

Artisanal Tweet Curator
I mean - that's the commonly accepted "overtaking you" signal. It should be done far back from the vehicle in front, and there should be nothing to prevent the person out front from moving right.

If they aren't able to get right, it's a dick-move.
no shit :rofl:

I'm pointing out that flashing your lights at someone while calling them an entitled asshole could not possibly be more hypocritical. Because neither of your are 'entitled' to that left lane.


sled dog's bollocks
Jan 14, 2002
Thats what the horn is for at a stop. People playing on phones: lay on the horn till they start moving.


sled dog's bollocks
Jan 14, 2002
Ive looked at several states for left lane stuff. In a some there is a law, with the appropriate exceptions, but people tend to misconstrue that its illegal to be in the left lane unless you are passing…its not that simple. If you are behind and simply want to go faster…that doesn’t mean the person ahead in the left is illegal…in the states with those laws. Likewise with passing on the right, most allow this, its not illegal. Passing on the shoulder is whats illegal.

In most states, not sure there are any exceptions, passing above the speed limit is illegal, as in of you have to go 70 to pass someone going 64 when the limit is 65, thats illegal.
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sled dog's bollocks
Jan 14, 2002
And my state has a “if you are holding up 5 vehicles or more” law that makes it illegal…but enforcement is a joke. Its basically non-enforceable, so its just lip service.


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
Ive looked at several states and it’s generally not law. In a few there is a law, with the appropriate exceptions, but people tend to misconstrue that its illegal to be in the left lane unless you are passing…its not that simple.
Fortunately, our state is one that has a law. Not that it really does much good, as I don't see any evidence it's enforced.

Likewise with passing on the right, most allow this, its not illegal.
It's a good thing it isn't, 'cause I pass HUNDREDS of vehicles on the right... fairly regularly.


sled dog's bollocks
Jan 14, 2002


Bob the Builder
Aug 24, 2004
In the cleavage of the Tetons
I mean - that's the commonly accepted "overtaking you" signal. It should be done far back from the vehicle in front, and there should be nothing to prevent the person out front from moving right.

If they aren't able to get right, it's a dick-move.
Agreed. I usually do it once, a few hundred yards back, and then once or twice if the person is just clueless.


closer to Periwinkle
Apr 19, 2013
sw ontario canada
I like the middle lane. Usually, the slowpokes stay to the right and the cop bait sits in the left.
Then. when people fuck up in front of me as they invariably do there are bailout choices.

As for the left lane, pass then get right.
I will sit in the left if I'm passing a whole string of spaced cars instead of deaking left and right every 10-20 seconds, but will pull right if somebody overtakes me.

Apparently common sense is no longer common?


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
In all reality, though, I've pretty much given up on the left lane. The right lane is almost *always* faster because it's almost always empty.

Early weekend mornings in Washington when there is little traffic you can find groups of people driving bumper to bumper in the left lane doing 10mph under the limit in the left lane while everything else is wide open. Lemmings are brighter.
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Bob the Builder
Aug 24, 2004
In the cleavage of the Tetons
"In 2014, Georgia enacted a “Slowpoke Law,” making it a citable offense to camp out in the passing lane (or fast lane) of a highway and hold up traffic behind you, or to otherwise impede the flow of traffic. The stated basis for the law is that drivers going slower than the speed of traffic create risk, to themselves and others on the road, as well as add obstructions to already congested freeways."


sled dog's bollocks
Jan 14, 2002
"In 2014, Georgia enacted a “Slowpoke Law,” making it a citable offense to camp out in the passing lane (or fast lane) of a highway and hold up traffic behind you, or to otherwise impede the flow of traffic. The stated basis for the law is that drivers going slower than the speed of traffic create risk, to themselves and others on the road, as well as add obstructions to already congested freeways."
Good luck with enforcement.


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river