
Carters Lake MiniDH Series Race #3 and Finals


Sep 22, 2001
Granite, lots of granite
Just a note to everyone. Race this weekend at Carters Lake. Last of the three race series and hence the series finals. It will be a double points weekend.

Riding on Saturday, practice and race is on Sunday. Practice will start between 9-9:30 am and registration is open at 9am. Race will start at 11:30am unless otherwise notified.

For Sunday, the trail will be closed to only registered individuals. You can still ride the trails and not race but you will be required to sign an insurance waiver at registration.

Also note. If you are under 18, you will be required to have your parents present to sign the waiver - no exceptions.


Sep 22, 2001
Granite, lots of granite
Note. No shuttle will be provided on Saturday so please show up with a game plan if you want to ride Saturday.

There is a large group camping Saturday night just FYI.

And as always, don't forget to pay your park usage fees. This is more important than I can possibly stress in words. This makes the land owners (US Army Corp of Engineers) very happy!


Sep 22, 2001
Granite, lots of granite
NOTE! You must be registered to race or signed in at the registration booth with an insurance waiver to ride on Sunday. So please come to the registration booth before hitting the trail. Racers will be required to have the number plate attached to their bike others will be given an identifying marker to let the volunteers know that you have signed in at registration before riding.

Jeremy R

Nov 15, 2001
behind you with a snap pop
Dont' forget that daylight savings time ends Sunday at 2am. So 9am registration will feel/be like 8am registration :)
Ah Scat. I have to add another hour to my cannonball run.:disgust1:
Hey Brady, I believe the correct race start time is whenever WE decide we have had enough practice.
Ya might as well let us get some riding in!:rockout: