuels a large part of the drug haven that is the Tenderloin. Most of the crime in San Francisco doesn't originate in Hunter's Point or the projects; it comes from the Tenderloin district driven by druggies. Obviously there are other facets to this problem, but it is just one example.