
Cannondalejunky's GIGANTIC road trip report(lots o pics)


ease dropper
Jun 19, 2005
So as some of you guys may remember from a previous topic i started, i saved up some money, quit my job, and went on a road trip. so without further adu, here is the report about said trip...

I started in good ole fayetteville, ar. this was a loooooong trip with some camping, so as you can see by this picture, my car was packed to the rim.

and i decided to take both my bikes, instead of one

i made my way through kansas, and i've decided that i hate kansas, it's soooo freakin boring.

this was the most interesting thing i saw in kansas, i huge grain elevator, prolly about 3 football fields long and 7 or 8 stories tall

i also ran across this beauty in a small town in kansas, and yes thats a lawn mower on the front

first sign of hills, on the way to my second stop in denver

heres quite a few pictures of the drive through wyoming and utah, on the way to deer valley for the norba race

my campsite jus out side of deer valley
i was actually really lucky with this site, cause it's the only one the whole park that had trees around it and wasn't 5 feet away from the other site.

since this was my first norba race to go to, i took an insaine amount of pictures so here's the links to the photo albums



after deer valley i made my way to carson city nv, i got to see the salt flats for the first time

and i learned not to walk on the salt flats

after carson city, i made my way to ashland, which was a very cool drive. nice 2 lane highway through forests, and mountains.

i thought this was a cool picture of mt. shasta...plus this is only the second time in my life i've ever seen real mountains so all of this kinda stuff was really cool to me

after ashland, i drove up the coast to portland. i was EXTREAMLY foggy all the way up the coast, there were parts where i could bairly see infront of my car.

i thought this was a cool picture

i did some riding while i was in portland. i rode a trail called norms trail. it was pretty cool except for when i made a wrong turn and ended up going up a downhill trail.

after portland, i drove to manchester state park to camp again.
on my way up there i stoped to see mt. st hellens, which was pretty cool.

my campsite in manchester

while i was up there i went ridin with mudpuppy, his fiance, and one of their friends, which were all very cool people btw.

pic from the top of the mountain that we rode up

resting at the top, mudpuppy in the back, his fiance right next to him, and the guy on the right is their friend, which btw smoked us all goin up this huge climb on his dh bike

on my way out of my campsite i decided to take the ferry to seattle which was pretty cool, about 60 mins long, but it was effin cold and windy.

after the ferry i drove up to whistler, which was freakin awsome.

this was the best sign i've ever seen

this was the view from my hotel room, this was the best view i've ever had from a hotel room

since i dont have a dh bike, i rented one and rode some of the trails which was pretty cool.

view from the top of the hill

the new stunt at the end of the boneyard...pretty sick if you ask me

then today i made my way down to salem, or

i took this pic on the highway that takes to too and from whistler...also i saw that shirt in whistler and had to have it.

i also saw this water fall on the way here

so now my trip is over, tomorrow i drive to ashland, to start at United bicycle institute for 4 weeks, then my folks are gonna fly up here, and i'm gonna fly back. they're gonna have their vacation driving my car back to arkansas. from arkansas to here it was a total of 19 days, and 3,600 miles, no wrecks and i didn't get pulled over once.

also heres the links to the rest of the pictures that i took

road trip pics 1
road trip pics 2
raod trip pics 3


ease dropper
Jun 19, 2005
maxyedor said:
Nice pics, sounds like it was a good trip. Too bad you didn't make it down to SoCal. Guess you'll have to make another trip won't you.
maybe some other time, but for now i'm broke after this trip


Oct 27, 2004
The County of Kings
Great looking road trip! Make sure and hit up the Ashland and nearby Talent skateparks, if you like that sort of thing. Also, there is the Granite Quarry outside of Ashland, for some drops/freeride stuff.

Good luck at UBI!


ease dropper
Jun 19, 2005
qualude said:
Great looking road trip! Make sure and hit up the Ashland and nearby Talent skateparks, if you like that sort of thing. Also, there is the Granite Quarry outside of Ashland, for some drops/freeride stuff.

Good luck at UBI!

yeah the skate park is right down the street from where i'm stayin so i'm definatly gonna be hittin that up


boob hater
Jan 24, 2004
You poor bastard, you drove all the way out to Rad Canyon? Yes, the lake smells like ass. All the time. Where did you take that picture of the railroad car? That interests me...greatly.

Anyway, nice pics and write up. Did you go alone?


ease dropper
Jun 19, 2005
blue said:
You poor bastard, you drove all the way out to Rad Canyon? Yes, the lake smells like ass. All the time. Where did you take that picture of the railroad car? That interests me...greatly.

Anyway, nice pics and write up. Did you go alone?

the whole point of the trip was for me to go alone, so yes i did. and as for the rail car, i have no idea where that was...i jus happend to see it when i was taking pictures of the lake along I-80w


boob hater
Jan 24, 2004
cannondalejunky said:
the whole point of the trip was for me to go alone, so yes i did. and as for the rail car, i have no idea where that was...i jus happend to see it when i was taking pictures of the lake along I-80w
How far out of Salt Lake?

*grabs google earth*