
Calling Pau11y, OVER!!


Turbo Monkey
WAAAAAHHHHHHOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! It was knee deep and still coming down like a mutha! I took out those Salomon AK Rocket and swear I had wood the ENTIRE time skiing! I'm gonna try and sneak up tomorrow too :D In 2 hours I did like 6 laps on Pioneer Ridge. Man I needed that attitude adjustment!

Edit: it was slightly deeper than the pic, and boiled up to your mid thigh :thumb:


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
Pau11y said:
WAAAAAHHHHHHOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! It was knee deep and still coming down like a mutha! I took out those Salomon AK Rocket and swear I had wood the ENTIRE time skiing! I'm gonna try and sneak up tomorrow too :D In 2 hours I did like 6 laps on Pioneer Ridge. Man I needed that attitude adjustment!

Edit: it was slightly deeper than the pic, and boiled up to your mid thigh :thumb:
BOIOIOIOING! My buddy that works here is heading up tomorrow....... bahstid.



Turbo Monkey
SkaredShtles said:
BOIOIOIOING! My buddy that works here is heading up tomorrow....... bahstid.

That boy better start at 4:00am if he's remotely hoping to press glass and first tracks. But if it was anything like today, it was pretty damn empty, even at 1:00pm when I made it up.


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
Pau11y said:
That boy better start at 4:00am if he's remotely hoping to press glass and first tracks. But if it was anything like today, it was pretty damn empty, even at 1:00pm when I made it up.
Ah - I think he has a friend that is in a condo up there. He'll probably head up tonight. Nothing like a nice evening drive over Rabbit Ears in a whiteout! :thumb:



Turbo Monkey
SkaredShtles said:
Ah - I think he has a friend that is in a condo up there. He'll probably head up tonight. Nothing like a nice evening drive over Rabbit Ears in a whiteout! :thumb:

Tell him to watch it. In fact, he might want to do Gore instead, or even 70 to 131 and head in from the south. RE is gonna be hell, chains would prob be advisable.


Turbo Monkey
SkaredShtles said:
Was it blowing a bunch too? Rabbit Ears *can* be dicey.............

Nope, no blow, but still dumpin' like you read about Steamboat can.

Edit: don't fokk w/ RE man! That pass has kill a lot of unsuspecting drivers/passengers! One year my housemates and I scored a bunch of Pete's Wicked (couple of kegs if I remember right) when one of their trucks overturned. That wasn't so bad, nobody got hurt, just a bunch of wasted beer :D


Turbo Monkey
COmtbiker12 said:

I'm greener than your avatar in envy right now. :mad: I wish I lived a 5 minute drive from that. :(
Just keep thinking UBC. Also, I'm not sure what you're into as far as a major, but CMC here is starting a 2 year engineering program. It'll put you thru the first 2 years of an engineering program w/o the statium classes (ie Chem I & II, Calc I & II, Physics I & II) where you need a set of friggin binocs just to see the prof. Current sizes in the above classes is 28 max. This may grow a bit tho as it become more popular. Also, instate tuition vs. international tuition should also be a major consideration. All credit will transfer to CU, CSU, Mines. And to top it all, you will be within a 5 min drive from skiing like the pic SS posted :thumb:
Lastly, don't under estimate the calibur of the profs at CMC, as well as the intimate class room environment on your ability to understand the topics more fully.


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
Pau11y said:
Nope, no blow, but still dumpin' like you read about Steamboat can.

Edit: don't fokk w/ RE man! That pass has kill a lot of unsuspecting drivers/passengers! One year my housemates and I scored a bunch of Pete's Wicked (couple of kegs if I remember right) when one of their trucks overturned. That wasn't so bad, nobody got hurt, just a bunch of wasted beer :D
I've driven RE about 1/2 dozen times in a whiteout. Once you can drive it by Braille, it isn't so bad........... :p

Good news on the beer! :thumb:
