
~~~Cambodia Independence Day GMT~~~~~~


Jun 7, 2007
Warsaw :/
Na, coffee shops are definitely not my scene. Irish pubs and beer bars are more my scene. I'm the guy who listened and went to punk shows 15yrs ago and talks about how kids now a days listen to crap... I laugh in the face of trendy hipsters. My first show was the Ramones back in 1995.
I was 8 in 95 so no Ramones for me even if they for some crazy reason decided to come to Poland. I think as longs as they bring some fresh blood to the scene and dont ruin it completely I dont mind them. I have to say I like hipster coffee - defo better than anything from the big networks. I wish Irish pubs didnt suck in here. Beer bars are good though here it is mostly hipsters vs fancy shmancy club scene. I really hope they dont close that one pub in Krakow that offers 150 beer brands.


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
So I had my all day interview that started at 8:00 with the VP of Engineering and ended at 5:00 with the Development manager.

Not a solid tech question and NO WHITEBOARD all day, it was very pleasant. Covered my background, talked relative experience, talked strengths/weaknesses, methodology, troubleshooting, but no writing code, no "find the problem in this method", and did I mention NO WHITEBOARD?

I actually enjoyed it and will be both shocked and disappointed if I don't get an offer from it.


Jun 7, 2007
Warsaw :/
So I had my all day interview that started at 8:00 with the VP of Engineering and ended at 5:00 with the Development manager.

Not a solid tech question and NO WHITEBOARD all day, it was very pleasant. Covered my background, talked relative experience, talked strengths/weaknesses, methodology, troubleshooting, but no writing code, no "find the problem in this method", and did I mention NO WHITEBOARD?

I actually enjoyed it and will be both shocked and disappointed if I don't get an offer from it.
So no "why are manhole covers round"? Though from 8 to 5 interview? Do you have a super duper background and experiance or how did it happen? I can talk about myself all day but finding someone who would be interested in it for 9 hours? That's something new

Good luck with the job