
Chain Questions Can I do it?


Nov 21, 2005
So this may seem stupid to some people on here but im wondering how practicle of an idea I had is. I am getting a new singlespeed chain that is colored. They have two colors, one is my first choice and the other is the color of my bike. I thought it would look cool to use the two colors and have every other link alternating colors. Yes its alot of tedious work with a chain tool to do this, but I can deal with that.

Curious if this would be bad to break every link and put it back together. Would I seriously be affecting the strength of the chain if I did this? I would of course be paying attention and make sure that I put the pins back in correctly. Just wanna make sure it wouldn't f up the chain.

Any feedback is helpful! I think it would look really cool

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
I'm told that breaking a chain affects its strength unless you use something like an SRAM PowerLink.

Makes sense - anything that is a press fit (like your link pins are) relies on a tight tolerance to provide a good fit. Every time you remove and re-install a press fit item, you're damaging that tolerance just a little bit.

Shimano includes special pins to be used when you break a chain and put it back together - they do not recommend using the same pin.

Not to mention, have you ever actually tried using the same pin you removed from the chain to put it back together? It's a royal pain and it's pretty easy to damage your chain link. Shimano's replacement pins include a small tapered head that breaks off so that the head guides the pin in gently and doesn't damage your chain.

Might look cool, but don't do it.


Nov 21, 2005
binary visions said:
Not to mention, have you ever actually tried using the same pin you removed from the chain to put it back together? It's a royal pain and it's pretty easy to damage your chain link. Shimano's replacement pins include a small tapered head that breaks off so that the head guides the pin in gently and doesn't damage your chain.

Might look cool, but don't do it.
Yah I have. Its even more fun when the chain your trying to fix is from a dirty oily old forklift. Its a bitch and a half. I repair machinary and weld things like broken shipping equipment for a living so the work doesn't really scare me. all my experiance has been with picky shimano or SRAM chains never with a Single Speed which is usually larger and stronger to begin with.

Hrmmm..... maybe ill just quarter the chain and do it that way. Thats 4 pins and if it breaks I don't really care its a $10 chain and i always carry backups and a tool. Everyother link would be a little much. I am currently running an 8spd chain on my bike and have taken apart the same cheapo chain more then 5 times and have yet to have any major failure.

Also, if you dont press the pin all the way out when you change the pin it makes it much easier to put it back in, you just gotta have the right touch.