
Chain cleaning

Do the clamp on chain cleaners actually work, and do the brushes last long enough to make the purchase practical? I have always used an old tooth brush and take the time to scrub it clean. I see several of these clamp on style chain cleaners like the one made by Park. Anyone have an opinion?


find me a tampon
Jul 20, 2002
Orange County, CA
I've used both the Finishline and the Park Cleaners. I prefer the Park, the Finishline one was great at first, but wore out too quickly. The Park also seems to get the chain cleaner. I wouldn't use either of them inside, but they don't make that much of a mess if used properly.

If you decide to go with one, make sure you use Simple Green instead of bike specific solvent. It's a hell of a lot cheaper.


Jul 21, 2002
i used two mountain dew bottles. they've got wide mouths...

i fill the first one with enviro-degreaser (citrus), add chain and shake furiously.

i rinse the chain with hot water. dry as well as you can.

the second m.dew bottle is filled with lube. put in dry chain and shake it all about. do the hokey-pokey....

i put the chain back on the bike. not as messy as the park cleaner. i reuse the citrus degreaser about ten times before i dispose of it... not down the drain, but in a big pail that might get full one day.