I have.Sort of related: Have you read When Breath Becomes Air by Paul Kalinithi? His letter to his kid in that book...
I have not. Recommended?When Breath Becomes Air by Paul Kalinithi
Definitely. On life and death, from a guy who died at 37 as a neurosurgery resident with a young family from metastatic lung cancer.I have not. Recommended?
Just read the synopsis. Having just lived through something similar for the last two years, I don’t know what I would hope to gain by reading that.Definitely. On life and death, from a guy who died at 37 as a neurosurgery resident with a young family from metastatic lung cancer.
Yeah, nothing objective to learn. But his writing was beautiful nonetheless, in particular the chapter that I mentioned above written to his kid. Perhaps in time.Just read the synopsis. Having just lived through something similar for the last two years, I don’t know what I would hope to gain by reading that.
Yeah, I was just about to say something much along these lines. I'll caveat by saying there is no possible way I could understand what you've gone through, how much mental strength you might possibly have left, the state of your compassion reserves, and I have to imagine, how much anger or rage you might possibly have. That said, there is no fucking way I would recommend that book to you, right now.Just read the synopsis. Having just lived through something similar for the last two years, I don’t know what I would hope to gain by reading that.
i'd had a similar idea, and had sent a few PM's in an attempt to obtain some details.You mentioned fundraisers. Do you feel comfortable posting some details so that those of us who are so inclined could contribute in her memory? Or a PM would be okay if you don't feel comfortable sharing publicly.