
Catsup, Ketchup, Catchup... Can We Talk?


Danforth Kitchen Whore
Sep 5, 2001
I know how to make ketchup, from scratch. Had to do it a couple of times, when the holidays were upon us and we had 30 guests for a Independence Day celebration on a beach looking over the Pacific.

Yay for me. Whoopie. Time to Move On!

Here's the thing - I want a decent store-bought ketchup that has some sweetness, little-to-no-heat, and lots of Tomato-licious flava.

What's my best bet?

Your Opinion Counts!

(duh, i'm already familiar with Mr. Heinz and crew - and I'm not looking for hand-crafted-with-wild-musrooms [cuz that can be made as needed])

I'm just looking to open the floor to that particular debate - What's the Best Ketchup - AND WHY!?


back alley ripper
Feb 3, 2004
NORCAL is the hizzle
Nobody said:
<snip> (duh, i'm already familiar with Mr. Heinz and crew...

That's all you need to know. Why? It's familiar, good flavor, good balance, iconic. When I ask for ketchup it is what I expect, and I'm usually disappointed with anything else. It's like asking for Tabasco and getting a different hot sauce.


i said change it damn it....Janet...Slut!!
Aug 3, 2003
OGRipper said:
It's like asking for Tabasco and getting a different hot sauce.

scratch that and reverse it...my problem is always asking for hot sauce and getting tabasco....

but as for the ketchup, im with everyone else here, heinz is the only way to go.


Attention K Mart Shoppers
Jul 19, 2002
New England
I always wondered why there wasn't more of a market for gourmet ketchup but I normally just use Heinz.