
Centennial Cone - dialup beware


Turbo Monkey
Jun 14, 2003
Denver, CO
Memorial Day found me with nothing to do. The girls were at their babysitter, and Steph's friend had picked her up at 5:30am to go run the Boulder Bolder 10K. After a bit of internal debate (fighting the demons of laziness) I packed up and headed west to Centennial Cone park. CC is the epitome of buff singletrack and is an awesome beginner trail near Denver. I would have liked a little more technical stuff, but this is a really really nice trail. The constant rolling trail was rarely flat, but the climbs and descents were very moderate by front range standards. Some parts of it are closed for elk calving, but the open section is about 8 miles of rolling singletrack that looks down Clear Creek Canyon. As an out-n-back I put in a little over 16 miles.

I'll let the pictures speak for themselves...

Yeti sighting

Tons of wild flowers everywhere



Turbo Monkey
Jun 14, 2003
Denver, CO
Cool report. Where is this trail? I have never heard of it?

North Access -- Horse Trailers permitted. Take Colorado Hwy. 93 north from Golden approximately one mile to Golden Gate Canyon Rd. Travel west about 8 miles to Robinson Hill Rd. Travel west about eight miles to Robinson Hill Rd. Turn left and continue to Camino Perdido, the north access road into the park. The trailhead is approximately one mile to the south.

West Access -- No horse trailers allowed. From West U.S. Hwy. 6 and State Hwy. 93 west of Golden, travel west on Hwy. 6 about 11 miles. Turn right at Hwy. 119, and travel about 1/2 mile. Turn right onto Douglas Mountain Road and travel about one mile to Centennial Cone Road. Turn right and travel and go about a mile to Centennial Cone Rd., the west entry to the park


I started at the West lot and rode East/North until I got to the north lot, then turned around.


Turbo Monkey
Sep 28, 2004
I'd kill to ride something that nice... Looks like such a nice trail! Bravo!


Get your pork here.
Sep 26, 2001
COlo style

North Access -- Horse Trailers permitted. Take Colorado Hwy. 93 north from Golden approximately one mile to Golden Gate Canyon Rd. Travel west about 8 miles to Robinson Hill Rd. Travel west about eight miles to Robinson Hill Rd. Turn left and continue to Camino Perdido, the north access road into the park. The trailhead is approximately one mile to the south.

West Access -- No horse trailers allowed. From West U.S. Hwy. 6 and State Hwy. 93 west of Golden, travel west on Hwy. 6 about 11 miles. Turn right at Hwy. 119, and travel about 1/2 mile. Turn right onto Douglas Mountain Road and travel about one mile to Centennial Cone Road. Turn right and travel and go about a mile to Centennial Cone Rd., the west entry to the park


I started at the West lot and rode East/North until I got to the north lot, then turned around.

Thank you! :clapping: Always good to go check something new out. I will have to do it soon.


Turbo Monkey
Jun 14, 2003
Denver, CO
How kid-friendly is that singletrack? I'm looking for something that my 4&6 year olds can ride...
Hmmmmm. I'm not sure. The trail is pretty narrow and there are a number of sections where the down slope side is pretty steep. If one of them were to wreck and fall to the wrong side, they would tumble quite a ways.

Edit: Its a great hiking trail, so maybe take them there for a hike and look it over yourself? You'll want to check the below link before you go, as Jeff Co has set up alternate biking/hiking days on the weekends (weekdays are open to everyone).
