
Cell phones in cars....


I wish I was Canadian
Sep 8, 2001
Victoria, BC
I'm wondering what most people think of this? I just finished reading that a person who talks on the phone while they're driving is 7 times more likely to be in an accident.....whether they use a "hands free" phone or not. In Europe they are already banned in cars. Should we start moving towards the same?

I seriously doubt it will happen in California...because folks here just have to have them...but it seems like it's becoming a serious concern....what say you?......D


Jun 14, 2002
Vancouver Island
I say ban em. I have no problem pulling over to the side when I feel the need to make a call. If it rings when I'm driving, I just tell the person to hold on while I pull over. I do drive a standard which makes it a bit harder to talk on the phone, but I still feel uncomfortable if my attention isn't on the road.....especially with drivers here in Vancouver.

Damn True

Monkey Pimp
Sep 10, 2001
Between a rock and a hard place.
Ban cellphone use in cars. Why? Because some pretty model was hurt in a wreck in which the other driver was on the phone? Because of the distraction?

Well if that is the case I would love to see cops write tickets to drivers who are doing things that may distract them while driving.

Write a ticket to the guy changing the CD
to the guy fishing out then lighting a cigarette.
to the guy eating a burger
to the woman putting on makeup

Same thing right?
Is cell phone use any more distracting than any of the above?
No. Why is there no outcry to ban mascara use while driving?


Swift, Silent, Deadly!
Aug 16, 2001
Y'all can't see me...

Gotta agree with True here - there's plenty other things out there to distract drivers from the road and what is approaching, not just cell phones.

Here in Deutschland, it's a €500 fine for talking on your handy while the car is in motion without a hands-free device.

I have bought a hands-free device... it's a hell of alot cheaper than paying the fine!


Jan 18, 2002
Denver, CO
I say BAN THEM, I think they are much more dangerous than other "in car" distractions. I have not seen any statistics on it though.

I only know that I see plenty of people being stoopid with cell phones in their hands. I've never seen anyone being stupid with a burger or chaning a cd. I have seen a few make-up dolts too.


Jul 16, 2002
Glitter Gulch
ban them. i hate getting behind the idiot going 20 mph then 50 mph then 20 gain because they are paying too much attention to their phone and not to their driving. i talk on my phone while i am driving and i shouldnt so i would not be opposed to having to pull over to use it. i wish they were banned in all public places. i was in the bathroom at a restaraunt the other day and the lady in the stall next to mine was on the f'ing phone. give me a break.


Sep 10, 2002
Whay ban them? so we can have more stupid laws?

There are already laws in place for dealing with driving. If you crash due to using a cell phone, changing a cd, reaching down for directions you dropped, whatever....the punishment is called careless or reckless driving.

People need to stop creating laws when we have perfectly good ones already in place.


I've seen it all. A guy reading the newpaper while driving... and I don't mean at a red light either! Women putting on make-up. I saw someone fully turned around trying to fetch something out of the back seat while driving. Then of course there are the usual idiots on cell phones that will cut across 3 lanes of traffic without looking cuz they're so into their phone conversation.


I Love Cheap Beer!
They're "banned" here in NY unless you use a hands-free. Tho' that doesn't stop you from seeing people with them pressed against their ears as normal. Basically the law's a joke. I can't tell you how many times I've almost been clipped by someone trying to talk and negotiate a turn at the same time.
Worse yet, I once saw a woman trying to hide that she was using her cell without a hands free: she was slouched down in her seat, her head cranked to one side barely able to see over the wheel, let alone the dashboard. Because of this, she was going 40mph on the highway not able to keep in her lane. Very inconspicuous. :rolleyes:


Aug 9, 2001
Idaho (no really!)
Good Phone Fun....

Next time somebody is using the phone in a public setting. Pull out a sheet of paper and start taking notes on their conversation. :p

How about those damn nextel phones with the two way radio? Now you get to hear both ends of the conversation while you eat your lunch. :rolleyes:

Cell phones have been proven to be deadly when driving. I cringe knowing my girlfriend is on the road with her wacko clients, as she drives and talks into her phone and takes notes...... :confused:

I can't stop her, maybe Johnny Law can?


May 2, 2002
Tucson, beatch!
I say "ban 'em!"

Sure, there are many other distractions that won't get banned... ie... eating, putting on mascara, reading, changing CDs/tapes, etc....

However, my main beef with cell phones is that it takes your mind away from what it should be concentrating on, which is DRIVING YOUR FREAKING CAR. People think about their conversation and not on what is going on around their 2500 pound hunk of speeding metal. I even get pissed at those drivers who "talk with their hands" with their passengers, too!

Eating and changing CDs can be done without taking your eyes off the road if you are orgainzed enough (though I HATE eating in the car.) Reading and mascara... um yeah.... put that right up there with "most idiotic things to do while driving."

Me... when I drive, I do just that.... drive.

My rant is over. :D


Jan 18, 2002
Denver, CO
Originally posted by Triphop
Whay ban them? so we can have more stupid laws?

There are already laws in place for dealing with driving. If you crash due to using a cell phone, changing a cd, reaching down for directions you dropped, whatever....the punishment is called careless or reckless driving.

People need to stop creating laws when we have perfectly good ones already in place.
That's a very good point. We certainly have plenty of laws already. Some of them are pretty stupid too.

I suppose there might be a deterent effect to that kind of law. It would also give the coppers a chance to give people tickets BEFORE they are driving recklessly.


Jul 16, 2002
Glitter Gulch
Originally posted by Triphop
Whay ban them? so we can have more stupid laws?

There are already laws in place for dealing with driving. If you crash due to using a cell phone, changing a cd, reaching down for directions you dropped, whatever....the punishment is called careless or reckless driving.

People need to stop creating laws when we have perfectly good ones already in place.
if you are going to pull some one over for speeding, following too close, rolling through a stop sign ect. then people should be ticketed for talking on cell phones. if it is obvious that it effects the way they are driving. 20 years ago people could make it for a 30 minute commute without having to be on the phone and they can do it today.

Damn True

Monkey Pimp
Sep 10, 2001
Between a rock and a hard place.
Originally posted by laura

if you are going to pull some one over for speeding, following too close, rolling through a stop sign ect. then people should be ticketed for talking on cell phones. if it is obvious that it effects the way they are driving. 20 years ago people could make it for a 30 minute commute without having to be on the phone and they can do it today.
Ok then, no more make-up ladies!


Rex Grossman Will Rise Again
Jul 4, 2002
Ha Ha Ha.....

How does one go about finding that one is 7 times more likely to crash while using a cell phone?

Take all the accidents in the world.....then find out which ones had cell phones involved. Each time someone crashed without a cell phone 7 more crashed with one?

That is not true.

Where do these stats come from?


I wish I was Canadian
Sep 8, 2001
Victoria, BC
Originally posted by BurlySurly
Ha Ha Ha.....

How does one go about finding that one is 7 times more likely to crash while using a cell phone?

Take all the accidents in the world.....then find out which ones had cell phones involved. Each time someone crashed without a cell phone 7 more crashed with one?

That is not true.

Where do these stats come from?
http://www.nhtsa.dot.gov/ ...there....now you can look it up just like I did....D


Jul 16, 2002
Glitter Gulch
Originally posted by Damn True

Ok then, no more make-up ladies!
exactly.....you shouldnt do anything in your car besides drive.

i personally dont trust other drivers enough for me to do other things while i drive. i think memphis has got one of the highest fatality rates from car wrecksin the country.:eek:


Mar 13, 2002
Originally posted by Triphop
Whay ban them? so we can have more stupid laws?

There are already laws in place for dealing with driving. If you crash due to using a cell phone, changing a cd, reaching down for directions you dropped, whatever....the punishment is called careless or reckless driving.

People need to stop creating laws when we have perfectly good ones already in place.
I think you're severely missing the point, laws are about deterrence and prevention, not punishment. well, they should be, and most are. so the point is, when people know they would get fined for using their cell phone in their car, then they won't do it, not so they can be punished after they've had an accident and someone is already hurt or worse.
as a courier in boston, you have no idea how many times i get almost hit by people talking on their cellphones. i think that laws like the ones in NYC would be great to have everywhere.



resident influencer
Sep 21, 2001
If I am ever involved in an accident caused by someone talking on a cell phone, they will meet the same fate as someone who is driving drunk: tire iron to the head.



bikey's is cool
Jul 26, 2002
in a bear cave
I must confess i talk on the phone and drive on occasion. But i also eat and drive. I've dropped burgers and phones on the seat or my lap to put my direct focus on my driving. A majority of people don't. If i'm on the phone i will get to the point and let someone go, i will drop someone in mid conversation to merge correctly in traffic then pick back up and continue the conversation. I know it impairs my driving, but i'm an excellent driver anyways so i dont care about myself. Other people suck not me.:D I know it's hard to believe, but it's soooo true.:)


Sep 10, 2002
Scofflaw and Laura...I am not missing the point at all. You are saying that because talking on a cell phone while driving *could* result in a potentially dangerous situation, then we should ban cell phones while driving. Well, using that logic, we should ban driving with kids in the car because they create distractions for the driver, which *could* result in a potentially dangerous situation. Driving itself is potentially dangerous, it is an accepted risk.

Scofflaw...I understand where you are coming from, especially being a bike messenger, but to that I must say, you understand and accept the risks of your profession of choice. Because you choose to ride a bicycle among 2000lb. vehicles, don't try to infringe upon my freedoms. I am able to drive safely while talking on my phone, if I crash, run a red light, etc., there are laws already in place to deal with my infractions of the traffic code.

Laws are written with punishments for breaking the law, the punishment acts as the deterrent...it shouldn't be the law itself as the deterrrent.


Sep 10, 2002
Ummm...yes you did. So I appropriately responded to you in addition to Scofflaw. See your post quoting my original post below. Maybe you were speaking to another Triphop? :rolleyes:

Regardless...not preaching, just trying to introduce some reason and logic in an otherwise emotionally driven debate.

Originally posted by Triphop
Whay ban them? so we can have more stupid laws?

There are already laws in place for dealing with driving. If you crash due to using a cell phone, changing a cd, reaching down for directions you dropped, whatever....the punishment is called careless or reckless driving.

People need to stop creating laws when we have perfectly good ones already in place.

if you are going to pull some one over for speeding, following too close, rolling through a stop sign ect. then people should be ticketed for talking on cell phones. if it is obvious that it effects the way they are driving. 20 years ago people could make it for a 30 minute commute without having to be on the phone and they can do it today.
Originally posted by Triphop
Whay ban them? so we can have more stupid laws?
we have so many stupid laws because there are so many stupid people...



unfortunately, these stupid people often hurt others in the process of living their "free" lives.

so, i'll probably be in favor of mandatory hands free kits for car cell phone use.


Sep 10, 2002
Dirtgirl...I see your point...however, with freedom comes the risk that some may not handle their freedoms responsibility or in fact may abuse it. That is the trade off.

IMO, laws should not be enacted limiting everyones freedom, because of the irresponsible actions of a few.

I suppose that if legislation is to be passed...requiring the use of a hands free unit is a reasonable compromise.

Hereis a quote, perhaps a bit extreme for this example, but it is something that I believe deeply in...

"Those who desire to give up freedom in order to gain temporary security, will not have, nor do they deserve, either one."
-Benjamin Franklin


In dog years I'm dead
Aug 23, 2001
Salinas, CA
I must admit that I do some pretty outlandish things when I drive including eating breakfast and changing into cycling clothes (about 20% of all rides during the week). So, this may disqualify me but here's my 2 centavos anyway.... I think we should ban cell phone use in cars. Of all the non-driving things I do in my car, the use of my cell phone distances me the most from the mechanics of driving by far compared to anything else. There's this remote control mode that I think most drivers go into that can't be safe. At least when I'm changing into bike shorts (driving w/my knee), I'm totally focused (to the point of hyper-vigilance) about both getting those babies up and around my butt asap as I am with the happenings on the road in front of me.


Jun 23, 2002
I have done a lot of things with my hands while driving that I am not even going to share and although I use a cell phone in my bussiness I also believe they are a problem.I can wait a few more minutes to make a call.Although I have never had a wreck using one I have come close and the point is I am not paying attention.Unfournately we live in a society that everything has to be available NOW.There is no patience.Why do you think road rage exist.I will be inconvienced but I will get over it.Houston is passing a law banning them after the 1st and I am not opposed to it.


Rex Grossman Will Rise Again
Jul 4, 2002
Some people cant walk and chew gum at the same time.

There are people who can talk on the phone and drive at the same time, and there are those who cant, just like there are those who can put one make up and eat, and those who cannot. Another law wont stop people from using the phone anyway, it'll just creat more criminals out of people who really arent doing anything wrong.

I live on a military base where cell-phone driving is prohibited, but i do it anyway, just like most other people here. A law wont accomplish anything but more money in citations for the police. Woohoo.
Originally posted by Triphop
IMO, laws should not be enacted limiting everyones freedom, because of the irresponsible actions of a few.
trip, i agree with most of what you said accept for that, because old Benny also had a hand in the following...

"..certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed"

so, we have to strike a balance between freedom and safety. i'm with you, i don't like to give up individuals freedoms, but sometimes the harm that individuals with freedom do reaches a point where we as a society must do something to protect the innocents (after all, we're a democracy, not an anarchy).

otherwise, you have a lot of people running around enjoying their personal liberty and freedom, while impinging on the "life, liberty and pursuit of happiness" of those around them.

ok, i'll shut up now. wow, i'm here at work too late. can we pass a law making it illegal to work overtime? this impinges on my pursuit of happiness. ;)


Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001
Originally posted by -BB-
So what is the difference between talking on a "Hands free" phone, and talking to your passenger?
Ban passengers! :D


I wish I was Canadian
Sep 8, 2001
Victoria, BC
Originally posted by TimothyL
Unfournately we live in a society that everything has to be available NOW.There is no patience.Why do you think road rage exist.I will be inconvienced but I will get over it.Houston is passing a law banning them after the 1st and I am not opposed to it.
I think you have a very valid point here.....I have to say I agree with Laura......10 years ago everyone seemed to be able to wait to talk on the phone until they got home...so why can't they do it now....as for me I refuse to talk to anyone of my friends if they're driving but they don't always tell the truth and sometimes I can't tell....it's a tough call.......D


I wish I was Canadian
Sep 8, 2001
Victoria, BC
Originally posted by -BB-
So what is the difference between talking on a "Hands free" phone, and talking to your passenger?
they addressed that on the on the nhtsa site...something about a passenger knowing when to pause in a conversation vs. someone on the cell phone who keeps on talking because they can't see the road......D


Rex Grossman Will Rise Again
Jul 4, 2002
Originally posted by BMXman

they addressed that on the on the nhtsa site...something about a passenger knowing when to pause in a conversation vs. someone on the cell phone who keeps on talking because they can't see the road......D
Of course....kids in the back seat always know when to pause...just like senior citizens, the blind and the mentally handicapped, drunk passengers too. :rolleyes:


Jul 16, 2002
Glitter Gulch
Originally posted by Triphop
Ummm...yes you did. So I appropriately responded to you in addition to Scofflaw. See your post quoting my original post below. Maybe you were speaking to another Triphop? :rolleyes:

Regardless...not preaching, just trying to introduce some reason and logic in an otherwise emotionally driven debate.

i am so sorry, i had not realized that i was quoting you. i was just making a broad statement i was not meaning to talk directly at you, my apologies.


Sep 10, 2002
Laura...np! :)

Dirtgirl...I hear you. But, I don't think the government represents the constituents very well...this is an issue that should be voted on by the poeple not legislators. And no longer does the government derive its power from our consent, but from the dollar.

As BurlySurly stated, a law banning cell phones only serves to bring in more money for the government and its agencies. Same deal with the seat belt law...why should you be forced to wear a seatbelt? The government passes the law under the guise of trying to protect you from yourself (which it shouldn't be concerned with in the first place) when their actual motivation is that they saw an opportunity to take more money from the people. And Burly also pointed out that illegal cell phone use is a victimless crime. Granted someone using a cell phone while driving may injure another, but there are laws already in place for dealing with that situation.

Anyway...we can agree to disagree. :)

Damn True

Monkey Pimp
Sep 10, 2001
Between a rock and a hard place.
Seat belt laws aren't about the Govt. trying to protect you. Cell phone laws aren't about the Govt. trying to protect you.

The exist because insurance companies are some of the strongest lobbies in existance. If the number of injuries goes down the amount the insurance companies pay out goes down and they keep more of the money we pay them.