
Cecil...injury question

I have a question that I think you may be able to answer for me.

If I remeber right you were a trainer and would know some things about the body.

About 6 weeks ago I was riding at Mansell and had to put my foot down in a corner as the bike was sliding. I thought I had jammed my knee in the process. At first it felt like that, but then it didn't seem to go away relatively quick as something like that usually does. Turns out that the pain or damage was worse than I thought. I had to leave after since I could barely stand on it. My knee swelled up like crazy and still hurt a bunch on the next day. I was hobbling around for a good week after and I still have a lot of trouble starting to walk from a seated position. I ice it every other day or so, but the condition is ongoing.
I am still limping on it and I think I may have ruptured my miniscus.
If you have any idea or info you or anyone else can give me I'd appreciate it.


e-douche of the year
Dec 1, 2006
Denver, CO
Sounds like it. Also could be an ACL or MCL. Definitely get it checked out ASAP. Ibuprofen and lots of water really help.


Turbo Monkey
Mar 6, 2002
Greenville, South Carolina
I am no Doctor, so first I would say go get it checked out ASAP by a Orthopedics Doctor. I would keep Icing it once an hour and keep it bent and elevated. Don't rap it if it's still has swelling. Ibuprofen will help a little with the swelling and pain till your Doctor gives you the real Meds....:D You could have done a few things. You could have ruptured your Bursa Sac, thorn your ACL or MCL. I hope its none as they all take a good while to recover from. I had surgery on my ACL, MCL, removed my T Band and Bursa Sac, and resurfaced my knee cap. All done to my right knee back in 2004. It took over 6 months to get it back to being able to stand and sprint on a bike again. I hope its not you case Bro!!!!!

If you do have surgery or need rehab, I would get in the Pool ASAP!!! Then start spinning when the Doctor releases you too.

Keep you Head Up and let use all know how your doing!!!



Delicate CUSTOM flower
Dec 11, 2001
Over your shoulder whispering
MRI is the only way to know exactly what you have done.
based solely on the swelling alone, an MRI would be a waste of money. They're going to have to go in and scope that knee anyway. Bet money that's what an ortho will tell him.

Tug. Tug. Wiggle. "Hmmmm...let's schedule surgery to go in and clean things up."

FYI Tom, if you don't have insurance, there are clinics (and they're hard to find) where doctors perform low cost surgery to the public as pro bono charity work.

It's a long waiting list usually and you have to call around to a lot of ortho's to find out which ones donate their time where, but it will be worth the wait.

Your swelling will go down and the pain subside almost totally, but your pain will come back when you least expect it. And usually it will hurt worse next time. Get it fixed so you can walk normal for the rest of your life.

Good luck and God Bless. Hope it all works out for the best Tom.:thumb:


Business is good, thanks for asking
Jun 4, 2006
I have no idea where I am
I am no Doctor, so first I would say go get it checked out ASAP by a Orthopedics Doctor.

Get it checked out, then ignore the creepy little man who says "you're going to neeeeeed surjuuury". Try physical therapy first and wear a neoprene brace. Remember, all Ortho docs want to cut on you so that's what they are going to tell you. I am a frequent flyer at the local physical therapy place and have avoided the knife every time.:thumb:


Turbo Monkey
Nov 11, 2005
Winston-Salem NC

Get it checked out, then ignore the creepy little man who says "you're going to neeeeeed surjuuury". Try physical therapy first and wear a neoprene brace. Remember, all Ortho docs want to cut on you so that's what they are going to tell you. I am a frequent flyer at the local physical therapy place and have avoided the knife every time.:thumb:
This is exactly what I'm doing right now


Delicate CUSTOM flower
Dec 11, 2001
Over your shoulder whispering

Get it checked out, then ignore the creepy little man who says "you're going to neeeeeed surjuuury". Try physical therapy first and wear a neoprene brace. Remember, all Ortho docs want to cut on you so that's what they are going to tell you. I am a frequent flyer at the local physical therapy place and have avoided the knife every time.:thumb:
...great advise there Wolverine. I forgot that ligaments and cartlidge repair themselves. How's that adamantium skeleton of yours?:rofl:
The ACL has been toast for a few years now so I know it's not that. Plus its a different pain.
No insurance right now so doctor is out. I've thought about the free/poor clinic but I think I still make too much money for that ($8/hr!). I put a post on the sorba forum asking if someone would look at it gratis or barter, but I guess the only profession not on that board is an ortopedist...
The swelling comes and goes now since it's been awhile and depends on how active I am during the day.
I'm thinking it's the bursa sac, haven't googled it, but isn't that what surrounds the miniscus? with the fluid and all...
And it's not like I'm really struggling to walk, just have a good limp for about ten to twelve steps.
The thing that really sucks is I was really training for the Champs in Sept. I still go to the gym and all and was even running on the tredmill and making good progress. Can't do that anymore- just walking to get warmed up and stuff. I have lost about 15 lbs so far.
I still want to win that race...


Oct 15, 2009
Im actually an MRI tech. No matter what, any Doc will have an mri scan before they slice your knee. It could be a number of things that happen when you planted your knee down, which absorbed the entire impact.
You def. could have torn a meniscus, but the swelling in my experience sounds like a ligament injury.
You have 4 main ligaments that stabilize your knee. Two in the middle the ACL and PCL that keeps your bones from sliding forward and back. And the other two are the LCL and MCL that run on the outside, they keep your femur and tibia from sliding side to side.
If you already had injury to one, then the force of the landing could have completely torn that ligament. Swelling might go down some but a full tear want be solved by laying off it for a while. Orthopedic sx will only solve this. Which I believe is a 6month recovery after sx. The ACL and PCL is a common injury.


Turbo Monkey
Aug 18, 2005
^^^ Best answer so far. No surgeon these days will operate without knowing what they are going in to fix.

Based on what you're saying, in the absence of clicking/popping/locking up a meniscus injury sounds less likely although not impossible. In an already unstable knee, a ligamentous injury is high on the list. A partial tear or strain will heal (like a sprained ankle), a full rupture, not so much. A lot of the stability of the knee joint actually comes from the surrounding muscles so a perfect set of ligaments is not absolutely necessary as you have already found with your ACL.

I don't think there's any harm in trying rest/ice/advil followed by PT especially if you don't have a definitive diagnosis and if seeing a doctor is not in the picture. That said, there's a fair chance PT alone won't cut it--hopefully that is not the case.

Good luck.