


Out of my element
Aug 30, 2002
Deep in the Jungles of Oklahoma
Oh man I had a doosey of a fall on Saturday.

I was coming down a long wide trail with lots of embedded rocks. Every once in a while I'd use one as a little jump to clear som other rocks ahead. It was a blast. Then came a long curve which was no problem, I was holding my speed until one of the rocks moved and caused me to slide just a few inches to the left... all would have been well if there hadnt been a rut a few inches to the left. I was sideways and on the ground before I really even knew I was falling... I think I got out... "FUU" before I was sliding on my face. I didnt have time to set up for the fall. Not sure which part of me hit first either, I know I ended up on my face I have a nice mark from where the helmet and my face tried to become one. I have a hole in the palm of my right glove a completely rashed up outer left forearm, a gash in my right hip, 2 jacked up knees and a scraped up chest. I look like Indiana Jones after the truck hijacking scene.

I'll have pics of the carnage later.

Oh and the nevgal's work great, really sticky. I'm a convert. Just not too awesome in ruts :)


jingoistic xenophobe
Aug 10, 2005
saw carnage this past saturday that resulted in a broken troylee d.o.t. helmet.