


Joe Dalton
Apr 18, 2002
Speechless. I'm known to be somewhat dry inside.
But shit like that tears me up. So young. #fuckthatfuckingcancer



Turbo Monkey
Oct 12, 2001
She died yesterday evening, surrounded by family. We are going to miss her deeply.


The Thing cannot be described
Sep 10, 2001
It is beyond anything I can understand in this moment to know what you are going through. Beyond words on mountain bike forum, I can't pretend to know anything about you, your life, your family. I appreciate you sharing what you are going through. I can only hope you are able to find some solace here, in visiting this site with others who share a common passion. I'm sure I'm not alone in saying that riding plays a therapeutic role in life, as well as for the pure enjoyment of getting rad in the woods (except for the logovers). I hope you are able to still find that. I wish you and your family all the best.


Turbo Monkey
Apr 5, 2008
Damn, so sorry for your loss!
I wish you all the strength to get through this!


Terrified of Cucumbers
Nov 12, 2006
The old world
So sorry for your loss. I feel I can tell from this thread alone that you are damn strong and will be there for your incredible son. All the best to you and your family.


Turbo Monkey
Sep 16, 2008
Ottawa, Canada
Ugh. I'm so very sorry for your loss. So incomprehensible. I hope you have a good support network of friends and family close by, for you and your boy.


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
My condolences.

Sort of related: Have you read When Breath Becomes Air by Paul Kalinithi? His letter to his kid in that book...


Mental acuity - 1%
Jan 9, 2004
in a single wide, cooking meth...
Cannot imagine what you and your family are going through. So sorry to hear the news. I have a good bike bro who lost his wife to breast cancer (she was 40 and they had a small kiddo) and it was rough AF for a good while, but he's doing well now and his daughter has turned into a fantastic young lady. I hope the same for you.


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
I have not. Recommended?
Definitely. On life and death, from a guy who died at 37 as a neurosurgery resident with a young family from metastatic lung cancer.



Turbo Monkey
Oct 12, 2001
Definitely. On life and death, from a guy who died at 37 as a neurosurgery resident with a young family from metastatic lung cancer.

Just read the synopsis. Having just lived through something similar for the last two years, I don’t know what I would hope to gain by reading that.


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
Just read the synopsis. Having just lived through something similar for the last two years, I don’t know what I would hope to gain by reading that.
Yeah, nothing objective to learn. But his writing was beautiful nonetheless, in particular the chapter that I mentioned above written to his kid. Perhaps in time.


bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.
Just read the synopsis. Having just lived through something similar for the last two years, I don’t know what I would hope to gain by reading that.
Yeah, I was just about to say something much along these lines. I'll caveat by saying there is no possible way I could understand what you've gone through, how much mental strength you might possibly have left, the state of your compassion reserves, and I have to imagine, how much anger or rage you might possibly have. That said, there is no fucking way I would recommend that book to you, right now.

It is immensely powerful. I read it after my accident. A moment in my life where I had a *really* close brush with my own mortality and was really struggling mentally trying to come to terms with it. Dr. Kalinithi was certainly more eloquent and so much more full of grace than I probably ever will be and the book certainly helped me find a measure of peace and understanding, but the journey is a painful one. Gut wrenching at times. I suspect you have a full measure of pain to deal with, in its own good time, without self inflicting the sort of personal/spiritual journey that that book will take you on.

Would I recommend it, eventually? Absolutely. I'd wager that the chapter you might find most applicable is the last. It's written by Dr. Kalinithi's surviving wife, who displays a measure of acceptance and peace that I personally find difficult to wrap my head around, but perhaps you are in a better position than I to understand her perspective. I wish for all of us to find the grace, acceptance, love, and peace that ends that book. I hope you can find it. Your posts here at least give me the impression that you've started the journey. I certainly hope I can find it one day.


Nacho Libre
Mar 16, 2004
When my friend lost his wife he found support in an Xavier Rudd album called Koonyum Sun. I sent him a copy then. I would send a copy your way if you were interested.

Take care dump, it sounds like you are in good hands and have a good head.

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
I know that sometimes this is just a stupid message board where most of us joke and post memes.

But it's been 20 years. Two decades of life. A lot of us have literally grown up during our time as members here, with this board in the background our lives. Dump, I remember your Evil Sovereign which was pretty much my inspiration to trade in my Imperial for one. And weren't you were the one who posted a clip of you and a couple friends messing around in an urban setting set to "Me and My Homies" like a decade+ ago? I had that saved on my computer for a long time.

I've poured thousands of hours into this place over the years, maintaining and modding and upgrading and converting and juggling the stupid companies that have bought and sold us. And I've done it because this forum, after so long, feels like a little bit of home.

That home just got a little sadder, and a little more empty, and I can't even begin to fathom what you're going through. I'm so sorry.

You mentioned fundraisers. Do you feel comfortable posting some details so that those of us who are so inclined could contribute in her memory? Or a PM would be okay if you don't feel comfortable sharing publicly.


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
You mentioned fundraisers. Do you feel comfortable posting some details so that those of us who are so inclined could contribute in her memory? Or a PM would be okay if you don't feel comfortable sharing publicly.
i'd had a similar idea, and had sent a few PM's in an attempt to obtain some details.