
Canon 70-200 question


Mar 4, 2002
Hostile Sausage
So, here's my problem........I have a 70-200 F4 now and it's a great lens, I was looking at getting a 70-200 F2.8 but I wanted to get you thoughts on if I really need it?

Aside from the obvious light and speed is there any other reasons in your opinions that it would be a justifiable purchase?

I mostly shoot outdoors and have off camera and on camera flashes with PW's. If that helps.

Thanks guys.


Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001
You already answered your question. If you don't need the speed you don't need the speed.


Eastcoast Softcore
Staff member
Nov 7, 2001
behind the viewfinder
a couple of things to keep in mind...

the f/4 is touted as being sharper (at f/4, obviously) than the f/2.8
there is a new version of the f/2.8 IS lens coming out...if you really need the extra stop, you could likely find a good deal on a used lens (depending on canon's pricing of the newer version).
the f/2.8 lens is significantly heavier


Mar 4, 2002
Hostile Sausage
a couple of things to keep in mind...

the f/4 is touted as being sharper (at f/4, obviously) than the f/2.8
there is a new version of the f/2.8 IS lens coming out...if you really need the extra stop, you could likely find a good deal on a used lens (depending on canon's pricing of the newer version).
the f/2.8 lens is significantly heavier
Well damn.. : )

I certainly dont want to get a heavier and less sharp lens : ), but everyone seems to really love the 2.8? and I'm stumped now. I thought there may be some other features (bokeh, etc) that might sell me on the lens.

I also find myself not liking the IS versions.........maybe I should look at this instead Canon EF 300mm f/4L IS USM. I know it's IS but I just dont use the IS that much for what I shoot.

Thanks guys, I'm trying to get all my gear ready for the season and I appreciate your help, comments.

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Eastcoast Softcore
Staff member
Nov 7, 2001
behind the viewfinder
if you are mainly using strobes and PWs to shoot riders, i can't see how the extra stop is gonna help you in anyway, unless you plan on doing HSS.

i would likely stay put w/ what you've got, and focus yr $ on shoring up other parts of yr gear, where needed.


Turbo Monkey
Sep 24, 2004
wine country
Maybe you should just keep using it, since you don't seem to need the extra stop. I'd rather have a 2.8 myself for the shallower DOF and for shooting in low light. I used to not get how to use IS (I guess I was really retarded, because it's really simple) and was just going to get the non IS version, but I've found it really helpful, using the IS version i've been renting the past few months.


Turbo Monkey
Sep 24, 2004
wine country
Is that a coffee cup? One of my teachers a while ago had a coffee cup that I kept thinking was a lens..., even though it was all white.
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I come bearing GIFs
May 10, 2005
Just got an email from Canon Canada:
Thank you for your E-mail inquiry. Canon has recently released a limited, special edition, promotional lens mug at the 2010 Vancouver Winter Olympic games. Unfortunately, the Canon lens mugs are not available for purchasing at this time. Thank you for your support and patronage of Canon products. Should you require further assistance, please feel free to email us or visit our customer support website at http://www.canon.ca Sincerely,
Gavin Y.
Technical Support Representative
Customer Information Centre
Canon Canada Inc.

ebay has some different looking canon mugs. $$$
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I'm Mr. Negative! I Fail!
Aug 2, 2008
Im over here now
the last article i saw said it was for the Olympics too, but this popped up on engadget and gizmodo long before the Olympics started