
Case Mt , Ct


Nam I am
SO Berkshire_rider and my Self took a Trip down to the Hartford area, to meet up with IAB and MMcG to ride case Mt.

meet up and away we went.

Berkshire_rider and IAB , Warming up on the long uphill you start on.

IAB quickly would start into hucking , ( must start off his first ride of the year in style)

and every time we seamed to come to a Stop MMcG had to Pee!!!
I guess he was well hydrated .

IAB up a stumpy /rock combo

MMcG crossing a stream

IAB off a small Ladder

Berkshire_rider following

IAB anotehr ladder

MMcG rolling

IAB hucking , and he rear wheel Just barely cleared that rack

Berkshire_rider up and across

MMcG through another creek

IAB down a Tricky roller

then the Bikerag.com group would catch up with us.

GI Jane


then we would have our first mechenical , IAB broke a Pedal, he was only able to use one side of his pedal for the rest of the ride .

the Bikerag group

we would folow them for a Bit , butthen we went over to the fern Trail

MMcG crossing another small creek

Me with a really bad idea!!

The 2nd ( and last ) mechanical we would have , Berkshire_rider got a Flat


IAB crossing a Bridge , the wuss wouldn't ride it ! ( but then again niether would I , real high price for failure. )

IAB having wide bars made it intersting

and after the ride IAB gave us an impromtu Tour of Hartford ( WTF ??? ) on our way for food!

but this made it worth it !

followed by This !!!

Good trails , good Pepes and a fun time !! great day !

I Are Baboon

The Full Dopey
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
So much for "easing" into MTB season after a four month break. 4.5 hours at Case isn't exactly a light ride. :dead: I'm hurting. Good ride though!! That is a ski helmet I'm wearing. Nice and toasty on a 30 degree day (at the start of the ride, anyway).

Lotsa pics...

MMcG aka 29BOY

Splat. Nice attempt. :D


Steve hitting one of those ladder drops.

Splat, then MMcG on that roller thingamabob.


Big Air McG!!

We'll have to work on the landing though. :D

Do over.


Splat hitting a drop! :eek: This could be the start of something big...

Steve, wheelie drop.

Mark, same drop.

Steve going up the rock ladder....

and down the other side.

and back up.


Splat in some rocks.

and Splat up the MMcG Kill Zone

and down the MMcG Kill Zone.

and MMcG finishes up this picture flood.

Excellent ride today despite my weak legs. Thanks for waiting for my pokey ass, guys! :D


Ride till you puke!
Dec 10, 2002
Burlington, Connecticut
That was a great ride. Thanks for coming down Splat and Berkshirerider! My legs are tired, but that was one helluva gorgeous day to be out riding. :monkeydance:


Dec 19, 2006
Millis, MA
Effin weatherman, I'm never believing them again. What a nice weekend and I didn't make any plans because the nights were supposed to be in the teens and the highs were supposed to be in the 40's instead I was walking around in a t-shirt doing chores both days.