
Can a monkey save a dog?


Mar 5, 2004
Melrose MA
I found this post on a Boston Craigs List board. If anyone is in the New England area that would be willing to take in a greyhound, please do


Hi Everyone,

500 Greyhounds at a Connecticut Dog Racing Track are scheduled to be put down on May 15th, in one and a half weeks, due to the track being closed down. The track is giving rescues very little time to save as many as they can. If anyone you know would be willing to foster one of these amazing dogs or is interested in adopted a Greyhound, please read and forward the below email about the situation. Transports to other parts of the country are being arranged, and medical expenses will be covered for foster homes.
Original Email Below:
The greyhound track in Plainfield, CT voted on April 26th that they would
discontinue greyhound racing. Unfortunately - and heartbreakingly - they've
also decided that rescuers have only two weeks to get the dogs out, and any
dogs remaining at the track on May 14th will be euthanized. This is a
monumental task because there are at least 500 dogs currently at the track.
These are all young, healthy dogs, 2-4 years of age, who would make great
family pets.

Why is the track doing this? Greyhound racing is a business and because the
track is no longer profitable, they're getting out. To us, dogs are cherished
companions. To the greyhound racing industry, dogs are expendable commodities
to be disposed of in whatever way is least expensive and most convenient when
they aren't making money.

We've committed to saving as many dogs as we possibly can in the next two
weeks. We'll be working with an experienced greyhound rescuer who has been
placing retired greyhounds for many years. She will be going to the track and
bringing us dogs. As soon as we have more room, we'll do it again. We will
repeat as many times as we can before May 14th. After May 14th, there will be
no dogs left alive at the track.

In order to save as many dogs as we can, we are going to try something we've
never done before; sending as many as possible out into foster care by May
14th. Every time we send a dog into an adoptive home or a foster home, we can
take another dog off the track. We will take the fostered dogs back into the
Dakin Animal Shelter for adoption over the next few months as spaces open up
for them - as long as they're off the track by May 14th, they'll be safe.

How can you help?

a.. Adopt a greyhound They're wonderful dogs - gentle, quiet, sweet, and
graceful. The ones we'll be getting will be good companions with other dogs and
with cats. Surprisingly, they're couch potatoes. They do need to be in a fenced
area or leash walked; they aren't dogs to let run loose. For information on
what it's like to take a greyhound home, visit http://www.greyhoundgang.com. To find
out what greys we have available for adoption, call us at 413-548-9898 or visit
our dog adoption page.
b.. Foster a greyhound If we can send greys into foster care and out of our
Shelter, we can pull more from the track before May 14. We'll get them back
into the Shelter over the next few months. We will provide all their medical
care and a crate to make their transition easier. You provide your time & love
and together we will give them a new life! For information on what it's like to
take a greyhound home, visit http://www.greyhoundgang.com. If you can help, or are
interested in more information, contact us at 413-548-9898.
c.. Donate money. We are going to need extra funds to help these dogs. We'll
be buying crates and other supplies as well as paying all their medical bills.
You can send a check to: Dakin Animal Shelter, 163 Montague Road, Leverett MA
01054, or donate online. Please mark your donation "Save the Greys".
d.. Donate a large dog crate. We need these to send with the dogs going into
foster care.
e.. Spread the word! The more people who know about this tragedy, the more
help the dogs will get.
Many of you have seen greyhounds in the community - they're lovely, gentle
dogs. When we started working with greyhounds, we discovered that there are a
lot of misconceptions about them.

a.. Greys are not hyper - they're actually couch potatoes!
b.. They love to run - for about 5 minutes - in a safe, fenced area.
c.. Greys spend most of their day snoozing and adore soft sleeping places and
all the comforts in life.
d.. They are actually very good dogs for apartments or small homes because of
their low activity level.
e.. They are very clean dogs, and in some ways are very catlike in their
cleanliness and love of comfort.
f.. Most greyhounds - including all the ones we'll be getting - can live with
other dogs and cats, once they've been introduced, and actually love living
with other animals.
g.. They rarely bark and shed little.
h.. In their life on the track, they live in crates for 22 hours per day, so
most things in the 'real world' are a surprise to them.
i.. They've never seen simple things such as: slippery floors (wood, tile);
stairs; television; windows; cats; dogs who are not greyhounds!
j.. They generally housebreak very easily because they're completely crate
trained (they aren't housebroken because they've never been in a house, so they
have to learn what a house is!).
k.. They walk very, very politely on leash - they learn that at the track.
l.. Greyhounds are very good companions for homes with gentle children
because of their own gentle nature.
This is a tragedy of enormous proportions, and we've decided to throw
everything we've got into doing as much as we can. It's easy to get overwhelmed
thinking about the scope of the problem - and do nothing. If we instead work
together as a community, we CAN make a difference. The Dakin Animal Shelter has
always relied upon our community for our support, and we're counting on you
now. With your help, we WILL make a difference

Velocity Girl

Sep 12, 2001
=[Stinky]= said:
Aww.... Damn... Already have 2 whippetts. Would love a Greyhound.. but no room.
Another whippy owner! We have three!!

That's so sad about the pups at the track....greys are such wonderful dogs. Wish I was closer :(


Jun 19, 2004
Food Fondlers' Convention
oh, i already have a westy, and a boarder collie, and they both, especially the latter, keep me busy. hyper little guy. I can't help, but i really would if i could. that's too damn bad, nobody wants to adopts such hyper, high maintenance dogs, and i am scared for them, frankly.

Velocity Girl

Sep 12, 2001
flatulant_man said:
oh, i already have a westy, and a boarder collie, and they both, especially the latter, keep me busy. hyper little guy. I can't help, but i really would if i could. that's too damn bad, nobody wants to adopts such hyper, high maintenance dogs, and i am scared for them, frankly.

I can imagine that border collie keeps you very busy :)

Greyhounds are actually pretty mellow dogs....couch potatoes for the most part. Because they are so fast many people mistake them for being high energy, but it's really only in short bursts. After then run around for 15-30 mins they're content to lounge on the most comfortable couch in the house :D


Mar 5, 2004
Melrose MA
flatulant_man said:
oh, i already have a westy, and a boarder collie, and they both, especially the latter, keep me busy. hyper little guy. I can't help, but i really would if i could. that's too damn bad, nobody wants to adopts such hyper, high maintenance dogs, and i am scared for them, frankly.
a.. Greys are not hyper - they're actually couch potatoes!
b.. They love to run - for about 5 minutes - in a safe, fenced area.
c.. Greys spend most of their day snoozing and adore soft sleeping places and
all the comforts in life.
i have a BC too and she wants to play from 6am to 12am, non stop. we will go out in the back yard and she will run in circles for hours while i watch her and get dizzy


Turbo Monkey
Feb 26, 2003
Ill be giving them a call. We have been looking at getting a second dog. :thumb:

We have a border colly mut, and boy is she lazy. But she is very old, going on 13.


Trail Rat
Jul 8, 2002
Alamance County, NC
luken8r said:
i have a BC too and she wants to play from 6am to 12am, non stop. we will go out in the back yard and she will run in circles for hours while i watch her and get dizzy

Somebody mention Greyhound?

That's a shame.....so many doggies. I'd love to adopt them all, but I can't. Fiancee says only one right now......and he's a handful. Add another one to the Border Collie club here. Hyper little feller, but very smart and an excellent trail dog.


I Are Baboon

Vagina man
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
Owning a greyhound would be cool I think. Problem is, we don't have a fenced in yard, and we have two cats who rule the house and would not take kindly to an adult housedog.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 26, 2003
Yeah, since when do dogs need 'fenced in yards'. they are dogs... They rome around and screw and eat out of trash... we let our dog out all the time and she always stays near by, she is just trained that way, and knows not to go near roads. :nope:

Mike B.

Turbo Monkey
Oct 5, 2001
State College, PA
mack said:
Yeah, since when do dogs need 'fenced in yards'. they are dogs... They rome around and screw and eat out of trash... we let our dog out all the time and she always stays near by, she is just trained that way, and knows not to go near roads. :nope:
You have a 13 year old border collie, of course it's not going anywhere. BC are very intelligent so they take to training very well and the don't have the urges of some dogs to hunt/chase/explore, they're working dogs. On the other hand I've got a beagle/lab mix that loves to be inside and eat but would not hesitate to bolt out the back door and chase every rabbit, groundhog, and squirrel in a 10 sq mile area.

To stay on topic, my wife and I have considered adopting a GH in the past so I'm pushing her a little right now. CT is a short drive and our dog could use a companion. I'd love to give one of those guys a good home.


Ride till you puke!
Dec 10, 2002
Burlington, Connecticut
I Are Baboon said:
Beats me, but if you read the website posted at the top of this thread, they say you need a fenced in yard to adopt one of their greyhounds.

Greyhounds are sight hounds. They use their eyesight to spot prey and once they get the prey in their sights they are off to the races! That's why they chase that fake rabbit around the track and that's why they need a fenced in yard.


Hey baby, want a hot dog?
Jul 9, 2002
Jimtown, CO
we were thinking about getting one from the track in AR but we wanted a dog we could take on trails & greyhounds HAVE to be on leashes....so we got a mutt.


Sep 29, 2004
SC mtns
I Are Baboon said:
Owning a greyhound would be cool I think. Problem is, we don't have a fenced in yard, and we have two cats who rule the house and would not take kindly to an adult housedog.
You should do it. Get your cats a perch or other place to sit, and don't let the dog have free range of the house. Crate trained dogs think of that as their den, and will use that as a place to sack out. And greyhounds really are kick back dogs as long as you walk 'em and give them some love every day.

You won't need a big fenced area to get going. That's an easy project All you need is some fence posts, small sacks of post setting concrete, and some welded wire fencing, and a few tools. You just need a place to put the dog out to do its business without having to take it out on a leash every time. an area off a laundry room or garage works great, so in bad weather you aren't bringing a wet dog through the house.

I've got a neighbor who owns two grey hounds and 3 cats. They all seem to co-exist just fine. Two of the cats don't like the dogs, so just ignore the dogs. The third cat likes the dogs, doesn't like the other two cats, and follows the owner and dogs on walks around the neighborhood.

The dogs are wonderful, very gentle and polite. They are Ok with strangers and small children approaching them. They have very short coats, so are low maintenance. They are quiet. My neighbor is 3 houses away, and I don't remember ever hearing her dogs bark. Wish I could say that about some of the others in the neighborhod.

They are sweet dogs