Yeah the 2 sentences that most of Western Christianity has ignored, gives great insight into the "why" of John's immersion (it was a Jewish mikvah) not something "new" that alot of Christian theologians think.
As to the 50 - 75 AD issue I disagree with your "only apologist" assertion.......John 5:2 where John uses "is" rather than "was" concerning the pool near the Sheep Gate. This may suggest a time before 70 when Jerusalem was destroyed.
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As to the 50 - 75 AD issue I disagree with your "only apologist" assertion.......John 5:2 where John uses "is" rather than "was" concerning the pool near the Sheep Gate. This may suggest a time before 70 when Jerusalem was destroyed.
From your favorite, Wikpedia.........
I'm not confusing it with Paul's letters........thanks..........Today, most critical scholars are of the opinion that John was composed in stages (probably two or three), beginning at an unknown time (50-70?) and culminating in the final edition (Gospel of John) around 95-100.