
CHAIN and CHINA share the same letters. Thursday GEE EM TEE &*&*&*&*&*


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
It would be the counties sack

I hear ya but real estate prices for an existing house doesn't make sense right now with the economy and market. way cheaper to build right meow.

Time to grease the skids or find the loopholes. Generally the annoying bureaucrats that tell you this shit don't actually know the laws, they just tell you to do things to make themselves feel important.


Joe Dalton
Apr 18, 2002
It would be the counties sack

I hear ya but real estate prices for an existing house doesn't make sense right now with the economy and market. way cheaper to build right meow.
So what's an easement? Is it like a right of way that is notarized, or more like an acquired tolerance of passage? Just not familiar with the US terminology.


Turbo Monkey
Sep 2, 2004
McMinnville, OR
Called for a driveway inspection and the county road dept is now trying to make me do an emergency vehicle turnaround (in an easement) and widen the street to county standards when none of it is on my property and has been existing since 2005. The dude below toshis parents cut back his property to where he took the subgrade out of the road and it isn't 14' any longer.

He never mentioned the driveway, I am about to armor up a D8
The BS shenanigans I went through with my driveway almost made me walk away from my current place.

Firemarshall wanted a regrade, expansion to 20’ of SURFACE, new base and a 30’ x 60’ turnout every 300’ on 1 mile of county owned privately maintained road and another half mile of my easement/ driveway!

I really thought I was gonna go to jail a couple of times.

In other words, I feel your pain!


free wieners
Time to grease the skids or find the loopholes. Generally the annoying bureaucrats that tell you this shit don't actually know the laws, they just tell you to do things to make themselves feel important.
The kid at hte road dept really has no clue what he is doing and it shows, I know the codes front and back but the county cannot make me improve property that doesnt belong to me nor can they make me do improvements on a road that isnt up to code from the start.

He also doesn't realize I can file a release and indemnification that releases me from any of the inspection results they are imposeing.
So what's an easement? Is it like a right of way that is notarized, or more like an acquired tolerance of passage? Just not familiar with the US terminology.
In this county, the easement is the right of way 14' in between properties that are considered the "public road" but in this case, only the county owns the road easement thus making it their responsibility to improve the public access if needed since they own the easement.

The BS shenanigans I went through with my driveway almost made me walk away from my current place.

Firemarshall wanted a regrade, expansion to 20’ of SURFACE, new base and a 30’ x 60’ turnout every 300’ on 1 mile of county owned privately maintained road and another half mile of my easement/ driveway!

I really thought I was gonna go to jail a couple of times.

In other words, I feel your pain!
Yeah, samesie gerl, samsies

They want an emergency vehicle turn around to the tune of a 120-foot circle or a 60' T shape but there is only 14' of the road to work with and the utilities and transformers are in that 14 feet as well as the fact I am not the end of the road, there are two properties past me.


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
do you need to ziptie it to your leg when you run now or what


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
The wife is pissed. I've been playing videogames all day. I haven't done that in a while, but the first Red Dead Redemption was on sale and I'd never played it, only the second one. It doesn't show predators on the map so I keep getting ate by bears, cougars, and sometimes wolves. I have a fighting chance with the wolves, but the bears fuck me up in pairs. :rofl:
