
Celine Dion Has Scarred me for life......


Turbo Monkey
Jun 19, 2003
So I walk into the office this morning and there is Christmas music playing over the intercom. They have never played music before, so I think "this is nice" with it being Christmas time and all.....

and then around 11:00 I noticed that the music changed, but didn't pay much attention.

Around 12:30 I have noticed that they are playing the same Celine Dion CD in repeat mode.....

Fast Forward to 3:30........I'm losing it! I like mellow music and all, and I'm sure that she is very talented, but she just isn't my cup of tea.

4:15 and I'm about to break out in a cold sweat.

4:45.....the phones aren't ringing!!!!! Why wont they ring?!?!?!

4:55 and I'm losing it.........

6:00 and I need to finish my Christmas shopping (to add to the craziness)....I say "screw it" and pick up the latest Shadows Fall CD and some beer to calm my shaky nerves......

8:00....already scared that they will be playing it in the morning when I walk in!

HELP! :help:


bikey's is cool
Jul 26, 2002
in a bear cave
You're the only person who has a valid complaint among all of us whiners who hoard the lounge board with our petty problems lately.....


Fear my banana
Apr 5, 2004
So Cal
That's just horrible. I feel for you...

When I was younger I worked in a hallmark store for a little bit. They played the easy listening station all day long. Because of that, to this day I still hate the song Kokomo by the Beach Boys.


Hey little girl, do you want some candy?
Oct 18, 2001
Reno 911
On VH-1 they had a "least metal moments" countdown. I think Celine Dione covering AC/DC "you shook me all night long" taking top honors. It was traumatizing.

You should have contacted your HR person complaining about inhuman work conditions;)


Apr 29, 2004
Miami, FL
My old place used to do that... then I found the volume control for the speaker and shut it off. If it's a typical ceiling office style - look at the speaker, there is a small hole in the cover in the middle, a small flathead screw driver will let you turn it down.

If not - stab the damn thing about 20 times... :evil:


Turbo Monkey
Nov 12, 2003
Sorry, I'm Canadian ..sorry...
I can see N8's headline post already:

Man has Ventura County shopping center locked down, Celine Dion christmas song played over mall PA system may be to blame.

I have to side with you jeb, I HATE Celine Dion.


Turbo Monkey
Jun 19, 2003
DAY 2:

Again I walk into the office.....but this time no music! I think "this is a good sign" and start my day.

9:00 The Christmas music starts (and I have NO problem with that)....but I have this fear that "she" will show up.

Just before 10:00 or so....I hear it, but cant stop it.....it's that freakin' Titanic song. I thought the first million times that I heard it yesterday would do me in, but this time I'm prepared "what doesn't kill me will make me stronger". Even if I could turn it down, I would still hear it from the hallway and other departments. I ask the guy that sits next to me if likes this stuff (he's from Canada) and he says "um...no" but I did get out of him that he went to one of her shows when he lived in Canada "the tickets were next to free or I wouldn't have gone". I laugh at him for a while and that helps me take my mind off things....

Approx 10:45 and I'm about ready to chew through my desk! I just heard some song that I had blocked out yesterday.....something about "treat hear like a lady" but like, somehow rapped (kinda). I my mouth starts to moisten like it always does before I projectile vomit....but then it's Christmas song!

Christmas songs for the next few hours and then the music stops.

4:00 and the Christmas music starts again (again, I'm cool with this).

5:00 and I'm headed for the door when I hear another one of those songs by "her" as if it's taunting my and saying "see you in the morning" :dead:

Austin Bike

Turbo Monkey
Jan 26, 2003
Duh, Austin
Technically, given the circumstances, nothing you do would be considered a crime at this point. I'd be eyeing the office supplies. A 3-hole punch makes festive snow for the hiliday season.


Turbo Monkey
Jun 19, 2003
DAY 3: The final chapter.......

Why is it the Christmas music changes, yet the jack-ass that is playing the music still plays that same Celine Dion CD???!! Yes, she was back in full force today. At least I wasn't the only person sick of it....the other 5 guys in the department were all commenting on how sick they were of hearing this............"music". I noticed another one today that I had somehow blocked out; I was told by the Canadian dude that it was a duet with her and Poveratti (sp). I say that they start using it in hospitals instead of a stomach pump to save on costs......

She tried and tried but I came out of this alive. Don't let yourself be subjected to this torment....... :nuts:

Signing off,



Sep 2, 2004
You should find out where the cd player is, destroy the Dion, insert some Led Zeppelin(or something of your liking), then duct tape the case shut.


Eastcoast Softcore
Staff member
Nov 7, 2001
behind the viewfinder
i heard "since i've been loving you" today on my mp3 player (forgot it was on there), and what a great song! it voids all the _in through the out door_ crap they excreted.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 18, 2002
Skookum said:
we'll give you Maine and a healthy chunk of Montana if you just please make it stop.....
LOL it was hard enough to get rid of her we really don;t want her back. I don;t think you could make an offer thats worth having her come back.


Aug 20, 2002
Chelsea, Quebek
can't yopu just ask to change the music, and if they don't just STOP working, just ask(say) 'I cannot work listening to that CD over and over again' and if they dont help you out, stop working.


Turbo Monkey
Dec 17, 2003
Colorado Springs
HTFR said:
can't yopu just ask to change the music, and if they don't just STOP working, just ask(say) 'I cannot work listening to that CD over and over again' and if they dont help you out, stop working.
Yeah, I dont know if I'd even tolerate it after a day of it....


Turbo Monkey
Jun 19, 2003
HTFR said:
can't yopu just ask to change the music, and if they don't just STOP working, just ask(say) 'I cannot work listening to that CD over and over again' and if they dont help you out, stop working.

In a big corporation it really doesn't work that way.....Also, I have to pay the mortgage, so I can put up with quite a bit (unfortunately)!