
CDDH Race Pictures (0422/2007)


Apr 25, 2007
I’ve posted most of my pictures from the first CHDH race this last Sunday. The weather was nice, but windy and most of the racers were fast (at least to me). I spent most of the day between the sharp left-hand turn to the double jump in the middle of the course.

There are separate folders for practice, race and awards / crowd pictures. There are over 1500 photos, mostly arranged by plate number. The site is:

http://bikeguy.smugmug.com/Mtn Bike Race Pictures/312287

Standard disclaimer, all the pictures are straight from the camera and just resized to speed the upload. You are free to use the photos for your personnel (not commercial use). The pictures should be edited (cropped, exposure fixed, dist edited, …).

I’ve posted a bunch of edited pictures. These will be full sized and edited (basically they look a bunch better than the straight from the camera photos). If you wish to us them for yourself, feel free.

If you see a picture that you want a full sized file, email me and I’ll try to post it

