
Canada - Strange way to Protect Copyrights


unemployed bum
Oct 24, 2002
Watchin' you. Writing it all down.
Well, let them pass the levy. It will boost American electronic sales near the border and put more Canadian dollars in our pocket. I say Go for it. Maybe we'll get back some of that prescription money they are sucking out of this country.

What it all comes down to is greed. The music industry wants to hold onto their profits and consumers want to hold onto theirs. And apparently, the Canadian govt wants a piece of the action also. Like Canadians aren't taxed enough already.

Since I own a retail business that is heavily affected by internet and catalog sales, I make it a point to try and make sure my bucks go to the people who deserve them. Before we burn a CD, we will have already purchased it in a local record store. If I purchased it once, I think the music on it is mine to do what I want with it. Before we look to the internet for anything, we shop local first. And I am willing to ante up the extra bucks just to ensure my dollars stay as local as possible.


Don't mess with the Santas
Apr 16, 2002
Napavine, Warshington
Originally posted by CRUM
I say Go for it. Maybe we'll get back some of that prescription money they are sucking out of this country.

I'm not sure whether to laugh or what.

Are you a fan of capitolism or not.

It's funny how business people are all about recognizing the most profit and then feeling moral outrage about consumers who try and realize the best value. It's two sides of the same coin.

Same deal with prescription drugs, if they are cheaper in Canada and Canadian drug distributers want to sell to America then who are you as a business man to complain.

Free markets or government controlled markets? That is the question.
Originally posted by ummbikes
I'm not sure whether to laugh or what.

Are you a fan of capitolism or not.

It's funny how business people are all about recognizing the most profit and then feeling moral outrage about consumers who try and realize the best value. It's two sides of the same coin.

Same deal with prescription drugs, if they are cheaper in Canada and Canadian drug distributers want to sell to America then who are you as a business man to complain.

Free markets or government controlled markets? That is the question.
I'd say you read a lot more into my post than was there. No moral outrage here. Catalogs and Internet are a reality. I just indicated where I try to shop first. No sniveling, or whining, just letting folks know where I try to spend my dollars. You can spend your money wherever you please. And if you notice a decided lack of local retailing and don't mind, then great. Whatever floats your boat. But when a local economy starts down the tubes, I wonder how much is attributable to the folks who didn't try to keep their dollars circulating in a more local way.

As far as the pescription drugs, hey, I am all for folks buying them in Canada. When my scripts get that expensive, I will probably follow suit. My comment was meant to humor. Instead I apparently hit a nerve. Oh well.


find me a tampon
Jul 20, 2002
Orange County, CA
Interesting note:

Due to this tariff on blank media, it is legal to make a physical copy of someone else's CD in Canada.

The only catch is that you have to do it yourself, the other person can't make the copy for you.

Evel Monkey

Oct 28, 2003
I hope the old people chartering buses across the border for the purpose of buying prescription drugs never feel an ounce of guilt.


Monkey Turbo
Sep 8, 2001
Feeling the lag
Originally posted by Evel Monkey
I hope the old people chartering buses across the border for the purpose of buying prescription drugs never feel an ounce of guilt.
I hope that they enjoy their day out also.


Turbo Monkey
Aug 25, 2002
Hangin' with Riggs and Mertah
this is a big deal. the liberal government here took a lot of pride when they developed this project. i been watching it very closely.

I also bought a device that takes memory cards that cost an exorbanent amount of money to replace.

MP3 devices don't cost enough to ever even partially compensate the artists for their trouble. as for the blank cd money grab? that is all it is. just another liberal slush fund like the fake sporting goods shows that the government sponsored.

First off the big thing about storage devices is that they are often used for internet radio shows...to hear music people have never heard before. Once a radio show is put into streaming format absolutely no musician is ever going to see a dime for their work. The problem with their theory is that canada is only supporting large music corporations and even then, they will never be compensated adequately or evenly.

On the other hand, I am one of the few people that also believes that music sites like kazaa and napster should be banned from the internet.

EVentually some kind of fee is going to be surcharged on these services but people are still being encourage to steal music. An album is never complete without the art and the lyrics and complete cd.

This is just more corporate maintream bullcrap that will eventually choke out the actual innovators and new artists trying to make a go of it, that actually have talent.

The real problem is that corporate radio stations pay RIAA fees and only play cds from record labels that pay them to play their music, basically if radio itself didn't have their hands out for money underground music wouldn't exist the way it does. You just can't bring up a brand new cd to a radio station and say here this is new could you play this?

They won't.

The RIAA tells them what to play. What becomes popular is the decision of some corporate executive somewhere, not the people.

Just another example of governments and big businesses trying to control your life. I am definitely saying NO when they ask me to install a chip in my body that allows them to find you through gps and allows you to do your banking automatically by waiving your hand. Wouldn't you remember to say no after seeing BS like this?


Jul 21, 2002
i saw the new PM yesterday... gave a speech to my work, since my department in the area raised just over a million bucks to the UNITED WAY CAMPAIGN.

as for this silly levee... i guess i won't by buying one of these gadgets soon. perhaps i'll just books - that i downloaded free of charge off the internet (joke).

Y'KNOW WHAT SHOULD BE DONE? kill all the record companies so that they stop raping us at the register. i'm all for making individuals into mulit-gazillionaires for singing songs... but giving the company the lion's share of the money?

sounds rather pimpish to me. i thought that kind of thing was illegal.

i also wonder if this CCCP or whatever is gonna get on the "stealing satellite signals that show up in my backyard for free despite the fact that we can't get that service anyway" campaign....


unemployed bum
Oct 24, 2002
Watchin' you. Writing it all down.
The thing that really bugs me is that at $16USD (that's like a$1000CDN, right?) everyone claims that no one is making money.

Raw materials are all of .50 maybe. Production costs have to be much less.....

So where's the rest?


find me a tampon
Jul 20, 2002
Orange County, CA
Originally posted by DRB
The thing that really bugs me is that at $16USD (that's like a$1000CDN, right?) everyone claims that no one is making money.

Raw materials are all of .50 maybe. Production costs have to be much less.....

So where's the rest?
Cocaine, heroin, and hookers...also known as marketing and PR :)


Brevity R Us
Aug 16, 2001
Lynnwood, WA
Originally posted by DRB
The thing that really bugs me is that at $16USD (that's like a$1000CDN, right?) everyone claims that no one is making money.

Raw materials are all of .50 maybe. Production costs have to be much less.....

So where's the rest?
Marketing and promotion probably. That is a broad term and can cover many areas that a promotional company (Music company) spends the $$$$.

I don't know....it is a dirty business.