
Camera Suggestions?


Turbo Monkey
Jul 31, 2005
San Francisco
Im sure theres already been a post about this but I searched and couldn't find it. Anyways I got rid of my cannon sd400 cause of the huge lag time between button and shutter. But I need a good still camera. Obviously biking shots are the principal concern, and the $300-350 range is second. Any suggestions?


Oct 3, 2005
gemini2k said:
Im sure theres already been a post about this but I searched and couldn't find it. Anyways I got rid of my cannon sd400 cause of the huge lag time between button and shutter.
Were you pre-focusing and then practicing, practicing, practicing so you could get a feel for the "real" shutter lag or where you pointing, clickcng, waiting for it to focus and then waiting for the shutter?

You'll find that the cameras in that price range all have shutter lag ("real" and the point, click, focus kind) and you need to practice pre-focusing to grab the shots that you want.


98th percentile on my SAT & all I got was this tin
Transcend said:
Most point and shoots will have this lag. You need to pre focus them to make them work for action.
I agree. I just got a Canon SD450 for $230 from buy.com and it rocks. Much nicer than the SD110 it replaced.

Prefocus by giving the button a half press to check that the focus rectangles are where you want and then finish the press to catch the action.

I've also been using the video capacity to shoot most stuff lately. The DVD quality video is nice. Perhaps you have seen some of my latest lameariffic videos shot on the SD450?

*(note that the quality has been toned down a bit for web playback)


Leader and Demogogue of the Ridemonkey Satinists
Oct 26, 2001
chez moi
Canon S70 (or whatever the latest in the S-series is now...80? 90?) is compact, cheap, gives LOTS of control over exposure and flash, and served me really well on lots of biking trips. Good wideangle on the zoom lens, too, which is a lot more important (IMHO) than the long end of the zoom.


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
i have a sony dsc-t7 (super duper small camera) which is good for snapshots. i have a canon ae-1 (old shcool film) for da good stuff. i would like to get a medium format, preferably a mamiya. that shiz is awesome!

also nowadays i don't worry too much about riding shots, one of my good buddies goes to school for photo so he is the picture b1tch.