
Cameracourage hacked.

N8 v2.0

Not the sharpest tool in the shed
Oct 18, 2002
The Cleft of Venus
Yep... very wide spread but not fatal. Our site admin got us back up in no time.

Santy worm Googles for attack
The Associated Press | December 22, 2004 | Staff writers

A NEW internet worm has a launched a Google-powered assault on web bulletin boards that use the popular phpBB forum software.

Dubbed "Perl.Santy.A", or "Santy", the worm attacks web servers rather than desktop PCs, a warning posted online by Finnish internet security company F-Secure said.

The worm uses Google to search randomly for new hosts, F-Secure said.

Once a server is infected, the worm begins to find and overwrite files with extensions including .htm, .php, .asp, .shtm, .jsp and .phtm.

The files are replaced with the text: "This site is defaced. NeverEverNoSanity Webworm generation n", where n represented the generation of the worm infecting the host.

"There have been serious vulnerabilities found in the phpBB software in the past and this incident underlines the importance of all people keeping up to date with the latest security patches and fixes," anti-virus firm Sophos senior technology consultant Graham Cluley said.

The release of the worm was probably timed to coincide with Christmas, he said. "Can it really be coincidence that a worm which attacks bulletin boards is released just as many companies and organisation that run such message boards are shutting down for Christmas?" Mr Cluley said.

The worm's impact could be increased by the fact that many webmasters would be on holidays, he said.


Calendar Dominator
Apr 23, 2002
Broomfield, Colorado
Yeah, Man I guess it is a little my fault cause I haven't had time to keep updated on the site recently. I guess a new patch came out a couple weeks ago and now I don't have a site.
Oh well. It will be up in the next couple days since I am home for christmas..


Man Whore
Aug 3, 2004
Montreal, Qc
phpBB 2.0.11 is available in english since November 18th.
Localized version were available since December 15th.

I was in test to deploy the french version on AllezY.net (Deyv website) but we were hit by the worm. And quite hard by the way. The site is still not up again. I will have to install a test server at home, restore from the backup, upgrade, then re-upload the files on the web server. The current version i've restored was defaced within 15 minutes.