
Chain rubbing againts front derailer


Jun 2, 2004
South Africa
Went down a slight hill into a river with a concrete bottom, water was about 2 inches high. As I hit the end of the river I crashed as my front tyre slidded on some green algea slime stuff.
Anyway, got home washed the bike etc, and now my chain are rubbing againts the front derailer on the inside. I checked the derailer, does not look bend to me. I tried adjusting the two little screws there, but they don't seem to have much effect. Anything else that I am missing that I can adjust to move the front derailer slightly out to make a clearing for the chain while in the middle cog?
This is just a quick fix, to allow me to ride until the end of the week, when the bike goes in for it's first service at the LBS.


Jul 2, 2001
Hershey, PA
It sounds like maybe your cable was stretched in the crash. Does it still shift okay? Try using the barrel adjuster at the shifter to move it a little bit.


Leader and Demogogue of the Ridemonkey Satinists
Oct 26, 2001
chez moi
The screws won't affect the front derailleur when it's in the middle ring. It's probably your cable tension.

The screws set the absolute physical limit to which the derailleur can move to the outboard and inboard, and should be adjusted with the cable disconnected or at least totally slacked out. The cable tension affects exactly where in that range of motion the derailleur actually moves.

You might dial out just a little of the tension and see what happens. Turn the barrel adjuster in (clockwise) at the shifter. This shortens the effective length of the cable housing, thus removing a bit of tension from the cable.
www.parktool.com should have detailed adjustment instructions.