So my current camera a Fuji S7000 just isn't cutting it anymore. Although it is a 6.3 megapixel, it is more like a 3 or 4 megapixel. Printing out 8.5 x 11s I can start to see distortion, and it isn't the printer. So I am looking at a Digital SLR, and am looking into the new Canon EOS 20D. I know there are plenty of amazing photographers on this site, and I would appreciate any feedback you could give on this camera, or any recommendations on other cameras. As well any users on this board who use Canon SLRs could you recommend me some lenses. I am pretty sure I will be purchasing the 20D but I would like to get some feedback. I know I am going to buy the 15mm fisheye lense, but if you guys could recommend some other lenses that aren't as expensive as my bike that would be great. Thanks.